Unit 3: Chapter 9: Market Structure and Competition Flashcards
Define the Term: Market
Arrangements that people have developed for trading with one another
Define the Term: Competition
The struggle each business experiences as it seeks to survive within markets
Define the Term: Industry
A group of businesses that share common concerns, sell a similar product, or produce their products in a similar way
Define the Term: Differentiated Products
Products that are within the same industry but are clearly, visibly different from their competitors
Define the Term: Undifferentiated Products
Products that are exactly alike within and industry and don’t vary significantly enough from producer to producer
Define the Term: Barrier to Entry
Any significant obstacle that prevents or hinders a new firm from entering an industry and competing on an equal basis with established businesses
What are the two types of Barrier to entry?
Define the Term: Natural Barriers to entry
When a business already in the industry owns all of a vital natural resource that a new firm would need to enter the market
Define the Term: Artificial Barriers to Entry
Come from governmental regulation or licensing restrictions that prevent a new business from producing within an industry
What are the 4 types of competition?
Imperfect (monopolistic)
Define the Term: Perfect Competition
Unlimited number of firms, zero product differences, no control of price, and easy entrance/exit into and out of the market
Define the Term: Imperfect Competition
Large number of firms
Some product differentiation
Limited control of price
Some small barriers to entry but not significant
Define the Term: Oligopoly
Few number of businesses (as few as 2)
Differentiation depends heavily on industry (gas vs cars)
Businesses have significant control of price and can change their prices to influence competitors
Difficult to enter/exit the market due to high start up cost
Define the Term: Monopoly
Only one supplier/firm
No product differentiation
Complete control of price
Almost impossible to enter/exit the market
What are the two types of Monopoly?
Natural / Legal
Define the Term: Natural Monopoly
When a business controls all of the resources needed to engage in the industry
Define the Term: Legal Monopoly
When a government has allowed a business exclusive rights to provide a good or service
What are the 5 Major laws restricting/controlling monopolies?
Sherman Antitrust Act Clayton Act Federal Trade Commission Act Robinson Patman Act Celler-Kefauver Act
Define the Term: Trust
When industries put their controlling interests into a trust and assign someone to look after the affairs of all companies within the trust