Unit 3 Chapter 5 section 1,2,3,4,5 Flashcards
people who settled on the greek mainland around 2000 bc
mycenaeans vs troy (10 years)
trojan war
moved to the war-torn country side
greatest story teller of all time
narrative stories celebrating heroic deeds
traditional stories
what impact did the nearness to the sea have on the development of greece
trade routes
what aspects of culture did the mycenaeans adopt from the minoans
trades design writing system religion politics literature
why were the epics of importance to the greeks of the dorian period
people couldnt read but could talk to each other so teller stories by word of mouth was understandable
greek city states
fortified hilltop in an ancient greek city
a gov in which power is in the hands of 1 person
power is ruled by small self appointed elite
power is in the hands of a heredity ruling class
people who gain power by force
a gov ruled by many
particular group of people
a row of soldiers shoulder to shoulder carrying spears
5th century bce wars between persian empires and greek city-states
persian wars
how does an aristocracy differ from an oligarchy
the aristocracy was made of nobles while oligarchy was just powerful people
what contributions did solon and cleisthenes make to the development of athenian democracy
outlawed by debt slavery cleisthenes broke up power of nobility by organizing citizens into groups based on area
how did athens benefit from victory in the persian wars
athens emerged as leader of delian league which had grown into atleast 200 city states
gov where citizens rule directly not through representatives
direct democracy
their values of harmony order balance and proportion
classical art
drama about common themes
sparta vs athens
peloponnessian war
“lovers of wisdom”
a critic sophist
a student of socrates
philosopher questioning nature of world
what steps did pericles take to strengthen democracy in athens
increased # of paid officials
what were the battle strategies of athens and sparta in the peloponnessian war
fight at sea
Sparta -
fight on land
why do you think some athenians found the ideas of socrates so disturbing
they never asked to questions own morals
egyptian, persian, and indian cultures blending
hellenstic culture
center of commerce
highly regarded mathmetician
hellenistic scientist
the largest hellenstic statue
collosus of rhodes
how did trade contribute to cultural diversity in the hellenistic city of alexandria
it made it so that it became an international community with many different cultures
how did euclid influence some of the developments in astronomy during the hellenstic city of alexandria
the astronomers erastothenes and aristarchus used his geometry
what did stoicism and epicureanism have in common
both promote having social unity
king of macedonia
phillip ii
north of greece
philips son
alexander the great
persian king
darius iii
how did philip ii conquer greece
phalanx of 16 men across and deep
philip ii’s goal was to conquer persia. why did alexander continue his campaign of conquest after this goal has already been achieved
he knew he could expand the empire even more
what happened to alexanders empire after his death
his land was split between his 3 generals