UNIT 3. Chapter 17: Marketing mix - promotion and place Flashcards
Def. Promotion
And types of promotion? (7)
The use of advertising, sales promotion or any other means to inform potential consumers of the product and persuade them to buy it. • Advertising • Sales promotion • Personal selling • Direct mail • Trade fairs and exhibitions • Sponsorship • Public relations
Examples of promotion objectives?
- To increase sales by raising consumer awareness of the product
- To remind consumers of an existing product and its distinctive qualities
- To develop or adapt the public image of the business
Def. Promotion mix
The combination of promotional techniques that a firm uses to sell of product.
Def. Above the line promotion
A form of promotion that is undertaken by a business by paying for communication with consumers. e.g. Advertising
Def. Advertising
Communicating information about a product or business through the media.
What are the two types of advertising?
- Information advertising: adverts that give information, like price or main features, of the product rather than creating brand image.
- Persuasive advertising: Creating distinct image for the product and may not contain any technical information about the product.
What are the factors to consider when choosing media for advertising? (5)
- Cost
- Size of audience
- Profile of the targeted audience like age, sex, income and interests
- The content of the advertisement
- The law and other constraints
Def. Below the line promotion
Promotion that is not directly paid for means of communication, but based on short term incentives to purchase. e.g sales promotion, personal selling, direct mail, trade fairs and exhibitions, sponsorship and public relations.
Def. Sales promotion
Incentives such as special offers or special deals directed at consumers or retailers to achieve short term sales increases and repeat purchases by consumers. e.g. temporary reduction in price (10%), coupons, ‘buy one get one free’.
Def. Personal selling
A sales staff communicates with one consumer with the aim of selling the product and establishing a long term relationship between company and consumer.
Def. Branding
The strategy of differentiating products from those of competitors by creating an identifiable image and clear expectations about a product.
What are the benefits of an effective brand identity? (3)
- Clearly differentiate the product from others’
- Reduce price elasticity of demand
- Increase consumer loyalty to brands
How can a business determine the spending limits for promotion?
- A percentage of sales: marketing budget would vary with sales. The flaw is that with low sales, the less promotion.
- Objective base budgeting: sees how much sales needed to be made to reach target and assess how much supporting expenditure is needed.
- Competitor based budget
- What business can afford
- Incremental budgeting: Taking last year’s budget and adding a percentage that reflects sales targets.
What are the functions of packaging?
- Protect and contain the product
- Give information about the product e.g. ingredients
- Support the image of the product
- Aid the recognition of the product
Def. Channel of distribution
This refers to the chain of intermediates a product passes through from producer to final consumer.
What are the three most commonly used channel distributions?
- Manufacturer to consumer (no intermediates) e.g. Farmers market
- Manufacturer to retailer to consumer (1 intermediate) e.g. some super markets that hold their own stock
- Manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer (2intermediates) e.g. Soft drinks manufactures over seas
Benefits and limitations for no intermediates? (4 4)
• Producer has complete control over marketing mix
• Quicker than other channels
• Fresher products
• Direct contact with consumer offers good market research.
• Cost of storage for inventory
• No retail outlets so consumer can’t see the product first
• Location may not be convenient for consumer
• Deliveries may be expensive
Benefits and limitations for 1 intermediate? (4 3)
• No storage costs
• Retail does product display
• Retailer’s are in locations more convenient for consumers
• Producers can focus on production
• Profit mark up making products more expensive
• Producers lose some control over marketing mix
• Deliveries may be expensive
Benefits and limitations for 2 intermediates? (4 3)
Benefits: • Wholesalers buy in larger bulks • No storage costs • No delivery costs • Allows producers to enter foreign markets Limitations: • More profit mark up • More loss of control over marketing mix • Slows down the distribution chain.
Factors influencing choice of distribution channels
- Industrial products tend to be sold directly with fewer intermediates than consumer goods
- Geographical dispersion
- The level of service expected by consumers
- Unit value of the product e.g. selling a yacht is worth hiring staff to help sell
- Number of potential customers - direct selling for little number of potential staff like aircrafts
Def. Internet marketing
The marketing of products over the internet.
Benefits and limitations to Internet marketing (5 4)
• Relatively inexpensive
• Easier to reach world wide audience
• Easier to collect market research
• Convenient for consumers
• Dynamic pricing - charging different pricing to different consumers - is easier.
• Consumers do not get to touch, or smell tangible goods before buying.
• Increase in product returns
• Cost and unreliability of postal services in some countries
• Consumers’ worry about internet security.
Def. Viral marketing
The use of social networking sites or SMS text messages to increase brand awareness or sell products.