unit 3: biological and psychological positivism Flashcards
3 major approaches of positivism
,19th centry
a shift from philosophizing to more rigorous, scientific enterprise
- beliefs society is always processing, and scientists can understand how society overcomes social problems using scientific methods
- consolidation of capitalism and capitalist mode of production: major technological development
the entrenchment of mass industrial production and growth of urban centers, working class
central ideas of positivism
- society viewed as an organism made up of different components
- crime is explained by reference to factors outside of individual decision making
- crime is deviant
- can be studied in a scientific manner and extended beyond legal definition
- justify and explain colonialism and imperialism
- promote racist biological determinism
Darwin’s theory of evolution misappropriated
focus on analysis, positivism
- characteristics of offender
- what factors are related
- find answers thru science
- attempts to measure unrecorded crime and deviant behavior
cause of crime, positivism
- individual deficiency
- not a matter of individual choice
- pathology, illness, bio-chemestry….
nature of offender, positivism
- determined and/or predisposed to certain types of behavior
- ## biological and social conditioning and individual differences
indeterminate sentences
punishment shouldn’t depend on the nature of the criminal act but the nature of the offence, diagnosis and classification of the offender
response to crime, positivism
- diagnosis on an individual basis
crime prevention, positivism
- early intervantion
biological positivism
- Crime was a form of inherited behavior and genes, criminality was biologically determined.
- Criminal behavior not determined by social arrangements but by personal deficiencies.
- known for his work The criminal man (1876)
- influenced by evolutionary theories and attempted to classify individuals on biological differences
- criminal was born rather than socialized (atavism)
- believed criminals 1/3 were carnivores cave dwellers
- from of criminal anthropology, emerged that posited a general theory of crime based on measurable differences between criminals and non-criminals
Cesare Lombroso
biological deterministic view
- cesare lombroso, failed attempt to establish a link between criminal traits and stages of evolution by studying cadavers of inmate
- shape and size of skull corresponds to brain function and abilities
- skull size to criminality
- problem: size didn’t mean anything