carbon sourced from organic molecule
energy from sunlight. Certain prokaryotes.
carbon sourced from 02 (autofeed themselves without the need for any organic molecules)
energy from sunlight. Plants, algae, cyanobacteria
carbon sourced from organic molecule
energy from chemical reactions (oxidation of molecule)
animals, prokaryotes, fungi
carbon source from O2 (autofeed)
energy source from chemical reactions
some prokaryotes
Natural selection
The one that has the more advantage to the environment survives and reproduce, giving the offspring these traits and with time, the whole population will have those traits.
Example of natural selection
From hoofed mammal to whale.
Artificial selection
organisms with the desire traits are being selected or genetically modified. Controlled by humans.
Exemple of artificial selection
Dog breeding
What is the theory of evolution
All organisms alive descend from one common ancestor and that the organisms changed overtime as a result of natural selection.
Theory of evolution proof
we all have DNA and we all use ATP for energy
What is adaptive radiation
Its the evolution of an animal or plant into a wide variety of types that are adapted to different modes of life. Evolved in a really short time.
Challenges when organisms moved to land from water
Support, the conservation of water, reproduction and the disposal of waste.
Opportunities when organisms moved to land from water
Spends less energy breathing. Plants have sexual organs, stems and mechanisms for fluid transport, for as anchor, leafs for photosynthesis. Animals have skeleton for support and organs for breathing.
Earths spherical shape does
causes variation of incoming solar radiation.
Having the equator getting 90 degrees of sunlight while other places gets less because it travels more and is shinning over a larger area.
Earth tilt relative to orbit around the sun does
regions gets different duration and intensity of solar radiation which is most dramatic in poles and less dramatic at the equator.
Influence of ocean currents on climate
the currents exchange heat with overlying air masses , moderating the temperature over nearby land.
Moonson cycles are cause by
seasonal reversals in wind direction
3 basic trophic roles
symbiotic relationship where one organism benefit at the expense of the other.
symbiotic relationship in which the two organisms benefit
all variety of life
Coriolis effect
Because of the earth axis, it changes object direction. Going south will go north..
Continental climate
Annual variation in temp. cold winters and hot summer. The temperature is not regulated by bodies of water.
regular and predictable changes that occurs every year
Adiabatic cooling
Decrease of temperature without the loss of heat energy and results when warm air masses rise and expend so that they occupy a large volume.
seasonal reverse in wind and precipitation
maritime climate
measure of the degree to which the climate of a region is influenced by a maritime air flow from oceans.
member of the same species living in the same space
group of different organisms living in the same place.
groups of communities interacting with their shared environment
all regions on earth including the atmosphere
Is ammonia excreted by land animals?
No it is toxic if not diluted in water.
changes in body structure of plants and animals when moving from water to land
animals developed skeletons and muscles for locomotion and support
plants developed structures like woody stems and roots for support and fluid transport
abiotic factor that affect evolution and diversity
sunlight, temperature, humidity, wind speed, cloud cover, rainfall
What affects rainfall?
latitudinal variation, wind patterns, altitude, air pressure, topography
Dirrect result of Coriolis effect
tropical trade winds
Adiabatic cooling in tropical regions =
the rainy season
harmfull organisms that grow on the surface of host
Ammonia is toxic but essential?
trade winds are result of
adiabatic cooling, latitudinal variations, seasonal variation.
Winds at equador
east-west winds
abiotic factor
non living condition (climate) that affects ecosystems and the organisms in it.
adiabatic cooling is defined as
loss of heat without the loss of heat energy
microclimate has was effect
greatest effect on survival and reproduction