Unit 3 Bhakti Shastri Flashcards
Give the English meanings of the words prakåtià, puruña, and jïeyaà. (1)
Purusha= enjoyer
Jneyam - object of knowledge
Prakrtim- nature
- List five levels of brahma pucchaà pratiñöhä as stated in the Taittiréya Upaniñad 2.9. (5)
Anna Maya-depedence on food for existence
prana maya- realise absolute truth in the living forms or living symptoms
Jnana maya- extends to the point of thinking, feeling and willing
Vijanana Maya- living entity himself distinct of living entities, life and mild symptoms
Ananda Maya- realisation of the all blisful nature.
- List the 24 components of this world. (6-7)
24 elements (of material nature – that constitute kṣetra or the
material body)
5 great elements are earth, water, fire, air and ether.
5 knowedge acquiring senses are eyes, ears, nose, tongue and
5 working senses are voice, legs, hands, anus and genitals.
5 sense objects are smell, taste, form, touch and sound.
Mind (11
sense), intelligence, false ego and pradhāna.
The aggregate of these 24 elements is called the field of
activity. By analytical study of these 24 elements, one ca
- List, in Sanskrit or English, ten of the 20 items of knowledge. (8-12)
amānitvam (1) Humility – no expectation of respect
adambhitvam (2) Pridelessness – not being anxious to be
ahimsā (3) Nonviolence – not putting others into
kṣāntir (4) Tolerance – bearing insults and
ārjavam (5) Simplicity – straightforward and
ācāryopāsanaṁ (6) Serving a bona fide guru – without
śaucaṁ (7) Cleanliness – both internal (mind) &
external (body)
sthairyam (8) Steadiness – determined to progress in
spiritual life
ātma-vinigrahaḥ (9) Self-control – Rejecting unfavorable
indriyārtheṣu vairāgyam (10) Renunciation of the objects of sense
anahaṅkāra eva ca (11) No false ego – No identification with
(12) Perception of the evil of birth, death,
old age and disease (that they give rise to
asaktir anabhiṣvaṅgaḥ
(13) Detachment (14) Freedom from
entanglement with children, wife, home
and the rest
nityaṁ ca sama-cittatvam
(15) Even-mindedness amid pleasant and
unpleasant events;
mayi cānanya-yogena
bhaktir avyabhicāriṇī
(16) Constant and unalloyed devotion to
Me with undeviating attention
(17) Secluded living – Living in devotee
aratir jana-saṁsadi
(18) Detachment from the general mass of
adhyātma-jñāna-nityatvaṁ (19) Accepting the importance of selfrealization;
tattva-jñānārtha-darśanam (20) Philosophical search for the Absolute
etaj jñānam iti proktam —all these I declare to be knowledge,
ajñānaṁ yad ato ‘nyathā and besides this whatever there may be is
- What is the mahat-tattva? (3)
total cause of total cosmic manifestation,
explained as brahman
total substance of material cause
- How do those situated in the mode of goodness become conditioned? (6)
The jīva is entrapped in this world due to material desires and material
work born of their nature.
tatra sattvaṁ nirmalatvāt The mode of goodness is the purest of the
three modes.
prakāśakam anāmayam It is illuminatinj, and frees one from sins
and distress.
sukha-saṅgena badhnāti
jñāna-saṅgena cānagha
Those situated in this mode become
conditioned by a sense of happiness and
knowledge, O sinless Arjuna
- The mode of passion is characterized by what? (7)
The mode of passion is characterized by the attraction between man
and woman. And when the passion is increased, one develops
hankering for material enjoyment and works very hard and becomes
bound to his activities.
- List 3 results of the mode of ignorance. (8)
tamas tv ajñāna-jaṁ viddhi
mohanaṁ sarva-dehinām
Know that the mode of darkness, born of
ignorance, is the delusion of all embodied
living entities.
tan nibadhnāti bhārata
This mode binds the jīva with madness,
lazines and sleep, O son of Bharata.
- Those situated in goodness, passion, and ignorance progress in which directions? (18)
14-15. Destination after death for a person in –
Goodness → higher planets of great sages, like Brahmaloka or
Passion → birth among those engaged in fruitive activities on the
earthly planet.
Ignorance → birth in lower species, the animal kingdom.
Bhagavad-gétä Chapter 15
10.Give the English meaning of ürdhva-mülam and adhaù-çäkham. (1)
It is said that there is an imperishable
banyan tree that has its roots upward and its
branches down
1.What do the leaves of the banyan tree refer to? (1)
chandāṁsi yasya parṇāni and whose leaves are the Vedas.
12.What is the tree of the material world situated on? (1)
A tree with its branches down and roots upward, is
the reflection of a real tree in the water. The tree of this material
world is only a reflection of the real tree of the spiritual world.
Just as a tree’s reflection is situated on water, the reflection
of the spiritual world is situated on desire. One can be free from
entanglement within material world by cultivating a transcendental
desire to enter into spiritual world
13.This banyan tree is nourished by what? (2)
2b. It is nourished (watering process) by the three modes (guṇa
14.Give the English meaning of asanga-çastreëna 3-4)
one must cut this strongly rooted tree with the axe of detachment (asaṅgaśastreṇa), sharpened by determination (dṛḍhena).
15.Give three examples of how Kåñëa maintains this material world. (12 -14)
12-13: Kṛṣṇa is our maintainer at cosmic level
12. I am the source of light of the sun, moon and fire that dissipate the
darkness of this world.
13a. I enter into each planet, and by My energy I sustain all living beings.
13b. I become the moon and supply the juice of life to all plants and
14-15: Kṛṣṇa is our maintainer at personal level
14. Kṛṣṇa is the digestion fire
ahaṁ vaiśvānaro bhūtvā I am the fire of digestion
prāṇināṁ deham āśritaḥ in the bodies of all living entities.
prāṇāpāna-samāyuktaḥ I join with the air of life, outgoing and
pacāmy annaṁ catur-vidham to digest the four kinds of foodstuff.
16.What do the words kñaraù and akñaraù refer to? (17)
i) kṣara: the fallible, who deviates from
his true nature
(ii) akṣara: the infallible, who doesn’t
17.What does the word puruñottamam refer to? (19)
Whoever knows Me as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, without doubting
- Knower of Kṛṣṇa knows everything
18.Give the English meaning of the following words: sampadam (1-3), pravåtti and nivåtti
(7), anéçvaram (8), and ugra-karmäëaù. (9)
Sampadam - these transcendental qualities, O son of
Bharata, belong to godly men endowed
with divine nature.
7a. They do not know what is to be done (pravṛttim) and not to be done
(anīśvaram), (iv) has
arisen without cause
9b. They engage in unbeneficial, horrible works (ugra-karmāṇaḥ) meant to
destroy the world.
19.Who was the best example of a demoniac man? (16)
Ravana, Kamsa
20.Give the English meaning of mäm apräpyaiva kaunteya. (20)
mām aprāpyaiva kaunteya can never approach Me, O son of Kuntī
21.List the three gates leading to hell. (21)
They are lust, anger and greed.
22.Name the three kinds of faith (2)
(śraddhā) that arise from their acquired
nature (svabhāva) due to previous impressions by the influence of the
modes. Thus one’s faith can be in goodness, in passion or in ignorance.
Now hear about this.
23.List the six results of eating food in the mode of goodness. (8)
One’s lifespan, purity, strength, health,
sukha-prīti-vivardhanāḥ happiness and satisfaction will increase by
such foods.
24.Austerity of the body consists of what eight items? (14)
- Austerity of the body
Worship of the Supreme Lord, brāhmaṇas,
guru and superiors like the parents and
cleanliness, simplicity celibacy and nonviolence –
śārīraṁ tapa ucyate all these constitute the austerity of body. - Austerity of speech
Speaking words that do not agitate others
that are truthful, pleasing, beneficial,
regular recition of Vedic literature –
the austerity of speech.
25.Give the English meaning of svädhyäya abhyasanam. (15)
and regular recition of Vedic literature –
26.List four symptoms of charity in the mode of goodness. (20)
- Charity in goodness is given – (i) out of duty, (ii) without expectation
of return (anupakāriṇe), (iii) at the proper time and place, and (iv) to a
worthy person
27.The three words oà tat sat indicate what? (23)
these three words indicate the Supreme Absolute Truth
(Viṣṇu) and are chanted by brāhmaṇas during sacrifices for the satisfaction
of the Supreme.
28.List symptoms of renunciation in the mode of passion. (6)
Giving up prescribed duties as troublesome or out of
fear of bodily discomfort (kāya kleśa bhāyāt). It never leads to elevation.
29.List the five causes for the accomplishment of all action. (14)
13-14. The five causes of an action according to the Vedānta are –
adhiṣṭhānaṁ: the place of action or the body of the jīva
kartā: the doer of action, or the consciousness reflected in the
false ego
karaṇaṁ: the instruments of action, the various senses
ceṣṭā: the effort exerted by the life airs with various functions
daivam: the Supersoul who sets everything into motion by His
supreme will
30.List three symptoms of happiness in the mode of goodness. (37)
- Brings joy and
destroys sorrow by
practice - Like poison in the
beginning - Becomes nectar at
the end - Arises from purity of
intellect, awakens
one to self-realization
31.List three symptoms of happiness in the mode of passion. (38)
- Arises from contact of
the senses with sense
objects - Appears like nectar in
the beginning - Becomes poison at the
32.List five symptoms of happiness in the mode of ignorance (39)
Blind to selfrealization
* Delusion from
beginning to end
* Arises from sleep,
laziness and illusion
or intoxication
3.List nine qualities by which the brähmaëas work. (42)
Peacefulness, self-control, austerity,
tolerance, honesty,
knowledge, wisdom and religiousness
34.List six symptoms of surrender in Sanskrit or English (66)
what is favourable to unalloyed devotion
rejecting everything unfavourable
having faith that Krishna is the protector
feeling meek, humble, insignificant, wretched, materially destitude
35.This confidential knowledge may never be explained to whom? (67)
- These teachings of the Gīta are not to be given to those who are –
atapaskāya – not austere and sense controlled
abhaktāya – without true devotion
aśuśrūṣave – unwilling to hear or not engaged in obedient service
abhyasūyati – envious of Me
68-69. Benefits of teaching Bhagavad-g