NOI and Upanishads Flashcards
- What is the meaning of the word veda?
Veda means knowledge
List 4 Defects of the conditioned soul
Commit mistakes
be illusioned
cheating propensity
imperfect senses
List 3 Pramanas
pratyaksa- direct evidence
anumana- hypothesis
sabda- hearing
- Give reasons why Shabda-pramäna is a superior means of acquiring knowledge.
Superior as hearing from authority
List the two systems of knowledge in the material world.
What are the two qualifications of a bona fide guru?
established in brahmana
heard from right source
- Give the English meaning of the terms:
a. Ishaväsya
b. parä and aparä prakåti
c. Bhägavata communism
d. apauruñeya
Ishavashyam- controlled by the lord
Para Prakkriti- Superior energy
apara prakriti- inferior energy
Bhagwatata communism= no personal apauresyam- not delivered by any mundane person
- Define karma, akarma and vikarma.
karma= prescribed duties
vikarma= bad deeds
akarma= actions that free one from repeated birth and death
what does Atma Ha mean
what does Asura and sura mean
Killers of the soul
demoniac persons/ godly persons
11.What is antaryämi?
12.Give the English meaning of the phrase tad düre tad v antike.
Antaryami= witnesses everything that goes on
tad dure= far away
ankite= very near
Mantras 6-8
13.Give the English meaning of the terms:
a. ekatvam anupaçyataù Mantras 6-7
b. çuddham apäpa-viddham Mantra 8
3.Give the English meaning of the terms:
a. ekatvam anupaçyataù Mantras 6-7 = Oneness in quality who sees through authority, one who sees constantly like them
b. çuddham apäpa-viddham Mantra 8= antiseptic prophylactic
14.How is the Lord unembodied? Mantra 8 - greatest of all
Greatest of all
Mantra 11
.Give the English meaning of the name Hiraëyakaçipu.
Gold Soft bed
The miseries of this material world serve to indirectly remind us of what?
indirectly remind us out incompatibility with dead matter
Give the English meaning of the term hiraëmayena pätreëa.
golden effulgence by dazling covering
1. Under whose supervision is the Kåñëa consciousness movement conducted?
2. What is one’s first duty in all spiritual affairs?
3. On what does our advancement in Kåñëa consciousness depend?
4. Define goswämi.
- Shrila Rupa Goswami
2 first duty of spiritual affairs is to control the mind and senses - advancement in KC is dependent on attitude
4-Goswami= master of senses
Text One
5. List three examples, from the text, of anger utilized in the Lord’s service.
6. Why does the Kåñëa consciousness movement encourage marriage?
7. Why should one avoid palatable dishes even while eating prasädam?
8. Define go-däsa.
- Hanuman, when krishna told arjn to fight, when lord chaitanya blasphemed
6- begetting krishna consiousness children
7 - sense control of the tongue
8- Go Dasa- servant of the senses
Text Two
9. List the three primary energies of the Lord.
10.Define mahätmä and durätmä.
11.List the threefold miseries in Sanskrit and English
12.Briefly describe the two meanings of niyamägraha.
13.List the three kinds of atyähärés.
9-internal, external, marginal
10-Mahatma= broadminded, Duratma-
cripple minded person
11- Adhidaivika (natural disasters)
Adhibhautika (living entities)
Adhiyatmika ( body and Mind)
12. eagerness to accept/ failure to accept
rules and regulations
13- material happiness, blaspehming,
merging with brahmans/ desire for
Text Three
14.List the nine processes of devotional service in Sanskrit or English.
15.What is the meaning of avaçya rakñibe kåñëa.
16.Briefly describe the two aspects of tat-tat-karma-pravartanät
14- 9 Processes of devotional service = hearing, chanting, remembering, serving, deity worship, offer obeisance’s, acting as lord servant, make friends with lord, surrender fully to the lord
- Krishna will guide me, protect me to do devotional service with confidence
16- activities favourable to KC Reg principles, enthusiastic
Text Four
17.Define guhyam äkhyäti påcchati.
18.How should one spend his income
17.inquires confidentially, explains confidential knowledge
18, 50% salary on Krishna and devotees
Text Five
19.How should one deal with the devotee (kaniñöha-adhikäré) who chants the holy name?
20.List the four characteristics of a madhyama-adhikäré.
21.List three symptoms of an uttama-adhikäré.
19- Harinam initiation (treat with respect)
20- highest object of love
makes friends with lords devotees
merciful to ignorant
avoids those who are envious in nature
21- spiritual master
not interested in blaspheming others
is clean
attained realised state of unalloyed KC
Text Six
22.What is the meaning of nityänanda-vaàça?
23.The spiritual master must not be subjected to the advice from whom?
22 takes risk of preaching work
23-must not take advice from disciple, not to take instructions from those who are not disciples
Text Seven
24.What is the meaning of jévera ‘svarüpa’ haya-kåñëera ‘nitya-däsa?
25.Define duräçraya.
26.List the three stages in chanting the holy name of the Lord.
27.At what stage can mäyä not disturb a devotee?
24- eternal servant of krishna
25- false or bad shelter
26- offesnive stage, stage of lessening offenses
pure stage
27 bhava stage (maya cannot disturb the devotee)
Text Eight
28.What is the essence of all advice?
29.List three examples each of perfect devotees in çänta-rasa, däsya-rasa, and sakhya-rasa.
28- essense of all advice utilise 24 hrs chanting remembering lords names, qualities, pastimes and form
29.santa rasa= aspires to be like krishna/ cows flute
dasya rasa follows servants like chutata, ratsala
sakya rasa= friend like sudhama, baldev, shridama
Text Nine
30.List the hierarchy of the different spiritual places.
31.Why has Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé given much stress to Rädhä-kuëòa?
30- mathura superior to vaikunta
superior to vrindavan is gorvadan
radha kund is supreme
31- pastimes of radha rani
Text Ten
32.Why are the gopés superior to all devotees?
33.Define vipralambha-sevä
32- do not know anything but satisfying krishna
33 - thinking of krishna in separation
Text Eleven
34.What is the result of bathing in Rädhä-kuëòa even once
love for krishna is aroused