Unit 3 B-Examples of Biodiversity Management Parks and Protected Areas and Forestry Flashcards
Canadian National Parks
- National Parks are a country-wide system of representative natural areas of Canadian significance.
- These regions are protected by law. Public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment are key goals BUT the ecological integrity of the ecosystem is maintained in an unimpaired state for future generations.
Ecological Integrity
-keeping ecosystems healthy and whole – a state where ecosystem biodiversity, structures and functions are unimpaired and likely to persist.
‘All native species of plants and animals can live, reproduce, and maintain long-term viability’
Park Biologists Estimate the Minimum Viable Population (MVP) to Conserve Biodiversity
- determining the MVP of their native wildlife species in their effort to maintain ecological integrity
- Don’t necessarily achieve carrying capacity but the smallest population that can be sustained
RMNP-3 distinict ecosystem zones
- Manitoba Escarpment
- Boreal forest
- Aspen parkland/mixed grass prairie
RMNP-Biosphere Reserve
-Scientific research
-Educating public
-Public protected
-Surrounding private lots
“Everyone contributes to the stewardship”
RMNP-Limited resource development
-Limited residential development within the park boundaries, development occurs outside the boundaries
RMNP-Elk and Bison
- Carries of tuberculosis
- Elk cannot be put in boundaries
RMNP is an ecological island
created by fragmented habitats
RMNP-Ecological Island Surrounded by a Sea of Agriculture
-Forest lands are fragmented making migration of species difficult
Elk Live Within the Fragmented Habitat of RMNP
- Interactions between elk (a native species in the Park) and surrounding cattle established through human settlement has been common since farming began in the region
- This can be problematic for land owners
Researchers have tracked elk to determine habitat range requirements and MVP
-Boundaries of RMNP do not fit their needs
Elk utilize adjacent parks and move through cattle production regions
-Migration through the park, into surrounding areas and up to Duck Mountain Provincial Park
Another Problem – Bovine Tuberculosis
- Bovine TB is one of the most infectious forms of TB, and reduces the value of livestock herds when infected
- Bovine TB is an organism native to RMNP and so will be a component of the ecological integrity
- Contagious disease caused by bacterial infection in the lymph nodes and spreads to other organs
- Conflict - RMNP elk (infected with TB) vs. livestock in the vicinity of RMN
How can ecological integrity, MVP all be achieved in this scenario of potential conflict in resource management?
- ‘safe passage’ by creating wildlife corridors
- Establish buffer zones and biosphere reserves to remove conflict
safe passage’ by creating wildlife corridors
- Yellowstone to Yukon
- A Wild Way to Move
Yellowstone to Yukon-Wildlife corridors-fragmented habitat
Yellowstone to Yukon-Predator management
- Want bears but not in my backyard
- Design a win-win to meet needs of human interest while placing conservation as priority
Yellowstone to Yukon-Community
- Collective efforts
- Private land owners
- Conservation not-for profit organization
- Indigenous
- Government
- Industry
- Public engagement
A Wild Way to Move
-Land bridge for large mammals to move across the Trans Canada highway in Banff allowing them to stay connected to the forest and ecosystem on both sides
Establish buffer zones and biosphere reserves to remove conflict
-RMNP and DM are core areas for the elk, area between is the area of conflict
Core area
where natural processes are allowed to continue with as little development impact as possible and explore multiple ways to integrate with the neighbour working landscapes