it is the study of human societies and culture and their development
what is karl marx’s view?
• the problem is capitalism in which some individuals become rulers and owners, and workers (proletariat) have no freedom
• he believes the solution was communism in which workers would TAKE CONTROL over their work
• the individual is fulfilled by their work for the collective
what is emile durkheim’s view?
• traditional societies = weak identity
• modern societies = strong identity and specialized roles
• SOCIAL COMPLEXITY allowed individuals more choice in their way of being human
what is claude levi-strauss’ view?
• he preferred the traditional state over modern individuality for modern creativity leads to IMPERFECTION and destruction
• trad»_space;»» modern duhhhhhh
what is joseph campbell’s view?
• he looked at the myths as hero myth / monomyth
• individual protagonist is male
• patriarch amputa
what is monomyth
• it carries one single message, usually talks about a hero’s journey
• not a call to abandon individuality
monomyth’s 4 functions
• to explain nature
• to reconcile conscious experience (CONNECT)
• establish constraints for GROUP SURVIVAL
• provide template for PERSONAL survival
what is dorrine kondo’s view?
• her research in japan led her to identify differences being japanese and american
• collectivism = japan
• individualism = america
what is thomas csordas’ view?
• physical body existence = self existence
• the existence of group of bodies is the cause of culture
• more bodies = formation of a culture
• the self is: subjective = physical culture, objective = symbolic culture
what affects how we perceive ourselves?