Unit 3 and 4 Test Flashcards
Israelites living in Egypt between Joseph and Moses
Book of Exodus
The release of Israelites from Egypt
4 main elements: Call of Moses, Passover, Israelites’ liberation from slavery, Sinai Covenant
Hebrew verb masha meaning to draw out
Moses’ mother hides him
New Pharaoh fears the growth of Israelites, so they’re enslaved and the newborn males are killed. Moses’ mother hides him in the river’s reeds in a basket and is found by the Pharaoh’s daughter.
Moses’ life
After being adopted by the Pharaoh’s daughter, Moses becomes aware of his origins, flees to Midian, becomes a shepherd, and marries Zipporah
Burning Bush
While tending to sheep on Mount Horeb, he notices a bush that didn’t burn up . It’s God telling him to lead the Israelites out of slavery.
The Bushes Response to Moses
I am who I am (YHWH), I am he God of your father, I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Moses’ Response to the Bush
Fears Israelites won’t believe him, claims he isn’t eloquent enough, and is slow of speech and tongue.
Signs God gives to Moses
Staff becomes a snake and his healthy hand becomes leprous
Moses’ brother and spokesperson. Went to Pharaoh, threw the staff and it becomes a snake.
Aaron comes to the Pharaoh 9 times asking to release the Israelites, each time rejected and results in a plague.
The 9 Plagues
Blood Nile, Frogs, Lice, Pestilence, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness
10th Plague
Death of all firstborn males. Smearing the blood of a sacrificed lamb on doors would protect families.
Joyful celebration still celebrated
Meal that starts the celebration of Passover
What do the plagues show?
God keeps promises, God is a God of liberation and not enslavement
Mass departure (600 000) of people (Israelites). Took animals, clothing, silver, gold
Yam suph
Red/Reed Sea
3 things that happened in the desert
Pillar of Cloud (Day guide)
Pillar of Fire (Night guide)
Quails and manna appear at camp
Sinai Covenant
Moses climbs Mount Sinai and gets God’s Covenant on two stone tablets. Builds an atlar, sacrifices oxen as a seal of covenant.
Mosaic Law
10 commands +rules in the Old testament/Torah. Moral, Social, Food, Purity, and religious laws
Kosher Foods
Suitable and pure foods. Meats, fish, eggs
Chew the cud
Brought up from stomach and chewed again
Ritual slaughter
Blood drawn out
Lex talionis
The lad of talion (eye for an eye)
Ark of the Covenant
Moses puts stone in a sacred box
Books of Joshua and Judges
Starts with Moses’ death to the start of monarchy
Promised Land