Unit 3 Acc Chapter 01 Glossary Flashcards
Financial Information
Financial data that has been sorted, classified and summarised into a more useable and understandable form
Financial data
Raw facts and figures upon which financial information is based
An exchange of goods or services with another party for money.
Source documents
Documents that provide both the evidence that a transaction has occurred and details of the transaction
Sorting, classifying and summarising the data contained in the source documents so that it is mor useable
The preparation of financial statements that communicate financial information to the owner
Provision to owners of a range of options appropriate to their aims & objectives, together with recommendations to suitability
Agreed value
The accepted value of a non-cash asset at the time of its contribution by the owner
Accounting principles
The generally accepted rules that govern the way accounting information is generated
Qualitative characteristics
The qualities of the information is accounting report
Accrual accounting
Calculating profit by comparing
revenues earned less expenses incurred in a particular reporting period
A resource controlled by the entity, from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
A present obligation of the entity as a result of past events which is expected to result in outflow from entity of resources embodying economic benefits
Owner’s equity
The residual interest in the assets of the entity after the deduction of its liabilities
Inflow of economic benefit in the form of increase in assets, decrease in liabilities, increase in owner’s equity (excluding capital)
An outflow of economic benefit in the form of decrease in assets, increase in liabilities, reducing owner’s equity (excludes drawings)