Unit 3 Flashcards
For populations that are isolated, random events such as a fire or flash flood can lead to which of the following outcomes?
increased risk of extermination
_________________ is a set of EPA-regulated actions that minimize pollution problems caused by construction, industrial, or land-use impacts on streams and lakes.
best management practices
______ contributes to the health and wellbeing of ecosystems, which in turn benefits human populations by providing ecosystem goods and services as well as cultural and health benefits.
Human action has contributed to extinction around the world in what is being called the “_____ ______ ______.”
“sixth mass extinction.”
Evolution is defined as a change in ________ ________ in a population over time.
gene frequencies
How can CITES protect endangered species if it only regulates international trade? Do you think this is sufficient to protect endangered species? Why or why not?
CITES protects endangered species by controlling their sale or trade across national boundaries, thus making it unproductive to harvest or kill endangered species. Possible answers: Yes, it is enough because if it is difficult or impossible to legally trade/sell ivory (or what have you), then there is no point in poaching it. OR No, because it does not criminalize harvesting the species OR No, because it cannot regulate trade within a country.
All apples belong to the species Malus domestica. The wide variety of apples available in the produce department of your local grocery store is an example of __________ diversity.
Successful conservation efforts consider the needs of people who live in the area. _______ and ____-___-______ _____ can provide funding and incentives to protect natural areas; in the process, they benefit local communities.
Ecotourism, debt-for-nature swaps
True or False: The sector that uses the highest percentage of water globally is industry.
Dams are often constructed to create _________, large bodies of water that hold freshwater for flood control, electricity production, etc.
In order to implement an ecosystem approach to conservation, we must know …
how to identify when an ecosystem is in danger.
Individuals do not change their own genes to produce new adaptations – they simply ___ ______ ______ __ to the next generation if they survive to reproduce.
pass their traits on
Population size matters as well as _______ _____ and _______ _____ affect how quickly natural selection might produce a change in a population
reproductive rate, generation time
In California, snowmelt in the Sierra Nevada Mountains can provide up to _______ of the state’s water.
A ______________ (two words) is a method that can be used to assess the status of an aquatic ecosystem.
biological assesment
Why is biodiversity loss a concern?
It disrupts ecological connections, potentially diminishing ecosystem services.
Human provisions of biodiverstity
food fiber products such as cotton and wool fuel pharmaceuticals
Water scarcity can be ______ or ______.
physical, economic
Ten thousand years ago, most members of Species A were killed by a series of volcanic eruptions. However, some members escaped; all modern members of Species A are descended from those 100 individuals. This is an example of:
the bottleneck effect
>__% of modern-day extinction have been caused by humans
Wastewater can be decontaminated using high-tech methods that use advanced filtration and harsh chemicals or low-tech methods that mimic the way wetlands purify water.
Both methods use _______ to break down sewage.
Which of the following is NOT likely to result from eutrophication?
an increase in sunlight penetration
“When exposed to pesticides, some Japanese beetles become more pesticide resistant and harder to kill.” There is something wrong with this statement. Reword it to more accurately represent what happens when pesticide application leads to a pesticide resistant population.
The problem here is with the word “become” — this implies that individuals change their vulnerability (and genetic makeup) to the pesticide upon exposure. “When exposed to pesticides, most Japanese beetles may die but some individuals survive due to natural resistance. The survivors produce the next generation, a population where many (or most) individuals possess the same trait as their surviving parents — pesticide resistance.”
248 million years ago largest extinction event on record, with 90-95% of all marine species lost
Permian extinction
True or False: Land trusts and conservation easements protect private land from future development.
Why do most scientists think that we are in the midst of a sixth mass extinction?
Current extinction rates are greater than the background rate
Identify some actions you could personally take that would contribute to conservation of biodiversity.
There are many possible answers here — some actions include: participating in ecotourism opportunities; volunteering time or money to conservation organizations or local natural areas such as parks or other protected areas; educating local community about ways to increase habitat protection (i.e. landowners could plant vegetation alongside streams to prevent water pollution) or decrease harmful actions (i.e. refrain from transporting species from one area to another); avoid buying exotic pets or products made from endangered species.
_____ selection favors the norm and selects against extremes.
A watershed includes:
all the uphill land surrounding a river and the streams that can feed water into that river.
Individuals with inherited traits that are best suited for their environment leave more offspring than those who are less suited.
natural selection
About ____ of all packaged food and household products in the United States contain palm oil.
A________is a nonprofit organization set up to protect and care for private nonprofit land.
land trust
Conserve Biodiversity Ecosystem Approach
Techniques used include:
Restoration – The repair and rehabilitation of ecosystems to close to their original state
Remediation – Restoration that focuses on the cleanup of pollution in a natural area
Emphasis is often on biodiversity hotspots
A species that naturally occurs in only one place is called:
an endemic species.
The variety of life (biodiversity) on Earth is tremendous, but we have identified only a fraction of the species that exist. ______ make up the largest group, but we know much more about smaller groups such as plants and vertebrates.
Extinction can occur when a ______ cannot adapt to changes in its environment.
____ ________ causes health problems and can contribute to scarcity when it contaminates local water sources.
Poor sanitation
The main difference between high-tech and low-tech methods of wastewater treatment is that high-tech methods:
use toxic chemicals to purify water.
with more than 60% of river flow withdrawn, these areas will face water shortage in the near future
approaching physical water scarcity
Today, ______ _____ appears to be causing another mass extinction.
human impact
______ are the complete loss of a species from an area. They may be local (gone from an area - _______) or global (gone for good).
Extinctions, extirpation
How many different tree species were found in Peru’s Manu National Park?
more than 1,000
watery supplies are abundant and there are no economic constraints to access it
little or no water scarcity
439 million years ago >20% of families lost, including 85% of all marine species
ordovician extinction
According to recent estimates, what percent of the species on Earth have yet to be discovered?
A broken pipe leaks raw sewage into a river causing major pollution of the water downstream. Does the pipe represents a point or nonpoint source of pollution?
Explain how the decline of the forest elephant affects other species that share its ecosystem.
Elephants are a keystone species that modifies the environment in ways that make it more habitable for other species, thus increasing biodiversity. Without savanna elephants, the grasslands would transition to shrubland or forest (a problem for the many grassland species who live there). Without forest elephants, many plant species would not be dispersed and the physical structure of the forest would change.
True or False: Human recreation, hunting, and fishing are prohibited in wildlife refuges and wilderness areas in order to protect the threatened species and ecosystems within.
Which of the following would be the best land use for a riparian area in terms of reducing runoff pollution?
A forested area with lots of native trees and shrubs
The scientific field that relies on species’ genetics to inform conservation efforts.
Through DNA analysis, conservation biologists determine the amount of genetic diversity within a population, or the kinship between separate groups (i.e., whether they are part of one extended population or represent distinct populations that don’t interbreed), or even whether a given population is part of an endangered species.
conservation genetics
You are investigating a die-off of fish in the local mountain lake, Lake Pleasant. It is fed by Hilltop Stream, and the Happy Valley River comes out of the lake and heads down toward Happy Valley. Do any of the following have something to do with the die-off? Justify your answers.
- The manufacturing plant is not in the same watershed so it does not contaminate the lake.
- The cattle feedlot is on the river, which is at a lower elevation than the lake, so it does not impact the lake.
- The new subdivision may cause sediment and fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides to enter the lake.
- The older neighborhood adds fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, possible household chemicals, automobile wastes, possible sewage and drug contamination of the waters.
How does ecosystem conservation differ from single-species conservation?
The ecosystem approach involves restoring and protecting an entire habitat and all the species within it.
A liquid contaminant spills in the middle of a large, flat field during a dry month in a region containing permeable soils. What is the most likely direct threat of this spill to human health?
Contamination of an unconfined aquifer containing wells that supply drinking water to houses
Water pollution can cause ___________________.
decreased sunlight penetration
What would it cost to buy all of the ecosystem services we get for free from nature?
Approximately $44,000,000,000,000
Why might a population, isolated by the founder effect, be more vulnerable to extinction than the original population from which they came?
The founder effect usually produces isolated populations that contain less genetic diversity than the original population. These less diverse populations are less likely to have individuals present that might possess needed traits in the face of environmental change.
Suppose a native Guam bird species began to show evasive behaviors that allowed it to avoid the brown tree snake. Describe a potential coevolution scenario that might have allowed this adaptation to emerge in the population.
Suppose there are individuals who are naturally more wary of movement or disturbance in the trees. They would be less likely to be eaten by the snake and would survive to reproduce. If this trait was controlled by genetics, the surviving birds would pass the evasive behavior trait onto their offspring. Over time, the population contains more and more birds with evasive behaviors as the snakes eat the ones without this trait (who don’t survive to reproduce) and leave behind birds with the trait (who do survive to reproduce). The snakes could eliminate the birds without the evasive behavior completely, leaving only a population of birds with the evasive behavior trait. Essentially, the snake is the selective pressure that favors evasive behavior.
Why are many of the biodiversity hotspots around the world on islands?
Populations of island species are isolated.
Groundwater in aquifers is naturally replenished __ _____ ____ ____ ___ _______.
as water soaks into the ground.
65 million years ago 70% of species were lost
Cretaceous extinction
dependable supply of water, flood control, electricity generation, recreation • habitat destruction, water conflicts, evaporation
______ ______ helps us understand the diversity of life and how populations change over time. It does not study creation or the origin of life.
Evolutionary biology
What are some of the things that communities in the United States do to deal with their wastewater?
In the United States, some kind of treatment of wastewater is required. The most common method is to filter the incoming wastewater and then let the solids settle out. After that, the liquid is sent through a series of ponds where bacteria help breakdown the material; some chemical treatment may also be done. Some communities build wetlands to clean the water and provide places for wildlife. Some use it to water parklands and golf courses or for other irrigation. Some coastal areas simply pump it out to sea, with or without treatment; others pump it into the aquifer to prevent saltwater infiltration. Some areas use reverse osmosis and UV light disinfection to render the wastewater potable.
a population contains a variety of individuals, but some variants are more common than others random mating occurs, but some unlucky individuals don’t find mates. subsequent generations may have different gene frequencies
genetic drift
external factors that threaten forest elephants
Poaching to feed a growing market for elephant ivory
Habitat fragmentation due to road building that has made elephant herds once protected by the dense maze of vegetation easily accessible to poachers
The ________________ regulates industrial pollutants and sets allowable levels of pollutants that can be present in environmental waters or released over a certain period of time.
Clean Water Act
_____ conservation programs focus on protecting the habitat within an ecosystem, which helps protect all the species that live there.
The uppermost water level of the saturated zone of an aquifer is found is known as the_________ __________.
water table
Those with major effects on ecological functions whose absence would affect many other species in the ecological community
keystone species
Genetic diversity in a population is the raw material on which _____ _________ operates. The more diverse a population, the more likely there will be individuals present who can withstand or even thrive if environmental conditions change.
natural selection
_______ is water that has few dissolved ions, such as salt.
Which of the following countries has the lowest per capita water availability in the world?
Saudi Arabia
Many temperate forests have increased in size because ________________.
harvesting timber has been banned
The water table can be considered the bottom of
the unsaturated zone
protects all marine mammals (no killing, capture, or harrasment without authorization)
Marine Mammals Protection Act (1972)
US National Law
_____ ______ are hard-to-eradicate, non-native species that cause ecological, economic, or human health problems.
Invasive species
When populations diverge because of isolation, food availability, new predators, or habitat fragmentation such that their members can no longer freely interbreed, new species may arise
True or False: Hypoxic waters are waters with extremely low levels of oxygen.
The more _____ _____ in the population, the greater the chance some will survive.
genetic diversity
Local community members are protesting a proposed development because it would destroy a population of sunflowers they believe is a listed endangered species. Developers claim that this flower is found throughout the area and is not endangered. How would conservation genetics help settle this dispute?
Conservation genetics could determine if this was indeed an endangered species or is of the more common variety that is not endangered.
Extinction is nothing new but aside from mass extinction events, the ______ _____ of extinction is low.
background rate
focus of conservation biology
protecting individual species and maintaining or restoring entire ecosystems.
The leading human cause of species endangerment is __________ __________.
habitat destruction
Globally, _________ is our biggest user of water and also the sector with the largest amount of waste
aside for long-term conservation of the habitat and species that live there. They offer varying levels of protection.
Protected Areas
What is the number one contributor to species extinction?
habitat destruction
The typical purpose of desalination is to produce water that can be
consumed directly by people
On average, which of the following sources of household activity uses the greatest amount of water per day?
Flushing the toilet
Since the early 1990s, more than 8 million hectares of rain forest (about the size of ______) have been cleared in Southeast Asia for oil palm plantations.
In regions of the Amazon rainforest where extensive deforestation has occurred through controlled fires, leaving the ground blackened and charred, which component of the water cycle is directly affected?
Regulates the sale and trade of endangered or threatened species or products (175 signatory nations)
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (1973)
One major difference between sewage treatment facilities that use wetlands and traditional sewage treatment facilities is that
sewage treatment wetlands do not produce potable water.
native only to that area
According to evolutionary theory, ______ ______ (i.e. predators) on a population favor individuals with certain inherited traits (i.e. better camouflage) over others.
selective pressures
Many people say that desalination (removing the salt from ocean water) is the obvious way around our water shortages. This is:
still very expensive and uses a great deal of energy.
Many pastures have ponds to provide water to the livestock. By summer’s end these ponds are often covered in a thick green scum. If the ponds are stocked with fish, the fish can all die. What causes the green scum to form, and what might cause the fish to die?
The green scum indicates algae growth that has probably been fed by animal waste washing into the pond. The floating algae can block sunlight and reduce underwater photosynthesis decreasing underwater oxygen levels. Bacterial growth may also increase as the algae die, further depleting the oxygen - if oxygen levels fall far enough, the fish could die.
Ecosystem regulation and support
nutrient cycling pollination and seed dispersal air and water purification flood control soil formation and erosion climate regulation population control
Estimated that >__% of all species will be extinct by 2100.
Why can’t all species adjust to changes in their environment and avoid extinction?
The ability of a population to respond to a selective pressure depends on the genetic diversity present in the population. If a needed trait is not present in the population then the entire population could be lost. Environmental changes that occur too quickly may also eliminate a population because the few individuals who might possess a trait that could be helpful are not sufficient to repopulate the population. This is especially problematic for K-selected species who reproduce more slowly but even r-selected species could be lost if the environmental change is too drastic.
Suppose you wanted to use artificial selection to produce a breed of hairless dogs for people who are allergic to dog hair. How would you go about doing this?
You could start with a short-haired breed. You would need to find individual dogs with sparse coats and you would breed these males and females. If this trait is genetic and passed on to offspring, at least some of the offspring should also have sparse coats. You would then choose only the dogs from those litters with the sparsest coats to breed for the next generation. Over the generations, whenever pups were born with even sparser coats (genetic diversity in the puppy’s generation), you would selectively breed only those males and females. Eventually, the hairless trait might emerge in your lineage and you could then breed only the hairless individuals to produce offspring who were also hairless.
True or False: In a landscape conservation approach, the single most important indicator species in a habitat is targeted for protection. By protecting or restoring the habitat it needs, other species in the area will also be protected.
On the Hawaiian Islands, almost 3,800 km from the nearest mainland, 90% of native species are _____. Their isolation and high ______ make remote islands particularly vulnerable to species loss, especially in the face of rapid environmental change.
endemic, endemism
Low dissolved oxygen levels result in a situation called ___________________.
Which is the only taxonomic group in the Infographic that is prokaryotic (lacks a cell nucleus)?
If a new challenge arises, the population’s survival depends on having _____ present that can already deal with the change.
Conservation genetics:
relies on analysis of species’ DNA to make conservation decisions.
________ is causing most of the formation of dead zones.
Farming, cultural eutrophication
the fifth mass extinction at the K-T Boundary, 65 million years ago, killed off the dinosaurs
Cretaceous extinction
over _____, some genes become more common in the population (& others less common)
Conserve Biodiversity Single-Species Approach
Techniques used include:
Captive breeding (e.g., species survival plans) Reintroducing the species to the wild
Mandates protection for “listed” species. Listing is a cumbersome process, and many species do not make it to the list due to budgetary concerns rather than need.
Endangered Species Act (1973)
US National Law
The following items are parts of the process of eutrophication.
Excess nutrients enter a body of water.
Algae quickly reproduce, blocking sunlight to underwater plants.
Underwater plants die.
Bacteria decompose organic matter (dead algae).
Draw a flowchart of the water cycle. (Don’t copy from the book; create your own small drawing.) Follow a single water molecule from a cloud through some portion of the cycle, including a living organism, and back to a cloud.
Pictures will vary, but should include a cloud, land, a body of water, and plants, animals, or both. They should show water falling as precipitation and rising as evaporation or transpiration.
Artificial selection differs from natural selection in that:
humans are the selective pressure, choosing which traits to favor.
Dams can be used to store water and increase water supplies, but they come with trade-offs such as:
habitat destruction.
loss of water from evaporation.
regional conflicts downstream from the dam.
_____ selection favors the extremes but selects against the intermediate forms
Wildlife camera safaris have replaced hunting safaris in popularity in Africa. (Photos are taken instead of animal lives.) Some of the money from these safaris is going to conservation and to local communities. This is an example of:
True or False: Biodiversity hotspots are areas with many endemic species that are well protected and not threatened with endangerment.
Artificial selection works by the same mechanisms as natural selection except that _____ choose which traits to keep and which to eliminate from a population through selective breeding.
Why do we not expect evolution by natural selection to produce perfect adaptations?
Natural selection operates by modifying existing traits to produce new functions or structures and may be constrained by its “starting material”. In addition, some traits are compromises between conflicting needs (such as the flipper of a seal — not ideal for swimming or walking, but suitable for each).
The variety of life on Earth, including the many different species that are present as well as the differences between individuals within a single species.
Protecting biodiversity hotspots, areas with high numbers of endangered________ species, can be a cost-effective way to protect a large number of ________ species.
endemic, endangered
If too much water is removed by a well in coastal areas:
saltwater can seep into the aquifer.
Humans can access this groundwater through wells, but we can pull out water faster than it is naturally replaced. This can lead to ________ _______ in coastal areas or dry wells in inland areas. Surface pollution can also seep into the ground and contaminate groundwater
saltwater intrusion
Which country has more mammals, parrots, swallowtail butterflies, and corals than any other country on the planet?
What year was the driest on record in California?
Define genetic diversity and use the example of the potato blight in Ireland to explain the importance of genetic diversity to a population.
Genetic diversity, the inherited differences among individuals in a population, increases the chances that some individuals of the population will be able to survive environmental changes and perpetuate the species. Because all the potatoes in Ireland were identical in their inability to resist the blight, they all died. If the population had possessed genetic diversity, perhaps some potatoes would have survived. Even if the crop yield was low, these survivors could have been planted and produced a crop in the next year.
In a biological assessment of stream health, scientists collect bottom-dwelling insects and assess water quality based on:
he diversity and abundance of the species present.
Which of the following is true of evolutionary processes?
Evolution acts on existing genetic variation.
The leading cause of impaired surface waters in the United States is ___________________.
_____ selection continually favors a particular extreme of the trait
There are many compelling reasons to protect species
• The variety of life on Earth is tremendous. • This biodiversity provides important ecological services to ecosystems and humans including food, medicine, and economic development. • We should evaluate actions that threaten biodiversity and take steps to reduce the impact when possible
Regions that contain large numbers of endemic and threatened species
biodiversity hotspots
Those that are particularly vulnerable to ecosystem perturbations whose health can be used to keep track of an ecosystem’s health
indicator species
Programs that help elephants, help other species because elephants are ____ _____ in their ecosystems.
keystone species
True or False: An estuary is the land area adjacent to a body of water that is affected by the water’s presence and that affects the water.
A(n) _______________ aquifer is an underground, permeable region of soil or rock that is saturated with water from infiltration.
Cultural benefits of biodiversity
aesthetic spiritual educational recreational
Which of the following nutrients is a major contributor to eutrophication?
Endemism and extinction risk increase with ________
One of the best management practices set up for the Chesapeake Bay watershed regulates the principle source of excessive nutrients. This source is _________________.
agricultural runoff
An example of species diversity might be:
the many different species inhabiting a swamp.
Only __% of land on earth has some protected status
Habitat Loss Introduced Species Pollution Population Growth Overconsumption
Only __% of water on Earth is freshwater, and very little of that is accessible to humans.
use of water is exceeding sustainable limits
physical water scarcity
_____ ____ ______ _______ is vital to helping endangered species.
Protecting and restoring habitats
Internal factors that threaten forest elephants
Have a limited habitat range restricted to the rainforests of central Africa
Require large territory
Have a low reproductive rate, K-selected species
Rain gardens can be planted in areas to:
reduce the amount of stormwater runoff reaching streams.
The 193 signatory nations agree to pursue goals of biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of biodiversity, and equitable sharing of genetic resources (crops and livestock)
Convention on biological diversity (1992)
access to water is limited by the ability to pay for it, not by its physical scarcity
Economic water scarcity
True or False: Sustainable solutions to growing oil palms must consider the needs of consumers and nearby communities.
____ gallons is the average daily water use per person in US considering uses in the home, food, products, and energy
The science of preserving biodiversity.
conservation biology
Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in the Gulf of Mexico could originate from:
anywhere in the Mississippi River watershed.
What is the correct order of species from smallest to largest known species?
bacteria, vertebrates, fungi, plants, insects
Ecologists are developing metrics to assess ecosystem quality, such as…
species richness and evenness, soil health, water quality, plant community composition, and abundance of nonnative species.
A population of butterflies used to have small, medium, and large individuals, but several years ago a non-native bird was introduced to the butterfly’s habitat. It eats butterflies but only those that are medium size. Eventually, medium-sized butterflies became rare. This is an example of:
disruptive selection
Compare and contrast three typical point source pollutants and three nonpoint source pollutants from the area where you live.
Answers will vary, depending on whether the area is rural, suburban, or urban. Point source pollutants could be industrial or agricultural chemicals (see the Toxic Release Inventory of the EPA for specifics on a given zip code area). Non-point source pollution could include fertilizer, pesticide and sediment runoff from farms, ranches, lawns, golf-courses, construction sites, streets and parking lots, or air pollutants that fallout and enter the water.
____ _____ conservation programs focus on a specific species and have been very successful at protecting some interesting and charismatic species but have not been widely used for less visible or valued species
True or False: Most aquifers are not underground lakes of water but rather are regions of porous rock saturated with water.
Aquifers are refilled when water soaks into the ground, but ____ _____ ________ in urban and suburban areas limit infiltration.
hard land surfaces
When “how common” certain alleles are changes, the population has experienced _____
Natural selection is not the only driving force for evolution. Random events such as ______ _____, the ______ _____, and the _____ _____ also influence the evolution of a population by eliminating some individuals that might otherwise breed and produce offspring.
genetic drift, bottleneck effect, founder effect
a fire or other natural disaster wipes out part of the population survivors only possess a subset of the genetic diversity the next generation is less genetically diverse than the original
bottleneck effect
When restoration focuses on cleanup of pollution in a natural area it is called:
If water is removed from aquifers faster than it is resupplied, wells can run dry in ______ areas or become contaminated with saltwater in _______ areas.
inland, coastal
Underground places where freshwater is found are called _______; often regions of porous rock such as limestone or sandstone.
Water from precipitation that runs off urban areas, agricultural fields, and suburban lawns and flows over the surface of the land is known as __________________.
stormwater runoff
_____ in birds is the selective pressure for better _______ in beetles
Eyesight, Camoflouge
The traits that an environment favors are called _________.
Why is it inappropriate to reject evolutionary explanations for the diversity of life because evolution is “just a theory?
To say something is “just a theory” represents a misunderstanding of the concept of a scientific theory. Rather than seeing it as a well substantiated explanation supported by multiple lines of evidence, this statement is treating it more like a guess, or at best, an untested hypothesis that can be rejected for lack of evidence.
The DNA evidence showed that the following was NOT TRUE of African elephant populations and the ivory trade:
The ivory making its way to curio shops in New York and Beijing originated from numerous elephant populations from all over the African continent.
Why do the problems of water scarcity and unsanitary water conditions often occur together?
In areas with little water, there is often not enough water to provide separate sources for potable water and for sanitation so waste often goes directly into sources of water than people draw from for drinking, cooking and bathing. In other places the lack of sanitation, usually due to poverty, directly pollutes the water, thus decreasing the amount of usable water available.
_________ is used and contaminated water released after use by households, industry, or agriculture.
Infiltration is:
made harder in urban and suburban areas by roads, buildings, and lawns.
Fertilizer from your lawn and motor oil from the leaky oil pan on your car are examples of:
nonpoint source pollution.
True or False: Riparian areas help with the problem of nutrient runoff.
363 million years ago >20% of families lost, including 80% of all marine species
Devonian extinction
water purification
abundant supply in coastal areas • expensive & energy intensive
The discovery of the SHELL gene __________________. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.
allowed palm oil farmers to increase their yields
Normally “full” freshwater aquifers will not take in ________, but if the aquifer becomes depleted by overwithdrawing water, ______ can push in and contaminate the aquifer.
seawater, saltwater
Why are isolated populations more vulnerable to extinction than populations that are not isolated from each other?
Isolated populations usually have less genetic diversity than populations which are not isolated and can freely exchange genetic material (through dispersal of breeding individuals). This lower genetic diversity reduces the adaptability of the population — if environmental conditions change, there might not be any (or enough) population members able to survive the change.
Which of the following is true of the Endangered Species Act?
It is controversial due to its restrictions on landowners.
______ ________ are especially vulnerable to detrimental environmental changes because they cannot freely breed with other populations and thereby increase their genetic diversity and chances of survival.
Isolated populations
According to Alex Echols, what three changes to agriculture contribute to the increase of nutrient pollution to the Mississippi River? What could be done to reduce each?
1) change to crops like soybeans and corn that “leak” nitrogen back into the soil (don’t take up all the nitrogen added as fertilizer)
2) using more synthetic fertilizers which makes it possible to add enormous amounts — much more than would be added from manure or other natural sources
3) installing drainage systems to drain excess water out of soil for planting (also takes nitrogen with it. Reducing nutrient pollution could involve switching back to crops that don’t leave as much soluble nitrogen in the soil, reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers (add natural fertilizers or add any fertilizer more efficiently so that only that which is take up by plants is added at any one time) and using controlled drainage to limit the loss of water after fertilizers are added.
_______ species face a high risk of extinction in the near future.
Those that require large tracts of relatively undisturbed habitat to maintain viable populations, so saving this habitat also benefits other species
umbrella species
In terms of its impact on species and their environment, producing palm oil may be a better option than producing soybean oil because:
growers can produce more oil per hectare with palm plantations than soybean fields.
Why are orangutans going extinct in Sumatra?
loss of habitat due to increased soil erosion
True or False: The most serious conservation designation for a threatened species is “endangered.”
Rather than focus on a single species, a type of ecosystem conservation known as _______ conservation instead examines several indicator species in what is known as a _________ species suite. The species are specifically chosen to include a group that, together, uses all the vital areas within the ecosystem.
It is important to note that individuals are _________ ___, but populations _____.
selected for, evolve
_____ ______ is any body of water found above ground, such as oceans, rivers, and lakes.
Surface water
True or False: The Clean Water Act focuses primarily on reducing nonpoint source pollution.
A list maintained by the International Union for Conservation of Nature that identifies the conservation status of species worldwide.
The Red List
True or False: A biological assessment will allow you to determine what organisms live in the aquatic ecosystem.
A measure of all of the plant, animal, and microbial species in an area or on Earth In other words, the variety of life on Earthq
Human impact, especially _____ _____ and _______, is a major threat to biodiversity, endangering ecosystems and the species (including humans) that depend on the ecosystem services these areas provide.
habitat destruction, fragmentation
Species Survival Plans refer to:
Captive breeding programs that seek to maximize genetic diversity by moving reproductive animals from zoo to zoo.
How did Orange County address the problems of water scarcity, aquifer saltwater intrusion, and high volumes of wastewater? Would you support this solution in your own community? Explain.
Orange County purified their wastewater to the point that it was potable and then injected it into their wells to replace the water that was being removed. This prevented saltwater intrusion, reduced or eliminated the release of partially treated wastewater into the ocean, and increased their potable water supplies. Students may be in favor for this solution or may reject it for their own water supply but they should present reasons for their opinion.
True or False: As ecosystem diversity increases, so does species diversity.
On average, how many American families could be supported for one year by 6 acre-feet of water?
12 families
One creative way that some communities deal with wastewater is:
pumping it through a separate water system for people to use for laundry and for yard irrigation.
_____, ______, and _______ diversity all enhance the ability of an ecosystem to function as well as increase an ecosystem’s ability to adapt to changing conditions.
Genetic, species, ecosystem
In past 500 years, we know of _____ extinctions
Why did large rainstorms create a serious problem for the Orange County Sanitation District in California?
Rainfall overwhelmed the capacity of sewage treatment plants, causing partially treated sewage to pour into county surface waters.
How many species are there?
We don’t really know! 1.9 million species are known, but there could be ~100 million still to be discovered.
Around the world, more than ___ _______ people lack access to clean water, and as many as 3.5 billion have access to some, but not enough clean water to meet their needs. An additional 2.6 billion have no access to sanitation.
750 million
When access to water is limited only by one’s ability to pay for it, this is known as:
economic water scarcity.
Which of the following zones is located closest to Earth’s core?
the saturated zone
Biodiversity has ______ and _______ value
intrinsic, instrumental
Water pollution is
contaminants or excess nutrients in surface water and in groundwater.
Roughly ___ of all plants and animals are considered threatened today.
Distinguish between these types of protected areas: national parks, wildlife refuges and wilderness areas, and nature preserves. Why might it be useful to have these different types of protected areas?
National parks are set aside primarily for human recreation. Wildlife refuges and wilderness areas are generally open to visitors, as well as to hunting and fishing, but are not commercially developed (i.e., they have no restaurants, hotels, or other human accommodations). Nature preserves are closed to hunting and fishing; their main goal is to protect wildlife.
What is an example of coevolution?
Moths that are preyed upon by bats can hear the ultrasonic sounds the bats use in hunting.
Only __% of oceans are protected status
Which approach to protecting forest elephants do you advocate, and why?
Answers will vary but should be supported with evidence or reasoning. The single species approach might be useful in that it could bring in lots of money but the ecosystem approach would benefit more species. The major threats to the forest elephant are poaching (which might best be addressed with a single species approach that educates consumers and local populations) and habitat loss (which would be best addressed with an ecosystem approach that focuses on protecting and restoring habitat). A combination of the two approaches is probably best — use the elephant as a flagship species to bring in money and advertise its plight and then that money could be used to address habitat issues and poaching concerns.
What is selective pressure?
A nonrandom influence affecting who survives or reproduces Favors individuals with certain inherited traits such as better camouflage, tolerance for drought, or enhance sense of smell
210 million years ago 20% of families lost, including most species in a prominent reptile group known as crurotarsans- ancestors to modern crocodiles - whose loss allowed evolution of dinosaur
Triassic extinction
Water Cycle

Which is likely not an example of coevolution?
a tree trunk growing thicker and stronger prevents breakage from hurricane force winds
Which of the following is true about evolution?
Evolution eventually produces a perfect species.
Humans evolved from monkeys.
Evolution always proceeds from the simple to the complex.
Evolution is directed toward a final goal.
None of the aswers listed above are true.
None of the aswers listed above are true.
Why do experts think that protected areas, even though they have been successful in the past, are not a long-term solution for endangered species?
The areas themselves are being degraded due to factors like global warming and human construction, so the populations within the areas have to go outside of them, in unprotected areas, to fund suitable habitats.
Which is the correct path of water?
surface - soil - water table - aquifer
What is one important quality of an aquifer?
the water supply is replenished through infiltration of rain and snowmelt
wetland filtration systems differ from traditional high-tech filtratin systems in that
they create water that is not potable as well as depend on nature to help purify sewage
the end result of eutrophication is
decreased oxygen content of the water