Unit 3 Flashcards
Cardiac output is determined mainly by
Venous return
CO= VR (Also CO = SV X HR)
SV = stoke volume HR = heart rate
Factors that influence VR
Body metabolism (local flow and autoregulation) - VR is a summation of all local blood flows
Body size
Gender (heart size)
Factors affecting heart rate
Autonomic innervation
Fitness levels
Factors affecting stroke volume
Heart size Fitness levels Gender Contractility Duration of contraction Preload (EVD) Afterload (resistance)
Stroke volume =
Cardiac index increases from age ___-___
It decreases after age
0 - 10ish
CO will match VR via the following mechanisms:
Frank sterling’s mechanism (effects force of contraction) Bainbridge Reflex (effects rate of contraction) SA node stretch (effects rate of contraction)
Normal CO limit (at rest)
5 L/min
Maximum CO it can achieve
13 L/min
Cardiac output curve demonstrates:
The effectiveness of cardiac function at different levels of right atrial pressure (which reflects venous return)
Hyper-effective heart causes (More than normal amount of CO)
Sympathetic stimulation
Hypo-effective heart causes (less than normal amount of CO)
Sympathetic inhibition
Any heart pathology
Factors that decrease peripheral resistance
These can cause:
Beriberi (Thiamin deficiency)
Arteriorvenous fistula
Cause pathologically HIGH cardiac output
Abnormal connection between an artery and vein
Arteriovenous fistula
Inability to hold O2 in the blood
Too much fluid in the cardiac sac
Cardiac tamponade
Cardiac factors that can cause pathologically low CO
Myocardial infarction
Severe valve disease
Cardiac tamponade
Peripheral factors cause it pathologically low CO
Decreased blood volume (hypovolemia)
Acute venous dilation (SNS suppression)
Large vein obstruction
Decreased metabolic rate of tissues (hypothyroidism)
When cardiac output falls too low, it is called:
Circulatory shock
Venous return curve plateau is due to
Low atrial pressures leading to vein collapse
The higher the right atrial pressure, the _____ venous return will be
Venous return curve- mean systemic filling pressure
The venous return becomes 0 when the right atrial pressure rises to mean systemic filling pressure
If first atrial pressure is in the negatives, what happens to venous return
Increases until it gets to plateau
What happens to CO when sympathetic stimulation increases
It increases as right atrial pressure increases
What happens to CO and VR curves during exercise? What happens to right atrial pressure?
Does not really change—- should never really change!!!!
If resistance increases, what happens to VR?
It decreases
What happens to VR if systemic filling pressure (Psf) increases?
It increases
Normal systemic filling pressure
2 ways to increase delivery (X) of a substance
Fick’s Principle
1- increase it’s concentration [x]
2- increase flow into a tissue (Q)
Equation of Fick’s principle
X = Q [x]
X = delivery
Q = flow into a tissue
[x] = concentration
Just know what calculation is for, don’t worry about the math
What does Fick’s principle calculate?
Cardiac output by solving for Q
Q = X/[x]
[x] can be measured by [x]art - [x]vein
How can you apply Fick’s principle?
By measuring oxygen uptake from the lungs, and blood gas measurements
If a tissue is metabolically active, it will have an increase demand for”
Most important determinant for how much blood flow is needed in a spot
To maintain blood pressure when tissues require a lot of blood, ________ system steps in to help. Why?
To increase heart rate via sympathetic NS (norepinephrine)
Sympathetic (norepinephrine) uses ______ receptors.
Which so adrenal (epinephrine) use?
Mass sympathetic discharge increases:
HR and cardiac contractility
In mass sympathetic discharge, what happens to arterioles
They are contracted all over the body except muscles that are working, coronary blood vessels, and cerebral blood vessels
During mass sympathetic discharge, what happens to capacitance vessels and reservoirs?
They contract to increase mean systemic filling pressure
a result of mass sympathetic discharge
Increase in arterial pressure
What can cause increase in anterior pressure? (AKA BP)
Which causes higher BP?
Whole body exercises.
Stress— there is little muscle activity so there is no vasaodilation, so higher BP
Increase arterial pressure increases:
Blood flow directly and indirectly (stress-relaxation of arteries decreases peripheral resistance.)
Average blood flow at rest
3-4 ml/min/100g of muscle tissue
When skeletal muscle contracts, what happens?
Muscles shorten and widen. They squish the blood vessels.
This causes the blood flow go down
Average blood flow during exercise
50-80 ml/min/100g of muscle tissue
Left coronary artery and branches supply
The anterior and left lateral portions of the left ventricle
Right coronary artery and branches supplies
Most of the right ventricle and posterior part of the left ventricle
During systole, coronary blood flow (INCREASES/DECREASES)
What about diastole?
Systole decreases
Diastole increases
Blood vessels on outside of the heart.
Epicardial coronary arteries
Cardiac arteries within the heart that cannot be seen on the outside
Subendocardial arteries
What arteries in the heart are affected more by the “squish” effect? Impacted more by pressure
Subendocardial arteries
Local autoregulation of coronary blood flow is determined by
Local muscle cells’ metabolism; most likely by adenosine secretion in presence of low O2
Some epicardial arteries contain ______ receptors. Why?
Alpha 1 vasoconstrictor receptors
Thought to help prevent backflow during heavy exercise in the epicardial arteries
Coronary mostly contain _________ receptors
Beta2 adrenergic receptors, so general tendency is vasodilation
Parasympathetic coronary innervation
Very little direct innervation.
Though since Ach slows heart rate, autoregulation leads to decreased blood flow
Structure of the blood brain barrier
Continuous capillaries- endothelial cells with tight junctions and lack fenestrae - low amount of vesicular transport
Astrocyte foot processes
Function of the blood brain barrier
Low permeability to most water soluble substances
Blood brain barrier needs special carrier systems to transport:
Glucose, amino acids, etc
% of the hearts energy is derived from fatty acids at rest
When must the heart rely more on glucose/glycolysis? What can this cause?
Under anaerobic or ischemic conditions.
Results in lactic acid which can cause pain
How is adenosine made? What happens with this in the cardiac cell?
ATP degrades to ADP -> AMP -> Adenosine
Diffuses out of the cardiac muscle cell and is a potent vasodilator
Excessive loss of adenosine can lead to:
Cardiac muscle death
About 1/2 of the heart’s adenosine can be lost in”
30 min of ischemia
A slow process of plaque formation
In artherosclerosis, what happens to cholesterol
Large quantities become deposited beneath the endothelium, scar tissue forms (fibrosis), then calcifies (plaque)
Partial or total blockage of coronary arteries leads to:
A sudden process with Thrombus and/or embolus
Acute coronary occlusion
A penetrating artherosclerotic plaque that can cause a blood clot to form which quickly occluded an artery
A thrombus that has broken loose from the site of origin and flows to another site where it lodges
Congestive heart failure
Failure of the heart to pump enough blood to satisfy the needs of the body
Heart failure is characterized by:
A reduced cardiac output and damming up of the venous circulation
Heart failure is due to:
Either systolic OR diastolic dysfunction
Progressive loss of contractile function of the heart muscle.
Systolic dysfunction
Inability of heart to expand enough to fill the ventricles properly
Diastolic dysfunction
Which congestive heart failure is more common
Systolic dysfunction
Heart failure care also be classified as:
Left sided or right sided
Causes of left heart failure:
These cause:
Ischemic heart disease
Valve diseases
Myocardial diseases
This cause the left ventricle to hypertrophy and/or dilate
Left sided CHF leads to:
Pulmonary congestion and edema
Decreased renal perfusion leading to water and salt retention
Symptoms of CHF
Dyspnea (feeling of not getting enough air)
Orthopnea (Breathing effected differently depending on different positions)
Causes of right sided heart failure
Left sided heart failure
Cor pulmonale (heart problem secondary to a lung problem. So lungs started this, like cystic fibrosis)
Pure right sided heart failure leads to
Systemic and portal vein congestion
Hepatomegaly and spenomegaly
Peripheral edema
Kidney congestion leading to water and salt retention
What happens to a patient in severe CHF
The pt will manifest with both right and left heart failure symptoms
Acutely damaged heart, CO output at 4mmHg right atrial pressure
2ish l/min
If the heart is not too damaged from CHF, whaat happens to the excess fluid retention
It actually helps cardiac output by increasing venous return. (Compensated heart failure)
What happens w/ excess fluid in a heart severely damaged by CHF
Retention can overwhelm the heart and lead to severe edema and death (decompensated heart failure)
Aspects of compensated heart failure
CO will be normal
Right atrial pressure is ELEVATED
NO further renal salt and water retention occurs
Heart MAY recover over weeks and months
Aspects of decompensated heart failure
Excessive fluid retention
Overstretching of the heart (weakens it further)
Pulmonary edema (w/ decreased oxygenation)
Renal failure
Right atrial pressure at critical cardiac output level for normal fluid balance
This indicates decompensated heart disease.
5-11 mm Hg
Caused by fluid retention raising the rt atrial pressure over a period of days
The kidney needs a min CO of ______ L/min for normal fluid balance
Renal contribution to progressive decompensated heart failure:
Decreased _____ _____
Activation of:
Decreased glomerular filtration
Activation of renin angiotensin-aldosterone system
What hormone may slow the progression of heart failure
Atrial natriuretic hormone
Max percentage that the CO can increase above the normal level
Cardiac reserve
Cardiac reserve for normal adult
Cardiac reserve for athlete
Cardiac reserve for moderate coronary artery disease
Cardiac reserve for compensated heart failure
As little as 0%
Cardiac reserve for decompensated heart failure
Less than 0%
1st heart sound (__)
S1 Closure of AV valves Duration of .14 seconds Lower pitch “Lub”
2nd heart sound (__)
Closure of semilunar valves
.11 seconds
Higher pitch
3rd heart sounds
Happens during:
Caused by:
During middle third of diastole Caused by inrushing of blood into ventricles Low frequency (may be audible)
4th heart sound
Caused by:
During atrial systole
Caused by inrushing of blood
Very low frequency—- very unlikely to hear without any machines
Range of sounds that can be heard is between:
This is in relation to:
40-520 cycles/second
Threshold of audibility
Where is auscultation of aortic area checked?
2nd rt intercostal space
Where is auscultation of pulmonic area checked?
2nd left intercostal space
Where is auscultation of Erb’s point checked?
3rd left intercostal space
Where is auscultation of tricuspid area checked?
5th left intercostal space
Where is auscultation of mitral area checked?
5th intercostal space at mid-clavicular line
Erb’s Point
Spot to hear the best sounds.
Aortic Murmur heard during systole
Aortic stenosis