unit 3 Flashcards
independent campaigns
specific to political reader
video clip
soft $
harder to track and given to political parties then given to major candidate
due process clause
individual civil liberties- criminal process rights
like minded people who need select candidates they will support in election
closed primary
a party nominating election in which only declared party member can vote
coattail effect
effect of a strong candidate running for an office at the top of the ballet helping to attract voters
civil liberties
guarantees the safety of persons, opinions and property from the arbitrary acts of gov
civil rights
positive acts of gov that seek to make constitutional vary tees a reality for all petiole
blanket primary
voting process- voters receive a long ballot containing the names of all co tenders regardless of party can vote how they choose
Bill of attainder
legislative act that inflicts punishment without a court trial
establishment clause
separates church and state
exclusionary rule
evidence gained as the result of an illegal act by police cannot be used against the person whom they took it from
ex pust facto law
a law applied to an act committed by its passage
political action comitee, political arm of corruption
free exercise
Second part of the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom
drawing of elect Torrell district lines to the addendum party or group
Grand jury
formal device by which a person can be accused of serious crime serious crime
campaign money that is subject to regulations by the FEC
formal complaint for grand jury which charges of the accused went with its crimes
false and malicious use of printed words
Open primary
A party nominating election in which any qualified voter can be part of
false use of spoken words
crime of attempting to overthrow the government by force
Writ of habeas corpus
court order, prevents unjust arrest and imprisonment
tinker versus Des Moines school district
speech, extended freedom of speech to symbolic speech
angle versus vitale
religion, band on organized school prayer
Cantwell versus Connecticut
religion, Inc. free exercise of religion
Schenck v us
speech, government can limit free-speech if it provokes a clear and present danger
Miranda versus Arizona
fifth amendment, please have to make legal rights known at the time of arrest
Greg versus Georgia
eighth amendment, upheld the constitutionality of the death penalty
Lemon versus Kurtzman
religion, aid to church related school must be for non-religious purpose only
Miller versus California
speech, tried to clarify what is obscene
map versus Ohio
fourth amendment, incorporation of the fourth amendment
Gideon versus Wainwright
sixth amendment, Inc. the sixth amendment right to an attorney
Row versus Wade
ninth amendment, struck down states right to ban first term abortion is based on states not being able to infringe on the rights of privacy
near versus Minnesota
Press, newspapers are per tech did from prior restraint
Zurcher versus Stanford daily
Press, a proper search warrant can be applied to a newspaper
New York Times versus Sullivan
Press, to prove libel be at tact individual needs to not only prove that it was false but also that it was done with Moe lice or reckless disregard for the truth
Hazelwood school district versus Kohlmier
Press, prior restraint can be applied to school newspapers
go and vote
series of meetings