Unit 2 Flashcards
what areas does national government specialize in
economic and military
what areas does state government specialize in
safety, health, morals
benefits of federalism
decentralized government, pretexts diversity and allows democracy
order of power
laws of national gov
state laws
delegates powers
powers given to national government by the constitution
enumerated powers
listed in constitution
implied powers
power to pass laws needed to carry out enumerated powers
inherent powers
sovereign nations have powers
elastic clause
implied powers could be stressed
police powers
right of state and local communities to create and enforce laws that promote health safety and morals
state puts something on the ballet for people to vote on
enough signatures to get something on the ballet
remove someone from office vote
dual federalism
independent rate for state and national government
cooperative federalism
state and national levels working together
new deal
civilian conservation core
grant system
federal money granted to the states
categorical grant
narrowly defined grant money
main type of aid for states
formula grants
handed over on a percent basis
block grants
less restrictive, give money and states decide where to send it
trends in grants
federal money has increased
increased conditions of aid
categorical to block
initiative petition
what people vote on for states to carry out
pros for initiative
people vote directly
cons for initiatives
few checks and balances
minors have less say
local prejudices
mcCulloch v Maryland
necessary and prose clause powers
national banks
givers v Ogden
stretches necessary and proper powers
who’s monoploy rights were correct
heart of Atlanta v US
civil rights, discrimination
tow or more levels of government that have authority over the same area and people
item veto
remove ideas from bill without rejecting
powers of mercy shown to person convicted of crime
relieve someone of legal charges
change of punishment
postpone sentence
release for short period
states must return criminals
concurrent powers
both state and nationals have
reserved powers
doesn’t give to national doesn’t deny state
exclusive powers
can’t be done by national alonw
full faith and credit clause
states have records of other states
pri ledges and immunities
people entitled to certainty hints