Unit 3 Flashcards
Who were the Syndicate ?
The Syndicate was a group of Congress leaders that came into power after the death of Nehru. They were Sanjeeva Reddy, Nigalingappa, Atulya Ghosh and Kamaraj.
Why did the Syndicate prefer Shastri?
They preferred Shastri to Morarji Desai because they thought that he would not challenge their leadership, and keep the party united.
What was his role in the Green Revolution in India?
Shastri contributed in the agricultural development of India, transforming it into a food surplus nation. He allocated more budget to agriculture, and also resorted to high yielding crop varieties, better irrigation facilities and better agricultural practices overall.
What was his role in White Revolution?
He oversaw the National Dairy Development board that spurred the White Revolution boosting production of milk in India
What was his role in the 1965 Indo Pak war?
- His slogan Jai Jawan Jai Kisan
- The Tashkent Declaration signed between him and General Ayub Khan to return to pre war positions.
His role in boosting the economy ?
He played a role in boosting the economy and battling inflation by devaluing the rupee and also cutting down his own salary to inspire the nation to do the same.
What other things did he do?
He promoted social equality and worked for the SCs and STs. He also strongly displayed India’s non alignment during the Cold War.
What was the reason for the elections of 1967?
The Congress Party had lost its value as most top leaders had resorted to lavish lifestyles and the party had started suffering losses due to factional infighting and political wheeling dealing.
What was the result of the 1967 elections?
The Congress suffered heavy losses and lost majority in 8 states. Emerging opposition parties were the Jan Sangh, the SSP, the Communists, Swatantra. It also highlighted the short lived era of coalition governments and politics with defection.
From 1967-70 why was there a President’s rule?
There was a President’s rule from 1967-70 because of constant bargaining and changing loyalty of the MLAs. With an unstable government, there remained President’s rule in 7 states. Corrupt legislators freely changed sides at convenience when lured with money. Party discipline consequently broke down.
What was an important feature of coalition government?
beginning of politics of defection.
Who was the priest of Anti Congressism?
Rammonohar Lohia
What was one political cause of the Naxalite Movement?
After the 1967 elections, the Congress lost its hold on six state legislatures, two of which became under the control of a coalition govt of CPI(M) from which a breakaway faction by Charu Majumder became part of electoral politics.
What were the principles from the Historic 8 documents?
- Indian state was bourgeouise
- Most communist parties had resorted to revisionism to stay within the government
- A Maoist armed struggle was required to overthrow the government
- Soviet Union itself was revisionist, straying from its original principles.
Social Causes of the Naxal Movement?
- Areas where communism was popular was filled with poverty.
- Commercialization of agriculture had led to a wide gap between classes.
- The government’s attempt to abolish landlordism created a class of rich peasants among the backward classes.
- There was no protection for the tribes, all in paper.
- Communism mobilized the sharecroppers and peasants.
State the immediate cause for the uprising of the Movement.
In 1967, a section of CPI(M) had resorted to violent means to distribute land among the landless peasants. Shortly after, a sharecropper was attacked by a landlord’s gang in Naxabari over a land dispute. When police arrived, he was killed by a tribal demonstration in rage. This inspired sharecroppers to resort to violence and attack landlords.
Why did CPI(M) expel a few members?
CPI(M) expelled a few members like Charu Majumdar and Kanu Sanyal to avoid any conflict in the coalition government they were a part of.
What was the significance of the Naxal Movement?
Inspiring armed struggle by the underprivileged stretching across Bihar, UP, Kerala, Andhra.
What was the student’s role in it ?
Some students went to rural areas to amplify the revolution while some stayed back. Roads were filled with students bombing, clashing with police and any other anti revolutionary figures of authority like the teachers. Many student activists were killed in the process
How did the Naxalite movement die down?
Congress deployed anti Naxalite groups, suspected naxalites were arrested illicit arms or weapons were seized and then Charu Majumdar’s arrest and death in custody almost symbolised the end of the Movement.