Unit 3 Flashcards
Market size
The volume if sales of a produc6
Market size
The volume if sales of a produc6
Anticipating and satisfying customers wants in a way that felights the consumer and also meets the need of the organisation
Market growth
Percentage change in sales
Factors including market growth
Economic growth
Nature of the product
Changes in taste
Social changes
Sales growth
Percentage change in sales
Market share
Percentage change in proportion of total sales of a product or service achieved by a firm or a specific brand of a product
Example of marketing objective
Marketing positioning reaching out to different targets like gendere
Ethical and environmental marketing objectives- making there products better for the environment
Value of setting marketing objectives
Act as a focus for decision making and effort
Provide a yardstick against which success or failure can be measured
Improve co-ordination by giving teams a common purpose
Benefits of setting marketing objectives
Marketing objective should be smart
measure and timed objectives allow managers and individuals to improve efficiency
Problems with setting marketing objectives
External chanh3s are not easy to predict and marketing objectives may be based on incorrect assumptions
Internal changes should be foreseeable foreseeable they are likely to create problems
May be unclear priorities
External influences on marketing objectives
Market factors- growth or decline has big impact on objectives
Competitors action and performance- difficult for the owner to achieve a high market share if there is loads of competitors
Supplier- capability of its suppliers to provide whatever the business believe can be sold
Internal influence software marketing objectives
Finance- business with healthy financial situation can afford to put.more resources into it marketing and therefore can set more challenging objectives
Primary market research
Collection or commissioning of info, gathered first hand, for the specific purpose of the initial user
Secondary market research
Info that has already been collected for a different purpose
Example of primary research
Focus group
Telephone interviews
Advantages of focus group
Enable a firm to gather detailed info om why consumers react the way they do
Disadvantages of focus groups
Sometimes and element of bias in focus groups as ghe groups consists of people who have particular interest in the group
Focus group
Group of consumers encouraged to dicuss their feelings about a product or a market
Interview advantages
A wide range of info can be obtained
Questions can be closed or open
The interviewers can explain the wording of the question to the interviewer
Interview disadvantages
Personal interviews can be time consuming
Person responding can give false answers
Advantages of surveys
Surveys can update quickly
May be possible to do a detailed questionnaire
Disadvantages of surveys
Sample will tend to be biased towards people with a particular interest
Will be less relevant for organisations whose target market use the internet
Examples of secondary market research
Government publications
Loyalty cards
Advantages od secondary market research
Info is already available
Cheaper than primary research
Secondary surveys are often conducted regularly
Disadvantages of secondary market research
Info may be dated and therefore misleading
Since info is available to other organisations unlikely to give the business any advantages over competitors
Qualitative market research
Collection of info about the market based on subjective factors such as opinions and reasons
Benefits of qualativae market research
By examiners why consumers in a certain way the business can gain a greater insight into what it needs to appeal to its consumers
Can highlight issues that the business was not aware of
Drawback of qualative Market research
Expensive to gather this info as usually requires skilled personel to interpret it
Difficult to tabulate the data and compare it with other data
Quantitive market research
Collection of info based on numbers
Benefits of quantities market research
Summarises data in a concise and meaningful way
Numerical data makes it easier to compare results eith other organisations
Disadvantages of quantative research
Only shows what rather than explaining why
Can lack reliability and validity
Market mapping
A technique that analyses markets by looking at the features that distinguish different products or firms
Benefits of market mapping
Helps to identify a firms closest rival
Helps to identify gaps in the market that a firm could fill by introducing a new product or image
Shows overall competition of market
Benefits of market mapping
Helps to identify a firms closest rival
Helps to identify gaps in the market that a firm could fill by introducing a new product or image
Shows overall competition of market
Disadvantages of market mapping
Can be an oversimplification of a product or a business position
Very subjective ajd potentially inaccurate or biased
Apparent gaps in a market
Benefits of sampling
Asking a small group of customers fsj provide food indication of the likely behaviour of the whole market
Can be used flexibly
Reliable info can be gathered from a fairly small cross section
Disadvantages of sampling
Samples may be unrepresentative
May be bias in questions or in the answers that they encourage
In markets tastes are constantly changing such as music industry
Confidence intervals
Plus or minus figure used to show accuracy or statistical results arising from sampling
Factors influencing confidence levels
Sample size
Population size
Percentage of sample choosing a particular answer
Using previous patterns of numerical data in order to repdict values in the future
Strengths of extrapolation
Quite common for past trends to continue into the future
Some consumers adopt new idead more quickly than others and so products experiencing sales growth steadily build up
Disadvantages of extrapolation
Less reliable if there are fluctuations
Assumes thr past changes will continue into the future and so does not take into account changes
Ignores qualative factors
Value of technology in gathering marketing decisioj making
Info from business links
Loyalty cards
Social media
Value of info technology in analysing data for marketing decision making
Time saved by a business allows a business to comapres a number different strategies
Organisations are able to link their sale records to databases
Price elasticity of demand
The degree to which the quantity demanded of a good or service affected by a change in price
Income elasticity of demand
The degree to which the quantity demanded of a good or service is affected by a change in consumer income