Unit 3 Flashcards
The disability category with the highest percentage of children served under IDEA is
specific learning disability (SLD)
A student’s medical diagnosis determines whether the student qualifies for special education and related services in a public education setting.
A student’s educational disability category determines the types of supports and services the student is allowed to receive.
Eva is a sixth-grade student who has a difficult time comprehending what she reads in class. She finds herself reading and rereading the same pages, trying to find meaning in the text. Additionally, Eva experiences difficulty following directions, often missing important steps. She finds herself falling behind in class and feeling as though she cannot keep up with her peers.
Specific learning disability
Mateo is a kindergarten student with a lot of energy. His favorite activities are sensory-based. He enjoys playing alone in the sand at recess. Mateo repeatedly grabs a handful of sand and watches it sift through his fingers. When he is excited, he spins in circles. Mateo has a difficult time transitioning to new activities and becomes agitated when his routine is changed.
Talia is a tenth-grade student. After hitting their head on the side of a pool during a swim meet, they began experiencing difficulty in school with focus, follow-through, and organization. They frequently misplaced their school materials and missed the deadline for several assignments. Additionally, Talia has experienced difficulty sitting in rooms with overhead lighting, causing them to wear sunglasses inside.
Traumatic brain injury
Individuals with the same disability category qualify for the same special education and related services programming.
A high school special education student diagnosed with autism received special education services and related support for social pragmatic (social skills) therapy from a speech-language pathologist. The student requires some academic support, primarily in written expression and task management, which happens within the general education environment in a co-taught English class with an English teacher and an assigned special education teacher. The student also receives speech-language therapy twice per week. This student’s time out of the general education environment is minimal. What type of educational placement would this student receive, given the needs and the supports and services received?
Modified general education class
A common learning challenge associated with a learning disability that makes it difficult to complete math tasks, such as addition, subtraction, and division is
A student in your fourth-grade classroom has a very difficult time writing. The student is slow to formulate letters and often writes the letters in an unusual way. The student’s ability to answer questions orally is outstanding. In class, a teacher’s assistant often acts as a scribe. Which type of learning disability does this student display characteristics of?
Difficulty discriminating between or among sounds in words, letters in writing, or numbers
Example of LD (learning disability)
Difficulty reading text fluently, stumbling on sounding out words, and replacing words in text with words that have similar meaning
Vision loss impacting the ability to see letters on paper unless they are enlarged up to 200 percent, the traditional 12-point size
Non LD
Repetitive behaviors, such as arm flapping, rocking, or spinning
Non LD
Difficulty with organizing school materials, information, and directions, as well as challenges prioritizing and keeping track of tasks
Difficulty following a classroom demonstration, causing confusion and difficulty with understanding conclusions and replication
Nonverbal learning disorder
Difficulty reading text independently, despite comprehending information read to them, which could impact their ability to access and engage in meaningful classroom discussions and activities
Difficulty with written information on exams or essays, despite solid comprehension of a topic
Difficulty participating in classroom discussions and activities, but often has many related and relevant thoughts on the topic at hand
Language processing disorder
Hannah is a student with a severe peanut allergy. She requires an EpiPen be available at all times during her school day in the event she has an allergic reaction. In order for Hannah to be safe navigating her school day, her environment must be nut-free.
504 Plan
A student diagnosed with ADHD by a physician has difficulty focusing on exams in the general education environment. The student is easily distracted by the noises and people in the class, resulting in incomplete work being turned in. The work that does get completed demonstrates that the student has a solid understanding of the curriculum.
504 Plan
A student in a fifth-grade classroom struggles to follow directions in class, complete assignments on time or in an appropriate manner, and identify important concepts and related details in reading. A teacher reported the student is performing significantly below peers across content subjects.
Does not require the formal, detailed plans that are part of an IEP
Section 504
Provides additional funding to states for eligible students
Contains explicit language protecting individuals with disabilities from harassment or retaliation based on their disability
Section 054
Limited to students with an educational need
No age restriction
Section 054
The team that writes IEPs or 504 plans must include a special education teacher.
Federal law funds and regulates the education of gifted and talented students in the public education sector.
High-energy, impulsivity, nonstop talking, insatiable curiosity
Wide interests, keen sense of humor, little concern for social norms, inventiveness
Feelings of being different, sense of justice, need for emotional support, sensitive and empathetic toward others’ feelings
Intellectual curiosity, diverse interests and abilities, goal-directed, problem-solver
Omar sets unrealistic goals for himself. He frequently shows signs of emotional distress when something does not work out in the way he anticipated.
Unhealthy perfectionalism
Mei is advanced in math but slightly below average in physical education. She becomes upset because she cannot do equally well in all areas.
Asynchronous development
Ren’s teacher perceives a lack of confidence in them. Ren often seems unmotivated.
Low self esteem
Fatima seldom talks to her peers in the classroom. On the rare occasions she asks for help, she always seeks it from the teacher rather than other students.
Poor social skills
A student considered gifted and talented cannot qualify for special education and related services under IDEA.