Unit 2 Flashcards
Title III of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
- Instruction for students needing English Language Support
- Standardized testing rules
- Students with exceptionalities needing english language support
- Students with exceptionalities
- Accomodations and modifications
- Individualized education program
What does both Title III and IDEA do as federal laws?
- Guaranteed education
- Evaluation methods
- Appropriate setting
What does EL mean?
English learner
What year did Congress enact the ESSA for funding, operations, and accountability?
Placement of ELLs must be:
Which requirements are included in Title III of ESSA?
- Consistent methods to determine whether students are eligible for English language instruction services
- Options to assess ELs in their native language
- Greater emphasis on parent and family communication
It is appropriate to place ELs in classrooms with students of significantly different ages if their overall English proficiency levels are similar.
School districts typically administer a home language survey to families in order to identify any students who may use other languages and should be tested to see whether they are eligible for English language instruction services. Which question might typically appear on a home language survey?
What is the language most often spoken by the student?
Title III requires that all ELs receive instruction in self-contained, EL-only classrooms rather than in the general classroom.
Title III requires schools to report on the number of ELs receiving services and their progress toward language:
It is important for teachers to evaluate students for:
Educational disabilities
Which characteristic might indicate a potential exceptionality in an eighth-grade EL student who has recently arrived to the United States?
Student learned to read in his native country but has difficulty comprehending text in both his native language and English.
Education plans (IEPs or 504 plans) for ELs with disabilities should address students’ native language proficiency as well as their English proficiency and academic skills.
Which practice may reduce inappropriate over- or under-identification of ELs for special education services?
Consider native literacy and language.
Requiring bilingual testing for all ELs would eliminate over- and under-identification of ELs in special education.
Students lack confidence or language skills to participate verbally.
Provide nonverbal options for participation
Students without strong reading skills may feel intimidated practicing close reading with a difficult text.
Allow students to do “close reading” activities with a portrait or picture
Students who are ELs or who have exceptionalities may need multiple opportunities to see and practice a skill.
Use an “I do, we do, you do” approach to model a skill
Person-first language
A person with disabilities
Identify first language
A disabled person
You are the teacher of an EL who has been placed in English language instruction. The EL is new to the United States, and, when the state-mandated tests are given, the student will have been enrolled in school for only three months. Under ESSA, which option would be most appropriate?
The student takes the required state-mandated test in math, administered in her native language, but does not take the reading assessment this year.