Unit 3 Flashcards
What is Chi-Rho?
An ancient symbol of Christ
What object could only be worn by Hawaiian royalty?
What do red and yellow symbolize?
Red: Royalty
Yellow: Prosperous future
What were signs of high status to the Mesquakie people?
Grizzly bear claws
Who made Triumph of the Will?
Leni Riefenstahl
What is Lamassu?
A relief carving of the body of a lion or bull, and the head of a crowned king.
What is Persepolis?
a palace
Palace at Ikere
(Nigeria, 1910s)
Shows a king sitting with two slaves at his feet, and his tall blue favorite wife behind him.
Maori Meeting House
(New Zealand, late 1800s)
Site for connecting with ancestors, reaffirming tribe values, and clan ties. The building represents the boyd of a powerful ancestor that visitors can become one with.
Arch of Titus
(Italy, 81 CE)
Large white arch built to record Titus’ apotheosis. Shows Greek orders, and spandrels symbolize his military successes. There’s also an Eagle carrying him to heaven
Equestrian Monument of Bartolomeo Colleoni
(Italy, late 1400s)
Shows powerful, agressive soldier on horse
Tula Warrior Columns
(Mexico, 900)
Uniformly built, towering soliders. They look like cylinders
Plaque with Warrior and Attendants
(Nigeria, 1700)
King is holding shield and is larger than attendants.
The Great Wall
(China, 206 BCE-1644 CE)
Signal stations used smoke by day, fires by night. Brick is 25 ft in height and width, extends for 1500 miles.
The Palette of King Narmer
(Egypt, 3000 BCE)
Used for mixing black eye makeup. Records when King Narmer unified Egypt by defeating Lower Egypt.
horizontal fish=Narmer
Hathor= Cow Goddess, Narmer’s protector
bare feet= divine event
Falcon= Horus, God of Upper Egypt
Intertwined necks= unification of Egypt
Burning of the Sanjo Palace
(Japan, 1200s)
Shows a battle scene of a civil war between two clans. Plenty of fire and chaos.
Dead Confederate Soldier with Gun
(USA, 1865)
Photograph of dead soldier lying on the ground with gun on his back. Mathew B Brady was one of the first war photographers
Battle of Little Big Horn
(Sioux, 1880)
Native perspective of Custer’s last stand, a violent battle
The Battleship Potemkin
(Russia, 1925)
Movie showing the heroism and martyrdom of the Soviet people, made by Sergei M Eisenstien
What cinematic devices did Eisenstein use in his film The Battleship Potemkin?
Full views
Extreme close ups
Panned shots
iris (blurred edges)
traveling camera
(Spain, 1937)
Surrealist/Cubist painting showing the horrors of the Spanish Civil War, and the Nazi destruction of the Basque capital.
Symbolism in Guernica
bull= fascist Spain, doomed to torture
dying horse= Spanish republic
fallen soldier= spirit of resistance
US Marine Corps War Memorial
(USA, 1954)
Commemorates 6,800 US soldiers that died in the battle for Iwo Jima Island in WWII.
Sculpture is a copy of a photograph showing marines putting up an American flag.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
(USA, 1982)
Has names of the chronological order of the 58,000 who died in Vietnam War.
V-shaped, one end points to the Washington Monument, other points to the Lincoln memorial.
General executing suspected leader of a Vietcong commando unit
(Vietnam, 1968)
Photograph taken by Eddie Adams, showing the harshness of the Vietnam War in the US media
The Peaceable Kingdom
(USA, 1830s)
Painting based on a biblical passage, animals peaceful in front, Native treaty debate in background. Full of innocence and peace.
Ara Pacis Augustae
(Rome, 10 BCE)
Space built to commemorate Emperor Augustus stopping the civil wars between Spain and France. Shows peace.
Moctezuma’s Headdress
(Aztec, 1319)
Precious feather filled headdress given to Cortes as a peace offering.
Presentation Pipe Tomahawk
(Ottawa, 1820)
Very well crafted to be presented as a ritual peace offering
The Execution of May 3, 1808
(Spain, 1814)
Showing Napoleon firing squad executing Spaniards when he seized the country
The Outbreak
(Germany, 1903)
Shows a women leading a 1500s peasant war, shows the violence of poverty and the uprising against the ruling class
Fit for Active Service
(Germany, 1918)
Drawing that exposed German doctors who sent sick, young, and old men incapable of fighting to fight in WWI.
Goering the Executioner
(Germany 1933)
A photomontage combining photographs and drawings of Hermann Goering, a Nazi. Shown as a brutal butcher.
Echo of a Scream
(Mexico, 1937)
Artwork with huge crying baby head showing turmoil of unseen victims of the spread of fascism. The waste on the ground shows effects of industrialization
Elegy to the Spanish Republic XXXIV
(USA, 1953)
A series of paintings mourning the loss of liberty in Spain after the fascist victory. Uses Automatism, a surrealist process, which is similar to abstract expressionism.
black and white= bull testicles, leather berets of the guardia civil, living forms crushed by black bands
Woman with Keloidal Scars
(Japan, 1962)
Photograph of Nagasaki bombing survivor, showing scars of a horrible injury, and the tragedies of the bombing and war
Mercenaries I
(USA, 1976)
Painting showing two guns for hire carrying a victim between them, very raw scene
Liberty Leading the People
(France, 1830)
Painting mixes Realism, Idealism, Romanticism, to create a scene of Liberty leading the French people to their revolution against the monarchy. She is holding a rifle and a french flag.
48 Inches High, 8 Years Old, Picks Up Bobbins at 15c a Day
(USA, 1910)
Lewis Hine photographed children working in hazardous and underpaid conditions, this photo shows a standing boy dwarfed by the machines he’s working on. His photographs helped pass child labor laws in the US.
The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti
(USA, 1931)
Shows the funeral of the unjust execution of two Italian immigrants who were anarchists, and convicted for robbery and murder. Painting shows the commissioners who allowed the execution, the courthouse, and the judge
No. 36: During the Truce Toussaint Is Deceived and Arrested by LeClerc. LeClerc Led Toussaint to Believe That He Was Sincere, Believing That When Toussaint Was Out of the Way, the Blacks Would Surrender
(USA, 1937)
Shows African struggles against European colonist militaries. This is about a Hatian enslaved man who led a revolt.
(South Africa, 1985)
Designed to raise awareness for the treatment of native South Africans during Aparthied
The State Hospital
(USA, 1966)
criticizes treatment of patients in mental hospitals
Insertions into Ideological circuits: Coca Cola project
(Brazil, 1970)
Reprinted and redistributed coca cola bottles that has political messages written on them. Critiqued the military government, and treatment of Indigenous populations.
Sun Mad Raisins
(USA, 1981)
Sun Maid Raisin box redesigned to show girl as a skeleton, and lists what chemicals the grapes are grown with
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews without their heads
(Ottawa, 1998)
A sculpture scene, saterizing the 1700s painting of the wealthy and imperialist Mr. and Mrs. Andrews.
They waz nice white folks while they lasted
(USA, 2001)
Silhouettes showing racist imagery during slavery in the United States
Allegory of Good Government: The Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country
(Italy, 1330s)
Petty painting showing what life would be like if the government did their job correctly. (Showing what happens when Justice, Prudence, Temperance, and Fortitude reign)
Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve
(North Europe)
Portriats of powerful humanists, who showed an interest in learning instead of power and wealth. Shows a broken lute, and a skull.
Codex Borbonicus
(Aztec, 1500s)
A colorful religious calendar showing glyphs surrounding Gods of light and sun, and moon and destruction
The Aboriginal Memorial
(Australia, 1988)
200 hollowed logs made as traditional Aboriginal coffins. Painted with Dreamtime symbols
The Scene of the Crime
(New York, 1990s)
Art is built scene of a crime, showing Puerto Rican American cultural landmarks. Protests against dominant American treatment of Puerto Ricans in media.
Light Sentence
(Palestine/England, 1992)
Cages and lockers with offputting lighting. Shows personal identity, the body, surveillance, and control. Reveals instability that those without power endure
Breakfast Scene
(England, 1745)
Saterizes the artisocratic English for partying hard and misusing their extravagant money.
(Poland, 1980)
Sculpture scene of 80 distressed and slouched backs, without self or individuality. The backs are not all the same, but similar.
Untitled (Selected Writings)
Moving electronic signs of common messages, and questioning common beliefs. They’re displayed too quickly for the reader to fully understand any of them.
The Legislative Belly
(France, 1834)
Political cartoon making fun of Congress
Portrait of George
(USA, 1981)
Bust of George Moscone, a mayor who was assassinated. Was taken down shortly.
Drawing from Mine
(South Africa, 1991)
A short film animated in charcoal, showing causes and injustices of apartheid.
The Knot
( El Salvador, 1994)
Two figures with their peppermint phalluses tied together are shown as politicians and police, resists violence.
(Colombia, 2008)
548 foot long crack in a building floor. Shows divide between racial and social classes.
What were the earliest tombs shaped like?
Hills or Mountains
What types of tombs did Egyptians build?
(Ireland, really really old)
A late stone age tomb built to shine light through it during the winter solstice
The Great Pyramids are-
-Oriented to the sun
-tombs of pharaohs
-part of necropolis
Why did they stop building tombs?
Grave robbers would break in and steal possessions
Were ancient tombs furnished with supplies to help the dead in the afterlife?
Part of the soul, lives in the heart, ba leaves when person dies, and returns hungry 70 days later.
Mental part of the soul, symbolized by outstretched arms.
What does King Tut wear in his coffin?
Distinctive eye makeup, false powerful beard, striped head cloth, cobra head to frighten enemies
What visual metaphors are present in The Fowling Scene?
the cycles of the nile, the unchanging culture, and the vast desert
Are more powerful figures shown as larger than less powerful figures?
The temple of Hatshepsut
(Egypt, 1000 BCE)
Mounoment to her. Showed off her exploits in life.
Etruscan Tombs
(Italy, 520 BCE)
Buried people in tombs that prepared them for an afterlife similar to earth. Emphasized the pleasure of living. Men and women are equals.
(Italy, 500 BCE)
Dead were buried here, and it was built in small rooms laid out like houses. Emphasizes pleasure
Funeral Complex of Shi Huangdi
(China, 200 BCE)
Terracotta warriors, 6,000 statues of standardized soldiers, absolutely massive place. Every face is different.
Royal Tombs of the Moche
(Peru, 300)
Some tombs had warrior priest gear: jewelry, breastplates, weapons, and ornamental feathers.
Also found: gilded cloth, shell beads, helmet, nose plate, crescent shaped bells
Peanut Necklace
(Peru, 300)
10 Silver and 10 Gold peanuts necklace. Cerimonial food of honor.
Viking Ship Burial
(Norway, 800s)
Vessel of a wealthy family, this was the tomb of a high ranking woman
When and why did mound tombs change to funerary structure?
Around the first millenium, and structures and events became more commemorative to the life of the person, instead of furnished homes for the afterlife.
Grave Stele of Hegeso
(Greece, 400 BCE)
Carving of a wealthy woman having her jewelry handed to her by a servant
What were the most common Greek monuments?
-Small columns supporting vases, urns, small statues
-life size freestanding figures of young men or women
–relief carvings on stone slabs
What styles were Roman family tombs build in?
- Altar tombs
-Modified Greek Temples
-Diminutive Egyptian Pyramids
-Combinations of these
Funerary Relief of a Circus Official
(Ancient Rome)
Wife is small, holding hands is a sign of marriage. Standing on a pedestal means she died before him.
Realistic carvings of the figures
Describe early Christian burials
Buried, rather than cremating.
-believed body would resurrect and rejoin the soul at the end of time
-catacombs were built out of tufa
-catacombs would be for martyrs, hiding fugitives, and worship services
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia
Was originally attached to a church
The tomb of St. Peter
(Italy, 1630)
huge bronze canopy, called a baldacchino, mounted over the tomb itself.
What is English perpendicular?
A architecture style of gothic
What are the symbols of the Taj Mahal?
canals= four rivers of paradise
itself= throne of Allah
What are reliquaries?
Small precious shrines, clothing or body parts are kept inside.
What did African reliquaries often hold?
Remains of ancestors, and gave protection to the living from their ancestors.
When and why did cemeteries move from churchyards to civil spaces?
18-19th century, they were overcrowded and unhealthy, and influenced by romanticism
(England, 1852)
Painting of Hamlet character Ophelia grimly drowning in a lake. Dress suggests casket
What needs do modern death art serve?
Personal needs
What figures do the day of the dead painting represent?
(Oceania, 1800s)
Sculptures that are carved for commemorating deceased clan members. It stimulates economy, grows bonds, and creates initiation rites
Mausoleum of Mao Zedong
(China 1900s)
Holds his body, the building’s placement signifies his claim as successors to the Chinese Emperors
AIDS Memorial Quilt
(DC, 1996)
Huge work of many quilts put together to commemorate those who died of AIDS, it has a personal and political impact.
Tribute in Light
(NY, 2002)
Shines two pillars of light where the twin towers stood to commemorate those who died in 9/11
New World Trade Center
(NY, 2015)
Has the Freedom Tower, which is 1776 feet tall. Also has permanent memorial for 9/11 victims.
The belief in nature being inhabited by spirits
The Snake Goddess
A powerful early Goddess in Minoan civilization
Ancient Greek Goddess, the beginner of all life
Were deities in Egypt personifications of natural forces?
Egyptian Goddess of sky, stars, love, mirth, and joy. Depicted as human and cow
Were Mesoamerican gods often linked with corn and water?
Maya sculpture of corn, promoting crop growth. Small crouched over lady with headpieces.
Blue Maya sculpture of rain, has fangs and large ears.
Belief that a divine spirit pervades all things in the universe. Hinduism is pantheistic. They have many avatars of Brahman the unbounded, not many Gods.
Sign of protection shown in Lord of the Dance
A Buddhist symbol of death and attaining Nirvana. A mound tomb, or a monument
Four heraldic gates located at the four cardinal points of a Stupa
Mast with umbrellas, on a Stupa, symbolizing levels of human consciousness ascending to Nirvana
What, historically, has Jesus been depicted as?
-royal ruler
-miracle worker
-beautiful child
-dying man
Small Mexican paintings left at shrines, form of prayer and thanks
Sacrifice of Issac
Shows Abraham almost killing Isaac because God told him to
Shield Jaguar and Lady Xoc
Principal wife kneeling at ruler and pulling a thorned rope through her tongue as a blood sacrifice
Hopi Spirits of the Dead, bring good fortune to community
Colors on Kachinas
North-blue or green
West- Yellow
South- Red
the heavens-multicolor
the nadir-black
A radially balanced, geometric diagram showing the structure of the universe
An artificial mountain (ziggurat=mountain, pinnacle) that seems to reach into the heavens
Shinto Gods of nature
The open peak of a dome in the Pantheon, creates a shaft of sunlight inside
Dome of the Rock
-burial place of Adam
-Where Abraham’s son Isaac was saved by an angel
-Hebrew Temple destroyed by Titus
-Stone where Mohammed ascended to heaven
Greek building with lots of columns, built with post and lintel, big and old and nice
a style (or order) of the temple Parthenon
A long band of sculptures on the outside of the Parthenon
Did Egyptian temple design remain constant for about 3,000 years?
Hypostyle halls
parallel rows of columns that supported ceilings
Two belief systems of Hinduism
- nature based, spirits in plant and animal life, concept of reincarnation
- Cosmos in symbolic, geometric terms
The Gothic Cathedral
Famous form of a Catholic church, built in cities, modernist views were being developed as well.
Rose Window
Shows Old Testament Prophets and kings surrounding Mary with baby Jesus
The wall facing Mecca, a special marker niche
A podium next to the mihrab used for giving sermons
Tall, slender tower. also part of the mosque
What is ornamentation?
A pattern used to design Mosques. Symbolizes Allah