Unit 3 Flashcards
IDEA mandates assessments not be racially or culturally discriminatory
Evaluations administered in child’s native language
Multidisciplinary more than 1 assesment
Nondiscriminatory Assesment
Concept involving issues of race, language, social class, culture, disability, gender, etc.. to prepare all students with the knowledge and skills to function effectively in each cultural setting
Support diverse learners but benefits all students
Multicultural Education
use students cultural traits and past experiences to create a positive learning environment for all students.
Culturally responsive teaching
Different than multicultural education
Designed for ELLs who are not native English speakers
Involves both native language and English language
Bilingual Edicationq
the view that one’s own culture is superior and other cultures are inferior or peculiar
diversity is seen as a strength, many cultures are valued and celebrated
Cultural pluralism
traits such as individualism, independence, competitiveness, ambition. Values such as equality and fair play
American macroculture
when one group is either over or under represented in sped
Linguistic Education Programs (5)
Immersion English as a Second Language (ESL) Sheltered English Maintenance Transitional
“Sink or swim” no support in native language at all
ELLs pulled out to separate classroom, NOT bilingual ed-instruction in only english
English as Second Language
general education classroom, native language only if misunderstanding, english is monitored and modified
Sheltered English
emphasis on maintaining native language, long-term approach, both languages used long-term
native language initially, then transitive to english only classroom
Favored by fed law
Most common program in US
ELLs develop conversational fluency in about 2 years
5-7 years of academic language proficiency
Transitional Linguistic Programs for ELLs
The entire family is affected in various ways when child has disability
Considers the family to be an interdependent and interconnected system, so when something happens to one member, all of the members are affected in some way
Family Systems Model
Phases of Parental Reaction to Diagnosis of disability
Primary Phase
Secondary Phase
Tertiary Phase
Shock, denial, grief, depression
Primary Phase
Guilt, anger, shame, embarrassment
Secondary Phase
Bargaining, adapting, accepting
Tertiary Phase