Unit 2 Flashcards
Act to promote the Education of the blind (provide braille materials)
PL 45-186 (1879)
- Prohibits discrimination based on person’s disability
- Applies to children and adults (no age restriction)
- Accommodation plan (504 plan) (assessment accommodations-setting, response, presentation)
Section of 504 of Rehabilitation Act
PL 93-112 (1973)
*Funding for closed-captioned films to state schools
Captioned Films Act
PL 85-905 (1958)
"Bill of rights" for students with disabilities and their parents 6 key pillars of special education *FAPE- free appropriate public education LRE- Least restrictive environment IEP- Individualized Education Program Procedural Due Process Nondiscriminatory Assessment Parental Involvement
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
PL 94-142 (1974)
Mandated services for preschoolers (ages 3-5) with disabilities
Early intervention services (birth-2) with developmental delays or disabilities
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) established for infants and toddlers
Education for All Handicapped Children Act Reauthoriztion
PL 99-457 (1986)
Defined assistive technology
Equipment to improve functional capabilities & services necessary to use the equipment
Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities aka the “tech act”
Changed name of Education for All Handicapped Children Act to IDEA
Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) by age 16
1st time assistive technology was included-AT definition from the 1988 Tech Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
PL 101-476 (1990)
IEP teams must consider assistive tech for all students with disabilities
Students with disabilities required to participate in state-and district wide assessments
IDEA Reauthorization
PL 105-17(1997)
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
PL 108-446(2004)
Assistive tech provided at no cost to student
Removed cochlear implants from the definition of assistive tech
Students with print disabilities provided with accessible instructional materials (Large print, Braille, or digital texts)
Parental consent not required for the referral, but required before formal evaluation
Focused on educational performance of student with disabilities
To reduce unwarranted referrals while providing individualized assistance to students
Not required by IDEA but many students use them
Prereferral Intervention
Written request to evaluate a student to see if they have a disability
Can be initiated by gen ed teacher, administrator, related service provider, parent
Must include detailed info about why request is being made
Parental consent is required
Process of gathering info about student’s strengths and needs
Team reviews assessment info
Eligibility determination
Provide educational programming
IFSP/IEP development
Instructional Programming and Appropriate Placement
Ages 3-21 Reviewed every 12 months Achievement and performance Measurable annual goals special education and related services not participate in gen ed age 16 statement of transition services needed
Ages 0-3 Reviewed every 6 months Development measured measurable results or outcomes expected to be achieved by infant/toddler and family natural environments Transitioned at 3
Reviewed every 12 months
Designed for transition from high school to independent adulthood
Post secondary education, vocational training, supported employment
Living & employment options (adult community services, work behaviors, recreational activities, independent living skills)
Individualized Transition Plan (ITP)
Reviewed periodically (usually every 3 years) 3-21
Not every child with a diagnosed disability has an IEP
Disability substantially limits basic life activities
Protected under 504 of the Rehabilitation ACT
Accommodations such as extra testing time breaks or preferential seating
Mostly study in gen ed
504 Plans
Least Restrictive Environment
Regular Classroom Resource Room Separate Class Separate School Residential Facility Homebound/hospital