Unit 2b: Early Republic & Age of Jackson Flashcards
Louisiana Purchase
large portion of land bought from the French under Jefferson’s presidency that became 13 new American states
Lewis & Clark
adventurous explorers sent by T. Jefferson to explore land in the Midwest and west part of the US, kept very detailed diaries
Mexican War
conflict between US and Mexico over boundaries of land in between Nueces River and El Rio Grande in Mexico
Mexican Cession
land that Mexico gave to the US after the Mexican War; includes present day southwest
Oregon Trail
route to the Oregon territory taken by settlers during the 1800’s; not an easy route due to mud, rocky land, and dangerous incidents with Native Indians
Annexation of Texas 1845
adding Texas to the Union after it was its own country since 1836
defeat of Texans at a fort by Mexicans that became a rally cry “remember the Alamo!”
Gold rush
1849 rush out to California to find gold
‘49ers: people (mostly men) who moved out west into California to search for gold in 1849
“Manifest Destiny”:
a phrase coined by journalist John O’Sullivan who claimed God wanted settlers to take over the west, it was our destiny
followers of the Mormon faith, often discriminated against due to their belief in multiple marriages for men in their culture, mostly settled in the state of Utah
Joseph Smith
founder of the Mormon faith who stated he was spoken to by God and found the golden plates
Bingham Young
second leader of the Mormons
Treaty of Guadalupe
treaty that ended the Mexican War
Zachary Taylor
American General during Mexican American War
James K. Polk
President during Mexican American War
Trail of Tears
800 mile journey Native Indians (Cherokees) were forced to travel on to leave Florida and head into Oklahoma; over 18,000 Native Indians traveled – 3,000 died along the way
Worcester vs. Georgia
Supreme Court ruled that the federal government should protect the Cherokee Indians; ignored by President Jackson & the state of Georgia
Andrew Jackson
American General during Seminole War, becomes 7th President in 1828
Missouri Compromise
1820 agreement proposed by Henry Clay that allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state, Maine to enter as a free state, and banned slavery in the Louisiana Purchase north of the 36/30 line
Henry Clay
the “Great Compromiser”, Congressional leader during early 1800’s
united Indian tribes in an uprising in 1811, lost the Battle of Tippecanoe
Spoils System
Jackson’s system of rewarding political supporters with government jobs
Bank War
Jackson’s disagreement over renewing the 2nd National Bank
Martin van Buren
Jackson’s VP, and successor to Andrew Jackson
“Tippecanoe & Tyler too”:
campaign slogan for Harrison in the election of 1842
War of 1812
2nd American Revolution, Second major conflict with Great Britain, known as Mr. Madison’s War
War Hawks
senators in Congress who wanted to go to war with Great Britain
War Doves
senators in Congress who did not want to go to war with Great Britain, listened to GW’s advice
a no-trade policy, the US placed one against Great Britain