Unit 28 Flashcards
curvō, curvāre, curāvī, curvātus
bend, humble
fundō, fundāre, fundāvī, fundātus
establish, found
magnificō, magnificāre, magnificāvī, magnificātus
extol, praise, glorify
venerō, venerāre, venerāvī, venerātus
worship, venerate
veneror, venerārī, -, venerātus sum
worship, venerate
ardeō, ardēre, arsī, arsus
doleō, dolēre, doluī, dolitus
grieve, suffer, feel pain
condoleō, condolēre, -, -
feel severe pain, suffer greatly, feel another’s pain, empathize with
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus
move, affect
īnficiō, īnficere, īnfēcī, īnfectus
infect, pollute
prōficiō, prōficere, prōfēcī, prōfectus
avail, prevail
reficiō, reficere, refēcī, refectus
refresh, repair
lingua, linguae, f.
tongue, language
umbra, umbrae, f.
shadow, shade
testis, testis, testium, m.
praefātiō, praefātiōnis, f.
prōtēctiō, prōtēctiōnis, f.
quiēs, quiētis, f.
rest, peace, quiet
tentātiō, tentātiōnis, f.
temptation, trial
amplus, -a, -um
abundant, ample
amplius (comp. adv.)
(any) more
perfectus, -a, -um
suus, -a, -um (third-person refl. pron. adj.)
one’s [own] (i.e., his/her/its/their [own])
gravis, grave
heavy, serious, grievous
trīstis, trīste
sad, sorrowful, gloomy
alius, alia, aliud
other, another
alter, altera, alterum
the other (of two), the second
nūllus, -a, -um
not any, no
sōlus, -a, -um
only, alone
tōtus, -a, -um
all, the whole
contrā (prep. + acc.)
against, opposite (to)
cum (subord. conj.)
when, after (+ ind.); (under the circumstances) when, since, although (+ subj.)
invicem (1. adv; 2. indecl. reciprocal refl. pron.)
- in turn; 2. one another
–, suī (refl. pron.)
oneself (i.e., himself, herself, itself, themselves)
bend, humble
curvō, curvāre, curāvī, curvātus
establish, found
fundō, fundāre, fundāvī, fundātus
extol, praise, glorify
magnificō, magnificāre, magnificāvī, magnificātus
worship, venerate
venerō, venerāre, venerāvī, venerātus
worship, venerate
veneror, venerārī, -, venerātus sum
ardeō, ardēre, arsī, arsus
grieve, suffer, feel pain
doleō, dolēre, doluī, dolitus
feel severe pain, suffer greatly, feel another’s pain, empathize with
condoleō, condolēre, -, -
move, affect
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus
infect, pollute
īnficiō, īnficere, īnfēcī, īnfectus
avail, prevail
prōficiō, prōficere, prōfēcī, prōfectus
refresh, repair
reficiō, reficere, refēcī, refectus
tongue, language
lingua, linguae, f.
shadow, shade
umbra, umbrae, f.
testis, testis, testium, m.
praefātiō, praefātiōnis, f.
prōtēctiō, prōtēctiōnis, f.
rest, peace, quiet
quiēs, quiētis, f.
temptation, trial
tentātiō, tentātiōnis, f.
abundant, ample
amplus, -a, -um
(any) more
amplius (comp. adv.)
perfectus, -a, -um
one’s [own] (i.e., his/her/its/their [own])
suus, -a, -um (third-person refl. pron. adj.)
heavy, serious, grievous
gravis, grave
sad, sorrowful, gloomy
trīstis, trīste
other, another
alius, alia, aliud
the other (of two), the second
alter, altera, alterum
not any, no
nūllus, -a, -um
only, alone
sōlus, -a, -um
all, the whole
tōtus, -a, -um
against, opposite (to)
contrā (prep. + acc.)
when, after (+ ind.); (under the circumstances) when, since, although (+ subj.)
cum (subord. conj.)
- in turn; 2. one another
invicem (1. adv; 2. indecl. reciprocal refl. pron.)
oneself (i.e., himself, herself, itself, themselves)
–, suī (refl. pron.)