Unit 16 Flashcards
salūtāris, salūtāre
saving, of salvation
fēlīx, fēlīcis (gen.)
happy, blessed
vultus, vultūs, m.
face (i.e. countenance)
fīgō, fīgere, fīxī, fīxus
pierce, fix, fasten
cornū, cornūs, n.
horn, mountaintop
scandō, scandere, scandī, scānsus
climb, mount
refundō, refundere, refūdī, refūsus
pour back, restore, pay back
cōnfringō, cōnfringere, cōnfrēgī, cōnfrāctus
break in two, break in pieces
memor, memoris (gen.)
mindful of (+ gen.)
pōtus, pōtūs, m.
(prep. + acc.) within, among
ācer, ācris, ācre
sharp, bitter, ardent
suāvitās, suāvitātis, f.
crucifīgō, crucifīgere, crucifīxī, crucifīxus
fix to a cross, crucify
flectō, flectere, flexī, flexus
to bend, bow
genūflectō, genūflectere, genūflexī, genūflexus
bend the knee, genuflect, kneel (down)
frangō, frangere, frēgī, frāctus
fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsus
cōnfundō, cōnfundere, cōnfūdī, cōnfūsus
confound, confuse, put to shame; ashamed of (pass.)
effundō, effundere, effūdī, effūsus
pour out, shed, spill
īnfundō, īnfundere, īnfūdī, īnfūsus
pour, infuse
ascendō, ascendere, ascendī, ascēnsus
go up, come up, ascend
dēscendō, dēscendere, dēscendī, dēscēnsus
go down, come down, descend
calix, calicis, m.
cup, chalice
cāritās, cāritātis, f.
love, charity
crux, crucis, f.
passiō, passiōnis, f.
suffering, passion
Pascha, Paschatis, n.
Passover, Pesach, Pasch, Easter
rītus, rītūs, m.
ceremony, rite
spīritus, spīritūs, m.
breath, spirit
manus, manūs, f.
genū, genūs, n.
omnipotēns (gen., omnipotentis)
omnis, omne
every, all
paschālis, paschāle
of Easter, Paschal
similis, simile
(+ dat.) like, similar to
dissimilis, dissimile
(+dat.) dissimilar, unlike
(coord. conj.) wherefore, and therefore
fix to a cross, crucify
crucifīgō, crucifīgere, crucifīxī, crucifīxus
saving, of salvation
salūtāris, salūtāre
happy, blessed
fēlīx, fēlīcis (gen.)
face (i.e. countenance)
vultus, vultūs, m.
pierce, fix, fasten
fīgō, fīgere, fīxī, fīxus
horn, mountaintop
cornū, cornūs, n.
climb, mount
scandō, scandere, scandī, scānsus
pour back, restore, pay back
refundō, refundere, refūdī, refūsus
break in two, break in pieces
cōnfringō, cōnfringere, cōnfrēgī, cōnfrāctus
mindful of (+ gen.)
memor, memoris (gen.)
pōtus, pōtūs, m.
(prep. + acc.) within, among
sharp, bitter, ardent
ācer, ācris, ācre
suāvitās, suāvitātis, f.
to bend, bow
flectō, flectere, flexī, flexus
bend the knee, genuflect, kneel (down)
genūflectō, genūflectere, genūflexī, genūflexus
frangō, frangere, frēgī, frāctus
fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsus
confound, confuse, put to shame; ashamed of (pass.)
cōnfundō, cōnfundere, cōnfūdī, cōnfūsus
pour out, shed, spill
effundō, effundere, effūdī, effūsus
pour, infuse
īnfundō, īnfundere, īnfūdī, īnfūsus
go up, come up, ascend
ascendō, ascendere, ascendī, ascēnsus
go down, come down, descend
dēscendō, dēscendere, dēscendī, dēscēnsus
cup, chalice
calix, calicis, m.
love, charity
cāritās, cāritātis, f.
crux, crucis, f.
suffering, passion
passiō, passiōnis, f.
Passover, Pesach, Pasch, Easter
Pascha, Paschatis, n.
ceremony, rite
rītus, rītūs, m.
breath, spirit
spīritus, spīritūs, m.
manus, manūs, f.
genū, genūs, n.
omnipotēns (gen., omnipotentis)
every, all
omnis, omne
of Easter, Paschal
paschālis, paschāle
(+ dat.) like, similar to
similis, simile
(+dat.) dissimilar, unlike
dissimilis, dissimile
(coord. conj.) wherefore, and therefore