Unit 28 Flashcards
be on the fiddle
be doing sth dishonest to get money
(as) fit as a fiddle
in a very good physical condition
play second fiddle (to sb/sth)
be treated as less important than sb/sth
an inside job
a crime committed by sb from within the organisation affected
have your hand in the till
be stealing the business’s money
pull the wool over sb’s eyes
deceive sb
take sb for a ride
trick sb
line your own pocket
make money for yourself in a dishonest way
under the counter
secretly; illegally
do a runner
run away to avoid a difficult situation
the long arm of the law
the police (suggesting it has far-reaching powers)
throw the book at sb
punish sb as severly as possible
do a stretch
have a prison sentence
do time
spend time in prison
be brought to book
be punished
a short sharp shock
a brief but severe punishment
on the straight and narrow
behaving in an honest, moral way
poacher turned gamekeeper
sb whose job involves working against the kind of person they used to be