Unit 25: Films, plays, and books Flashcards
rolling in the aisles
laughing a lot
bring the house down
make the audience laugh or clap a lot
steal the show
get all the attention and praise
keep you on the edge of your seat
keep you excited
send shivers down my spine
was very moving
wade through
finish reading sth with difficulty
heavy going
difficult to read or understand
a page-turner
a book that is so exciting that you have to read it quickly
do a hatchet job on sth
criticise strongly
pick holes in sth
find mistakes in; criticise
be an armchair critic
criticise, but without any personal expertise
have your name in lights
being famous
a leading light
an important member
tread the boards
act on stage
play to the gallery
behave in a way to make people admire or support her
sth attracting a lot of attention and interest
wait in the wings
ready to become important
all right on the night
become the most important person in the play