Unit 25 Flashcards
To _ means to connect something with a person or thing.
to think of one person or thing when you think of another person or thing — usually + with
to be together with another person or group as friends, partners, etc.
I associate flowers with spring.
She associates with [=is friends with] some pretty strange people.
I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood.
The _ is the place where people work or live.
setting / surroundings / background
Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment.
Children learn best in their home environment.
The cat walked around, exploring its new environment.
A _ is a building where things are made or put together.
A _ is an important part of something.
an interesting or important part, quality, ability, etc.
The car has some interesting new design features.
Her eyes are her best feature.
An _ is an example of something.
To _ means to be actively taking part in something
- to have or include (someone or something) as a part of something
- to cause (someone) to be included in some activity, situation, etc. : to cause (someone) to take part in something — usually + in
The job involves me travelling all over the country.
The accident involved three cars.=Three cars were involved in the accident.
Russia and Ukraine are involved in the war.
_ is something you take to feel better or treat an illness.
A _ is different things put together.
To _ is to plan or get ready for an event.
- to arrange and plan (an event or activity)
- to arrange or order things so that they can be found or used easily and quickly : to put things into a particular arrangement or order
준비하다, 조직하다/정리하다
organize a meeting / party / trip
They hired a professional to help organize their wedding.
His office is a mess. He needs someone to help him organize his work/papers.
A _ is an amount of time when something happens.
기간, 시기/ 시대
If people _ an area, they live there.
inhabit, live in, reside in
- to live in (a country, city, area, etc.) : to make up the population of (a place)
살다, 거주하다
The island is populated largely by sheep.
They began to populate the area in the late 19th century.
To _ something is to make or grow it.
A _ is a number or a set of similar things.
- a group or collection of different things or people that are usually similar in some way
- a series of numbers that includes the highest and lowest possible amounts
The rugs are available in a range of colors.
The car is out of our price range.
The game is designed for children in the 7 to 13 age range.
The song is out of my vocal range.
To _ something is to know it because you have seen it before.
(어떤 사람·사물을 보거나 듣고 누구·무엇인지) 알아보다[알다]
I recognized him as soon as he came in the room.
I recognized her by her red hair.
If something is _, it happens often and in equal amounts of time.
- happening over and over again at the same time or in the same way; occurring every day, week, month, etc.
- happening at times that are equally separated opposite IRREGULAR
규칙적인, 정기적인
There is a regular bus service to the airport.
He works regular hours. [=he works at the same time every work day]
The town holds regular meetings.
A _ is a notice giving information, directions, a warning, etc.
A _ is a pointed end of something.
A _ is something people have been doing for a long time.
_ is waste material or unwanted or worthless things.
If something is _, it is large from side to side.