Unit 14 Flashcards
A _ is a person who teaches sports.
To _ something is to make it do what you want.
A _ of someone or something says what they are like.
report, story
a statement that tells you how something or someone looks, sounds, etc.; words that describe something or someone
세세한 설명, 자세한 표현
The map gives a full description of Disney land.
If something is _, it goes straight between two places.
straight, through, immediate, clear, definite
- to cause (someone or something) to turn, move, or point in a particular way
- to guide, control, or manage (someone or something)
- to lead a group of people in performing or filming
- to ask or tell (a person or group) to do something
- going the shortest distance from one place to another; going straight without turning or stopping
- coming straight from a source
- in a straight line without turning or stopping
길을 안내하다, 알려주다
영화 감독하다, 연극 연출하다, 지휘하다.
직접, 바로, 직행으로, 바로 닿는, 정확한,
I found a more direct route to the city.
Keep these plants out of direct sunlight.
The coastline was exposed to the direct force of the hurricane.
An _ is a test.
An _ of something is a thing that is typical of it.
A _ is the largest or smallest amount of something that you allow.
end, ultimate, deadline,
boundary, edge, border
- a point beyond which it is not possible to go
- a point beyond which someone is not allowed to go
He has reached the limit of his endurance.
They must not go beyond these limits.
If something is _, it is nearby.
community, reginal
- relating to or occurring in a particular area, city, or town
- located or living nearby
- a person who lives in a particular area, city, or town
The locals are very friendly.
a local newspaper :지역[지방] 신문
Our children go to the local school in Hawaii.
_ describes a quality that makes someone or something special.
_ is letters and other things sent to people.
A _ is a book that tells a story.
An _ is the plan for a story or essay.
A _ is a person who writes poems.
bard, rhymer, lyricist
The poet wrote a poem to the hero.
He is an imaginative poet.
To _ something is to put it onto paper.
A _ is one part of a book or movie.
A _ is a thin flat piece of paper.
If someone or something is _, they show a lack of thought.
A _ is a place where you can buy things.
To _ is to feel pain.
_ is new things made by using science.
- the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problems
- a machine, piece of equipment, method, etc., that is created by science
과학 기술
기계 장비
How can we apply this new technology to our everyday lives?
science and technology
medical technology