Unit 2.2 - Organizational Structure Flashcards
What is the organizational structure of a business?
Shows interrelationships and hierarchical arrangements within the firm. Determins who each employee reports to and the breadth/depth of authority each person has (if any).
What is the organizational chart?
Diagramatic representation of organization’s formal organizational structure. Shows role(s) of each employee in organization: responsibilities and accountability
What is Delegation?
- When line manager entrusts/empowers subordinate with authority to successfully complete a particular task/project/role
- Passing on control/authority but holding subordinates accountable
- Responsibility for outcome remains with line manager despite decision-making being passed on
What are advantages of Delegation?
- Employees feel empowered/valued -> motivation
- Speed of decision-making
- Reduction of workload on senior managers -> focus on strategic planning
- Improves skills of employees -> career advancement/employee rotation
What are disadvantages of Delegation?
- Additional pay for employees -> increased costs
- Training & Development of employees -> Time consuming/Expensive
- Extra work for employees -> disgruntled
- Unsuitable in certain situations
What is Span of Control?
Refers to how many workers are directly accountable to a particular line manager
What is Narrow Span of Control?
Line manager responsible for small nº of subordinates -> enables them to keep close control over employees’ activities/operations
What is Wide Span of Control?
Line manager responsible for many subordinates. Workers have greater degree of independence as it is not possible for manager to monitor all subordinates in team.
What interrelated factors influence wether a business decides to adopt a wide or narrow span of control?
- Employee competencies -> more competent=wider
- Managerial competences -> management styles
- Business Context -> MNCs = wider spans, Sole Traders/Partnerships = narrower
What are Levels of Hierarchy?
- Refers to nº of layers of formal authority represented in organizational chart (each horizontal level indicating level of seniority in organization
- Indicates level of communication, decision-making authority, accountabilities and responsibilities
What is a tall organizational structure?
- Many levels of hierarchy -> span of control likely narrow
- Decision-making: tends to be centralized and quick
- Can benefit from advantages of delegation
- Can be costly due to large nº of managerial structures in organization
What is a flat organizational structure?
- Few levels in organizational hierarchy
- Decision-making: decentralized (slower)
- Tend to benefit from improved/speedier communications due to fewer levels
- However, do not create many promotional opportunities -> can overburden those in managerial positions
What is Chain of Command?
- Referms to formal lines of authority in organization
- Larger businesses and those with taller organizational structures tend to have larger chains of command and vice versa
- Clear and formal chains of command -> can help improve communications within organization
What is Bureaucracy?
- Refers to administrative systems within an organization
- Includes formal policies/procedures of the business
- Associated with organizations that are large and well-established with centralized decision-making
What are the disadvantages of Bureaucray?
- Inflexibility -> slow in responding to changes in external environment
- Creativity and innovation essentially discouraged
- Main criticism/limitation: Slows down decision-making and causes operational inefficiencies
What is Centralization?
- Refers to situation in organizations where decison-making is predominantly made by small group of senior managers at the top of organizational hierarchy
- Characteristic of tall organizational structures
What are advantages of Centralization?
- Decision-making swift -> beneficial in situations like major crisis that threatens business
- Senior managers can maintain better command/control
- Everyone in organization pursues business objectives set by senior executives -> beneficial in organizations where low-skilled workers form vast majority of workforce and require direction/supervision to meet organizational objectives
What are Disadvantages of Centralization?
- Delegation rare -> morale and productivity lower
- Structures very rigid (inflexible) -> can be demotivated for employees who cannot express opinions/suggestions
- Centralization unsuitable for industries that rely on creativity and autonomous decision-making (e.g. high tech industry)
What is Decentralization?
- Refers to situation where decision-making authority is delegated throughout, rather than from central authoritative group
- Tends to have flatter structure, managers with wider spans of control
What are advantages of Decentralization?
- Can help improve morale/productivity as workers feel valued/empowered
- Decison-making more flexible
- Reduced workload on senior executives/directors, freeing up their tiem to focus on strategic (rather than operational/tactical) matters
What are disadvantages of Decentralization?
- More difficult for senior managers to know about all decisions that are made, especially in large organizations with multiple locations
- More challenging for senior managers to maintain overall controll and ensure employees maintain clear focus on business objectives
What is delayering?
- When organization removes on eor more layers in hierarchical structure (make it flatter)
- Intention twofold: Cut costs, Remove/reduce bureaucratic inefficiencies
What are disadvantages of delayering?
- Adds to workload of existing workforce especially those who have responsibility for larger team (wider span of control)
- Can cause anxiety, stress, resentment and conflict
- Management team need to be sensitive to those who lose out frm delayering as security needs may be threatened -> demotivation and lowre labour productivity
What is a Matrix Structure?
- Form of flexible organizational structure that uses teams of employees with suitable skills/qualifications drawn from different departments/divisions in the business
What are advantages of a Matrix Structure?
- Promote cross-functional collaboration
- Allow firms to be responsive to changes in market demand for goods/services, as well as changing needs of a business
- Using experts from across organization -> generate new and creative ideas as well as improve productivity
- Flexibility -> enables organizations to overcome limitations associated with traditional/hierarchical organizational structures
What are disadvantages of a Matrix Structure?
- Conflicting interests as employees report to two or more managers (designes line managers and matrix project managers) -> uncertainties about prioritising tasks
- Conflict -> lower morale and productivity
- Employees may feel demoralized due to increased workload/pressures, especially if involved in numerous assignments at once
- Additional resources/finance required to fund different teams in matrix structure
What factors influence the choice of organizational structure?
- Corporate Culture
- Size of Workforce
- Skills/qualifications/experiences/talents of workforce
- Nature of decisions (strategic or routine)
What are advantages of Flat (or Horizontal) Organization charts?
- Line manager shave a lot of decision-making authority
- Short chain of command -> improved communication
What are disadvantages of Flat (or Horizontal) Organization charts?
- managers have to supervise large nº of employees -> more difficult to control workers
- Higher workload
What are advantages of Tall (or Vertical) Organization charts?
- Motivation for employees: opportunities for promotion
- Sustainable if jobs/tasks are routine and not too challenging especially as there are clear lines of accountability
What are disadvantages of Tall (or Vertical) Organization charts?
- Bureaucratic -> impersonal nature to organization
- Long chains of command -> slow decision-making and potential for miscommunications
- Professor John Kotter: argued they are not useful for firms that operate in rapidly changing and dynamic environments as they are slow to react to new opportunities and constrain transformative change
What is Organization by Product?
- Structuring workforce according to goods/services sold
- Each department focuses on different product within organization’s overall product portfolio
- Suitable for large organizations with broad product portfolio
What are advantages of Organization by Product?
- Enables specialization as workers focus on specific market segment related to product
- Helps ensure business meets needs of its customers more effectively (e.g. improved product knowledge and marketing activities)
- Encourage healthy internal competition between departments to produce ever-more appealing products
What are Disadvantages of Organization by Product?
- Duplication of work done by each department (different marketing and sales personnel in various departments)
- Associated with decentralized decision-making .> difficult for senior executives to maintain control of various separate divisions of the business
What is organization by Function?
- Structuring workforce according to business functions (e.g. specialised roles/tasks)
- Typically involves staff working together in different departments (e.g. marketing, HR, Production…)
- Departmental staff report to respective manager/director who has overall responsibility for functional area
What are advantages of Organization by Function?
- Ideal for organizations that focus on one product or a small nº of related goods/services
- Roles/tasks carried out by experts and specialists. hence, productivity and output are both higher.
What are Disadvantages of Organization by Function?
- Departments tend to work in isolation by focusing only on areas of responsibility
What is Organization by Region?
- Structuring workforce according to different geographical areas based on where firm’s operations are
- Suitable for large businesses that operate internationally (e.g. MNCs)
What are advantages of Organization by Region?
- Better focus on specific wants/needs of customers in respective markets
- regiona loffices help oeganization to adapt to regional differnces in demand and exploit local knowledge
What are disadvantages of Organization by Region?
- Difficulty of controlling decentralized organization that operates across numerous regions of country or world
Impact of Technological Advances on Organizational Structures
- Enabled more people to work from home -> more delegation/decentralization
- Created opportunities in gig economy -> flatter: fewer people fully employed
- Developments in social media marketing -> additional jobs/roles in organizations
Impact of the Intensity of Competition on Organizational Structures
- Intensity of competition -> competitive prices -> some businesses have to delayer or cut size of workforce in order to remain competitive
Impact of Growth & Evolution of Businesses on Organizational Structures
- Larger business becomes, more complicated the structure is likely to be
- As business becomes MNC -> adapt to being based on geography rather than function (organization by region), more formal structures, delegation
Are organizational structures static? Why?
No, due to the dynamic nature of the global business environment.
What is Project-Based organization?
- Based on specific needs of particular project/business venture
- Suitable for getting experts together
- Once project completed -> team members disband and reassemble to begin another project or revert back to their own departments/functional areas of organization
- Each project ran by PM in charge of tea involved: Decision-making = centralized
- Team members from any part of organization (e.g. accountants from finance, operations managers, marketing experts…)
What are advantages of project-based organization?
- Flexibility: projects time-limited -> organizational structures continuously change as projects are completed
- Productivity: Focused on solutions rather than functionality (PMs strive to meet deadlines)
- Efficiency: Centralized dm -> quicker. Teams assembles from most suitable people
- Motivation: Employees work on different projects -> more interesting/varied -> broadens professional experiences and project portfolio
What are disadvantages of project-based organization?
- Discontinuity: Employees always moving to different projects/teams
- Isolation: Each project team = self-sufficient -> limited opportunities to work with other teams/people
- Inefficiencies: Each project needs its own finanves and team of experts -< Duplication of resources and effort
- Conflicting Interests and Priorities: Temporary -> challenging to develop team spirit/cohesiveness
What are differences between matrix and project-based organization?
- Project Based: Formal Structure (centralized authority, PM takes full Responsibility)
- Matrix: No formal ranking
- Project-based teams: report to one PM
- Matrix teams: report to multiple line managers
- Project-based = better for highly complex/strategic projects
- Matrix: = suitable for less complex assignments -> team members could be working on more than one assignment at a time
What is the Shamrock Organization? Who developed it?
- Professor Charles Handy (1991) -> Argued organizations must adapt to changes in business environment in order to survive and thrive
- Flexible structure that consists of 3 components: Professional Core, Contingent Workforce, Outsorced Vendors
What is the professional core in Shamrock?
- Full-time workers vital for organization’s operations/survival
- Essential for business to meet organizational objectives mission/vision
- Considered most significant group of workers in organization
What is the Contingent workforce in Shamrock?
- Temporary staff hired by organization
- Portfolio workers, part-time staff, seasonal workers, flexi-time workers
- Perform routine jobs
- Supermarkets/fast-food restaurants: have significant nº of them
- However -> often causes job security and lower staff morale -> less scope for career development
What are the Ousorced Vendors in Shamrock?
- Individuals/other organizations hired on contract basis to do specific but non-core role (e.g. security, catering, accounting, marketing…)
- Mainly self-employed professionals/contractors
- Not managed directly by business -> greater autonomy/flexibility
- Pay negotiated: often based on performance rather than time
- Can be costly, especially if they are experts
- For workers -> nature of job lacks any job security
What are Advantages of Shamrock Organization?
- Greater flexibility/ability to change nº of employees as and when organization needs change
- Avoid stresses/costs of staff redundancies when there are adverse changes in market
- Retaining only multi-skilled group of core workers -> workforce can concentrate on core activities (what business does best). Non-core -> ousorced to gain cost advantages
- Cut costs further -> only full-time workers entitled to fringe benefits
What are Disadvantages of Shamrock Organization?
- Can create uncertainties and therefore anxieties for workers
- Flexible contracts can be legal minefields in countries/regions where labour laws are particularly stringent