Unit 2.1 - Introduction to Human Resource Management Flashcards
Human Resource Management =
Describes overall management of an organization’s workforce. Essentially: make most efficient use of organization’s workers.
Roles/Functions of HRM
(RRAIDART acronym)
Induction Training
Training & Development
What can effective HR do?
Enable organization to develop competitive advantages. Workforce more effective in achieving firm’s aims and objectives
What Internal Factors Influence HR Planning?
Size of Organization
Strategic Direction of Organization
Organizational Structure
Motivation in Workplace
Corporate Culture of Organization
What External Factors Influence HR Planning?
Demographic Change
Change in Labour Mobility
Gig Economy
What is Demographic Change?
Refers to variations in structure of population that influence HR planning.
Examples of Population Development and Trends
Avg. age of population
Distribution of population by ethnicity
Gender distribution
Educational attainment levels
Avg. household income
Official retirement age
What is Labour Mobility?
Measures extent to which workers have ability and willingness to move between geographical locations and/or occupations for their employment
What does increasing and maintaining labour mobility do?
Ensures more efficient allocation of HR
What are 2 types of Labour mobility?
Occupational Mobility
Geographical Mobility
What is Occupational Mobility?
Refers to ability and willingness of employees to do another job or pursue different career.
Why does occupational immobility occur?
Impediments such as rules and regulations
How can occupational mobility be improved?
If employees have necessary qualifications, experience and skills to move from one job to another
What is Geographical Mobility?
Refers to ability and willingness of employees to relocate to another location or country for work reasons
How do business attract people to work in overseas locations?
Highly attractive renumeration packages
Why does geographical immobility occur?
Due to unwillingness of workers to move to another area.
Why can workers be unwilling to move geographically for work?
Family ties to geographical location, relocation costs, lower wages and salaries, fewer benefits, higher property prices, or higher costs of living in new location
How can labour mobility be improved?
Improved Pay & Benefits
Training & Development Programmes
What is a downside of promoting labour mobility?
Expensive for business
What are benefits of greater labour mobility?
Workers can find better paying jobs
Improved Standards of Living
Increase in Labour Productivity as result of improved employee morale & motivation
What are migrant workers?
People who move to other locations/countries in search of job opportunities