Unit 20 Quiz Flashcards
- A subdivision declaration reads, “no property within this subdivision may be further subdivided for sale or otherwise, and no property may be used for any purpose other than single family housing.” this is an example of:
A. an illegal reverter clause
B. R-1 zoning
C. a conditional-use clause
D. a restrictive covenant
Answer: D. a restrictive covenant (392)
- A landowner who wants to use property in a manner prohibited by a local zoning ordinance but which would benefit the community can apply for:
A. a prescriptive easement
B. an occupancy permit
C. a conditional-use permit
D. a property dedication
Answer: C. a conditional-use permit (389)
- What is NOT included in public land-use controls?
A. subdivision regulations
B. restrictive covenants
C. environmental protection laws
D. comprehensive plan specifications
Answer: B restrictive covenants (392)
- Under its zoning authority, what may a town legally regulate?
A. building ownership
B. business ownership
C. enabling acts
D. the number of buildings
Answer: D. the number of buildings (387)
- The purpose of a building permit is to:
A. ensure compliance with municipal regulations
B. assert a deed’s restrictive covenant
C. maintain a municipal control over inverse condemnation
D. show compliance with restive covenants
Answer: A. ensure compliance with municipal regulations (390)
- Zoning powers are conferred on municipal governments:
A. through the master plan
B. by state enabling acts
C. by popular local vote
D. through city charters
Answer: B. by state enabling acts (387)
- a town enacts a new zoning code. Under the new code, commercial buildings are not permitted within 1,000 feet of the lake. A commercial building that is permitted to continue in its former use even though it is built on the lakeshore is an example of:
A. variance
B. special use
C. adverse possession
D. nonconforming use
Answer: D. nonconforming use (389)
- To determine whether a location can be put to future use as a retail store, one would examine the:
A. building code
B. zoning ordinance
C. list of permitted nonconforming uses
D. housing code
Answer: B. zoning ordinance (387)
- Which of these is NOT a legal deed restriction?
A. the types of buildings that may be constructed \
B. the activities that are not to be conducted at the site
C. the allowable ethic origins of purchasers
D. the minimum size of buildings to be constructed
Answer: C. the allowable ethic origins of purchasers (390-392)
- A restriction in a sellers deed may be enforced by:
A. the zoning board of appeal
B. the city building commission
C. a court injunction
D. the state legislature
Answer: C. a court injunction (392)
- A man owns a large tract of land. After an adequate study of all the relevant facts, the man legally divides the land into 30 lots suitable for the construction of residences. In this situation, the man is acting as:
A. a developer
B. a land planner
C. a subdivider
D. an urban planner
Answer: C. a subdivider (390)
- A map illustrating the sizes and locations of streets and lots in a subdivision is called a:
A. Plat
B. Gridiron plan
C. survey
D. property report
Answer: A. Plat (391)
- In one city, developers are limited by law to constructing no more than an average of three houses per acre in any subdivision. What does this restriction regulate?
A. clustering
B. out-lots
C. covenants
D. gross density
Answer: D. gross density (391)
- common zoning classifications include:
A. ‘c’ for commercial, ‘r’ for residential, and ‘a’ for agriculture
B. ‘P’ for planned, ‘b’ for buffer-zoned, and ‘c’ for commercial
C. ‘a’ for agricultural, ‘c’ for comprehensive, and ‘s’ for subdivided
D. ‘r’ for residential, ‘d’ for density zoned, and ‘a’ for agricultural
Answer: A. ‘c’ for commercial, ‘r’ for residential, and ‘a’ for agriculture (387)
- permitted land uses, housing projections, transportation issues, and objectives for implementing future controlled development would all be found in a community:
A. zoning ordinance
B. enabling act
C. comprehensive plan
D. land-control law
Answer: C. comprehensive plan (386)
- Which of these BEST defines the term ‘planned unit development’ (PUD)?
A. a development where land is set aside for mixed-use purposes, such as residential, commercial and public areas
B. a development established entirely by inverse condemnation
C. a planned area where a nonconforming use is never allowed
D. a development registered with the U.S. department of housing and urban development
Answer: A. a development where land is set aside for mixed-use purposes, such as residential, commercial and public areas (387)
- Under the federal law designed to protect the public from fraudulent interstate land sales, a developer involved in interstate land sales of 100 or more lots must
A. provide each purchaser with a printed report disclosing details of the property
B. pay the prospective buyers expenses to see the property involved
C. provide a preferential financing
D. allow a 30-day cancellation period
Answer: A. provide each purchaser with a printed report disclosing details of the property (393)
- Which of these statements BEST describes enabling statutes in Illinois?
A. they make all counties, cities, and villages subject to Illinois state zoning laws
B. they require all Illinois counties, cities, and villages to adopt the requirements of the federal municipal planning commission.
C. They set environmental controls on current land use
D. they grant counties, cities, and villages the power to make and enforce local zoning ordinances
Answer: D. they grant counties, cities, and villages the power to make and enforce local zoning ordinances (386)
- A man wants the city zoned to prohibit all fast food restaurants. Which of these is his BEST course of action?
A. persuade the town government to change the local zoning laws
B. petition the Illinois legislature to amend the state zoning laws
C. file suit to force the city to conform with existing Illinois zoning laws
D. Ask HUD to force the city to zone against fast food restaurants under its fifth amendment
Answer: A. persuade the town government to change the local zoning laws (387)
- A zoning law passed by a village conflicts with an existing county zoning law. Both the village and the county are home-rule units of government. In this situation, which of these statements is TRUE?
A. the villages law will prevail because municipal ordinances supersede county ordinances under the Illinois constitution.
B. under the Illinois constitution, the county law will prevail because its zoning laws affect a larger geographic area.
C. the Illinois constitution, the county conflict between the laws of two home-rule units must be resolved in the appropriate circuit court.
D. whichever law is most restrictive will prevail, unless the issue involves a constitutional question, in which case the law least restrictive of private property rights will supersede the more restrictive law.
Answer: A. the villages law will prevail because municipal ordinances supersede county ordinances under the Illinois constitution. (386)