WHAT IS A Mark-Up Language?
A markup language is a computer language that uses tags to define elements within a document.
These tags are embedded within the document’s text, and they describe the structure and content of the document. ….
Mark-Up Language
WHAT IS Concept of Mark-Up Language?
The concept of markup language revolves around the use of tags that provide structure and meaning to the content within a document.
HTML, XML, and LaTeX.
…………. allow documents to be displayed in different ways across different platforms and devices, making it an essential component of web development.
Markup languages
WHAT ARE THE Components of HTML5(latest version of the HTML markup language )
Doctype declaration
These are the building blocks of HTML documents, and they define the structure and content of a page.
What are they?
These provide additional information about an element and can be used to modify its behavior or appearance. What are they?
These are used to mark the beginning and end of an element and are enclosed in angle brackets. What are they?
This specifies the version of HTML being used and should be included at the beginning of an HTML document. What is this?
Doctype declaration
HTML elements are categorized as either ……………………, and they have different default behaviors when rendered in a web browser.
block-level or inline elements
These create a new line after the element and take up the full width of their parent container. Examples include headings, paragraphs, and lists. What are they?
Block-level elements
These do not create a new line after the element and only take up the necessary space required by their content. Examples include links, images, and text span.
Inline elements
…………….. provide additional information about an element and are included within the opening tag. They have a name and a value, separated by an equal sign. For example, the “src” attribute specifies the URL of an image or video element, while the “href” attribute specifies the destination of a hyperlink element.
The values of attributes can be either ………
text, numbers, or Boolean values.
Block level vs Inline elements?
Block-level elements are those that create a rectangular block on the page and start on a new line, while inline elements are those that are contained within a line of text and only take up as much width as necessary.
In HTML, elements are categorized into two types:
block-level elements and inline elements.
Examples of block-level elements include…………………., among others.
<div>, <h1> to <h6>, <p>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <table>, <form>, and <header>,
Examples of Inline elements include………., among others.
<a>, <span>, <img></img>, <em>, <strong>, <input></input>, <button>, <label>, <select>, and <textarea></textarea></select></label></button></strong></em></span></a>
It is important to note that block-level elements can contain both block-level and inline elements, while ……?
Inline elements can only contain other inline elements or data.
LIST 4 Benefits of HTML5 .
- facilitates backward compatibility
- provides a non proprietary open framework (JavaScript)
- invalid markup handling
- improved semantics
HTML5 has been designed in such a way that it is compatible with older versions of HTML. This means that it is easier to use HTML5 on older web browsers and web applications without requiring any major modifications.
Facilitates backward compatibility
HTML5 provides a non-proprietary open framework for web developers to create and develop web applications. This means that developers can use HTML5 with JavaScript to create dynamic and interactive web applications that work across all platforms.
Provides non-proprietary open framework (JavaScript)
Invalid markup handling
HTML5 is able to handle invalid markup, which is not possible in older versions of HTML. This means that web developers can create web pages that are more flexible and tolerant of errors.
Improved semantics
HTML5 offers improved semantics, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index web pages. This helps in improving the search engine optimization (SEO) of web pages, making them more visible to users.
The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is the very first thing in an HTML document.
It tells the browser about the version of HTML the document is written in.
<!DOCTYPE> declaration
The browser uses this information to interpret the document correctly.
<!DOCTYPE> declaration
HTML comments are used to add notes or explanations to the code without displaying them in the web page.
…… can also be used to temporarily remove a section of code from the page.
…….. are denoted by <!-- at the beginning and --> at the end.
HTML comments
ThIS tag defines the beginning and end of an HTML document.
ThIS tag contains the title of the document, links to external stylesheets and other meta-information about the document that is not displayed on the page.
ThIS tag is placed within the head section and defines the title of the document. This title is displayed in the browser’s title bar.
ThIS tag contains all the content that will be displayed in the web page. This includes headings, paragraphs, images, links, and other elements.
LIST SOME HTML5 Structural
Used to define the header section of a web page, usually containing the website logo, navigation menu, and other introductory information.
Used to define the navigation section of a web page, containing links to various parts of the website.
Used to divide the content of a web page into sections, typically with a heading. It helps to organize content in a structured way.
Used to define a self-contained piece of content, such as a blog post, article, or news story.
Used to define the footer section of a web page, typically containing copyright information, contact details, and links to related pages.
Used to group related content, such as images and captions.
Used to define the caption for the content inside the <figure> element.</figure>
Paragraphs tag?
: The <p> tag is used to create paragraphs of text. It is a block-level element that adds spacing between blocks of text.
: There are six levels of headings in HTML, from <h1> to <h6>. Headings are used to create hierarchical structure on a page and can improve accessibility.
: There are six levels of headings in HTML, from <h1> to <h6>. Headings are used to create hierarchical structure on a page and can improve accessibility.
Horizontal rules
: The <hr> tag is used to create a horizontal rule, which can be used to visually separate sections of a page.
: The <blockquote> tag is used for longer quotes, while the <q> tag is used for shorter quotes. You can also use the <cite> tag to specify the source of a quote.</cite></q>
line breaak tag
Special characters: Some characters have special meaning in HTML, such as the angle brackets used to enclose tags.
To display these characters on a page, you can use character entities such as < for < and > for >.
Mark tag
: The <mark> tag is used to highlight text on a page, such as for search results or important information. It will typically appear as highlighted or underlined text, depending on the browser's default styles.</mark>
Nested tags
are tags that are placed inside other tags. This means that one tag can contain one or more other tags. The inner tags are placed between the opening and closing tags of the outer tag. The purpose of nesting tags is to give structure and hierarchy to the content on a webpage.
Unordered Lists
Ordered ists
They are created using the <ol> tag and each list item is represented by the <li>
Nested Lists: These lists are lists that are nested inside other lists.
This is achieved by placing one list inside another list item. Here’s an example:
Copy code
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2
<li>Sub-item 1</li>
<li>Sub-item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
Description Lists: These lists are used to provide a description of a term or concept.
They are created using the <dl> tag, which contains a series of term-description pairs. Each term is represented by the <dt> tag, and each description is represented by the <dd> tag.
<dt>Term 1</dt>
<dd>Description of term 1</dd>
<dt>Term 2</dt>
<dd>Description of term 2</dd>
<dt>Term 3</dt>
<dd>Description of term 3</dd>
To create tables in HTML, the …… element is used
The <tr> element is used to define a …. in the tabl.
elements are used to define header and cell data, respectively.
<th> and <td>