Unit 2: Waves and Radiation Flashcards
What is a Wave?
Something that transfers energy from one point to another
Transverse Wave
Particles of the medium vibrate at right angles to the direction the energy travels.
Examples: E-M Waves + Water Waves
Longitudinal Waves
Energy travels along in the same direction as the particles vibrate.
Example: Sound Waves
DIstance from a point to the point the wave begins to repeat itself. Could be from peak to peak or trough to trough. Measured in metres(m) and has the symbol λ
Number of waves produced in 1 second by the source producing the wave. Measured in Hertz(Hz) and has the symbol f
Half the distance from peak to trough or the height of the wave from rest position. Measured in metres(m)
Wave Speed
How quickly the wave travels from its source. Is value is the same as distance travelled in one second. Measured in metres per second(ms-1) and has the symbol v
Time taken for one complete wave to be produced. Also time taken for one whole wave to pass a point. Measured in seconds(s) and has the symbol T
Speed of Sound in Air
340 ms-1
Speed of Light in Air
3x108 ms-1
The spreading out of waves when they go through a gap or past the edge of a barrier
The greater the wavelength, the greater the diffraction
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Consists of a group of radiations that all travel at the speed of light
Visible Spectrum
Consists of a range of different colours of light that the human eye can detect. ROYGBIV
Radio Waves
At one end of the E-M spectrum. Greatest Wavelength. Lowest Frequency.
Gamma Ray
At one end of the E-M spectrum. Shortest Wavelength. Greatest Frequency.
Radio Waves Source
Electronic Circuits
Radio Waves Detector
Radio Waves Typical Uses
Communications, Radio, TV
Microwaves Source
Electronic Circuits
Microwaves Detector
Microwaves Typical Uses
Communications Satellites
Infrared Sources
Electronic Devices
Warm Objects, Sun
Infrared Detectors
Electronic Detectors
Heat-Sensitive Papers
Black-Bulb Thermometer
Infrared Uses
Remote Controls
Detector in Security Lighting
Visible Light Sources
Electronic Devices
Visible Light Detectors
Photographic Film
Visible Light Typical Uses
Communication (Optical Fibres)
Ultraviolet Sources
Gas Discharge
Ultraviolet Detector
Causes Fluoresence in Some Objects (Money)
Ultraviolet Uses
Sun-Tan Lamp
Making Ions
Killing Bacteria
Making Vitamin D
X-Rays Sources
Very Fast Electrons Hitting a Metal Target
X-Rays Detector
Photographic Film
X-Rays Uses
Imaging Defects in Bones
Gamma Rays Sources
Radioactive Nuclei Decaying
Gamma Rays Detectors
Photographic FIlm
G-M Tube
Gamma Rays Uses
Killing Cancerous Cells
Sterilisation of Surgical Equipment
The changing of speed (and often direction) of a light ray or a wave when it moves from one medium to another
Imaginary line perpendicular to the substance the ligh is entering
Angle of Incidence
Angle at which light hits the new medium. Taken from Normal to Incident Ray
Angle of Refraction
Angle at whcih light rravels in new medium. Taken from Normal to Refracted Ray
Convex Lens
Curves Outwards
Converges (Focuses) Light
Positive Power and Focal Length
Concave Lens
Curves Inwards
Diverges (Spreads out) Light
Negative Power and Focal Length
Light Sensitive Cells on the back of the eye. Light should converge at this point for a clear image
Eye Lens Not Powerful enough
Corrected using a Convex Lens
Able to focus on distant objects but not close objects
Eye Lens Too Powerful
Corrected using Concave Lens
Ray Diagram Object > 2F
Image is:
- Real
- Inverted
- Diminished
Ray Diagram Object at 2F
Image is:
- Real
- Inverted
- Same Size
Ray DIagram Object < 2F
Image is:
- Real
- Inverted
- Magnified
Ray Diagram Object <f>
Image is:
- Virtual
- Right Way Up
- Magnified
Critical Angle
When the angle of incidence reaches this the angle of refraction=90º
Total Internal Reflection
When the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle and the light is reflected back into the medium. (No Light Refracted)
Fibre Optic
Used to transmit light signals through a series of Total Internal Reflections
Fibre Optic Advantages
Very Little Energy Lost
Huge signal Capacity - can carry many TV Channels/Telephone Lines
Secure - No signal escapes out of the edges
Cheaper,Lighter and more Flexible than copper wires
Fiber Scope (Endoscope)
Allows doctor to see inside patient using bundles of fibre optics
Alpha Particles (α)
Made of 2 protons and 2 neutrons (identical to helium nucleus). Heavy and Positively charged
Beta Particle (β)
Made of 1 very fast moving electron. Light and negatively charged
Gamma Ray (γ)
Part of the E-M spectrum. Has no mass, travels at the speed of light and has a very high frequency so a very high energy
Other types of Nuclear Radiation
X-Rays, Fast and Slow moving Neutrons
When an atom loses or gains an electron giving it a charge
Ionising Radiation
Heavier Radidation is more ionising. Alpha most. Gamma least
Alpha Penetration
Stopped by a few cm of air or a thin sheet of paper
Beta Penetration
Stopped by a thin sheet of aluminium
Gamma Penetration
Stopped by Lead or Concrete
Ways of Detecting Nuclear Radiation
Geiger-Müller Tube
Film Badge
Scintillation Counter
Cloud Chamber
Geiger-Müller (GM) Tube
Tube has a high voltage applied to central rod. Low pressure gas is sealed inside.
When radiation enters it ionises an atom of the low pressure gas, causing a current to flow
More radiation means a larger current
Doesn’t distinguish between types of radiation
Film Badge
Badge has photographic film sealed in a lightproof plastic envelope.
Badge has different windows that allow different types of radiation through.
When radiation enters through the window it ionises the photographic film causing it to fog
Sources of Radiation
40% Radon Gas from Ground
18% Artificial Sources
15% Rocks
15% Human Body + Food
12% Cosmic Rays
Uses of Nuclear Radiation
Smoke Alarms
Carbon Dating
Paper Thickness Measuring
Detecting Leaking Pipes
Sterilising Hospital Equipment
Smoke Alarms
Alpha Particles ionise the air causing a small current to flow. When smoke enters it absorbs the alpha particles causing the curent to reduce and the alarm to sound
Paper Mills
Paper Thickness measured by how much beta radiation passes through the paper.
Gamma Rays used to kill cancer cells
Radiation Safety Rules
Keep time of exposure to a minimum
Hold radioactive sources using tongs
Wear protective clothing
Absorbed Dose
Energy absorbed per kilogram. Measured in Greys(Gy) and has the symbolD
Dose Equivalent
Takes into Account the radiation expoesed to. Measured in Sieverts(Sv) and has the symbol H
Safe Radiation Dose
5mSv for general public
Number of nuclei that decay every second. Measured in Bequerels(Bq) and has the symbol A
Time taken for the activity of a source to halve
When a large nucleus (such as uranium) splits into two smaller nuclei plus a few neutrons. Energy released very large (E=mc2)
Nuclear Power Stations
Use nuclear fission to produce huge amounts of energy. Fission occurs in uranium fuel rods
Slows down neutrons so they can go on to cause further reactions
Nuclear Power Advantages
Huge amount of energy produced from a small amount of fuel
Reaction produces no pollution
Running costs are small compared to running costs of a coal fired power station
Fraction of waste produced compared to coal
Nuclear Power Disadvantages
Waste is highly reactive with a long half life
Massive start up costs. Expensive to decomission
Risk of nuclear accients that could release huge amounts of radioactive material intp environment. (Fukashima,Chernobyl)
When two small nuclei join together to form a larger one, releasing a huge amount of energy
Fusion Advantages
Huge amount of energy produced using a small amount of fuel
A fraction of waste is produced compared to the waste from coal
Waste is helium - a harmless gas
Fusion Disadvantages
Only happens at very high temperatures
Containing fuel at high temperatures isn’t possible with current technology
More research needs to be done
If angle of incidence < critical angle
The light refracts

If angle of incidence = critical angle
Refracted ray travels along the surface of the denser medium

If angle of incidence > critical angle
Total Internal Reflection occurs