Unit 2 Vocabulary Flashcards
A learning process through which immigrants (new members of a group or country) assume the characteristics of that culture.
A concurrent process of cultural and psychological change occurring when individuals of groups from one culture are placed into contact with another culture and acquire some of those new elements.
Tip of the heart, which houses the ventricles, faces downward.
The top or highest point of something.
Turbulent blood flow through the carotid artery producing a whooshing sound.
A sound, especially an abnormal one, heard through a stethoscope; a murmur.
Costovertebral Angle
Is located on your back at the bottom of your ribcage at the 12th rib.
It’s the 90 degree angle formed between the curve of that rib and your spin.
Is the use of sight to gather data.
Objective Data
What professionals observe.
AKA overt data or signs data
Subjective Data
What the patient or caregiver says.
AKA covert data or symptoms data
Active ROM
Active Range-of-Motion
Is movement of the joint performed by the individual without assistance.
Passive ROM
Passive Range-of-Motion
Involves moving joints through their ROM when the patient is unable to do so himself.
The “map” of religion tells you what to believe and what values are essential.
A set of beliefs, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
The day to day, moment by moment journey in life and living.
The insight, value, purpose, and meaning of life derived from accumulated life experiences.
Apical Pulse
The pulse at the apex of the heart.
Acute Pain
Has a short duration and is generally rapid in onset.
Chronic Pain
Last 3 to 6 months or longer and often interferes with daily activities.
Listening to the sounds in the body directly or with a stethoscope.
The state of being wakeful and aware of self, time, and the surroundings.
What people in a group have in common, but it changes over time.
Nonverbal Communication
Is the exchange of messages without the use of spoken language.
Body Language
Refers to the client’s awareness of time, place, and person.
A method of tapping body parts with fingers, hands, or small instruments as part of a physical examination.
Something found during a physical exam or from a laboratory test that shows that a person may have a condition or a disease.
A signal that illness has begun.
A person’s pattern of walking.
Nursing Process
Structured, organized, and systematic approach to developing and delivering patient care including assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.