Unit 2 Vocab LH Flashcards
What does Radiates mean?
To show emotion or quality
What does Bleak mean?
Describes a place that is cold, empty, and sad
What does Aghast mean?
Filled with shock or horror
What does Exploits mean?
Bold or daring achievements or adventures
What does Faltered mean?
To hesitate or waver in action or speech
What does resemblance mean?
The state of looking like or being similar to someone or something
What does Divert mean?
To change the direction of something or to distract
What does Doggedly mean?
In a determined and persistent manner
What does Grimace mean?
Making a facial expression that shows pain, discomfort, or disgust
What does Superiority mean?
being higher in rank, quality or importance compared to others
What does Conformity mean?
Matching attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs to group norms or standards
What does stifled mean?
To suppress, restrain, or stop something from happening
What does Stupor mean?
state of near-unconsciousness caused by shock or exhaustion
What does Vaguely mean?
In a way that is unclear, imprecise, or lacking detail
What does Delirious mean?
In a disturbed state of mind
What does Underprivileged mean
Lacking the rights and advantages of other members of society.
What does Idolize mean?
To admire or love greatly and excessively
What does remark mean?
a comment or statement
what does liable mean?
legally responsible or obligated
What does Acquitted mean?
To declare someone innocent of charges against them
What does composition mean?
The arrangement or structure of a written work, music, or art.
What does Roundabout mean?
taking a longer way to say something
What does veered mean?
to change direction suddenly
What does vast mean?
very large in size, amount, or extent