LH Unit 3 VOCAB Flashcards
What does Absconded mean?
To leave secretly and quickly, often to avoid being caught
What does Leer mean?
To look at someone in sly or unpleasant way
What does Repose mean?
a state of calmness or tranquility
What does Promiscuously mean?
without care for organization, resulting in a random scattering
What does Perceived mean?
to become aware of something through the senses
What does Endeavored mean?
to try very hard to do something
What does Obstinate mean?
refusing to change one’s mind or actions
What does Clamour mean?
a loud and confused noise, especially made by people shouting
What does Stately mean?
having a majestic appearance or manner
What does Beguiling mean?
charming or enchanting, often in a deceptive way
What does Countenance mean?
A person’s face or facial expression
What does Ungainly mean?
Awkward or clumsy in movement or appearance
What does Aptly mean?
In a way that is appropriate or suitable.
What does Undaunted mean?
not afraid or discouraged
What does Pallid mean?
pale, typically because of poor health or lack of color
What does Yore mean?
a time long ago, especially in the past
What does refrain mean?
To hold back or avoid doing something
What does vex mean?
To annoy or bother someone
What does Vehemently mean?
In a forceful or passionately way
What does Derision mean?
The act of making fun of someone
What does Dreadfully mean?
a very bad or terrible way
What does Dissimulation mean?
the act of hiding one’s true feelings or intentions
What does Profound mean?
having great meanings or significance
What does Suavity mean?
The quality of being charming, smooth, or graceful in social situations