Unit 2: The History of EHRs Flashcards
Requirements of Meaningful Use
Certification program for EHRs established by the government
incentive program for eligible professionals EPs, eligible hospitals, and critical access hospitals CAHs
EHRs must be used in a meaningful way (such as e-perscriptions), computerizer provider order entry CPOE)
Exchange of health information must be used to improve quality of health care
WHRs must b used to submit clinical quality measures CQMs and other measures identified by the ONC
History of EHR adoption
60s-90s improving functionality
90’s entered private practices, mostly for billing
2000s more providers/vendors established, but no standardization
2010s government mandated standardization
Benefits of EHR Adoption
Economic, Clinical, and Administrative
Easier access to current information, reminders and alerts, allows providers to spend more time with patients, faster test results, supports data analytics, reduces medical errors
Barriers to EHR adoption
Not all providers are elligible
Interoperability issues (vendors not wanting to collab with competition)
Incomplete standards for implementation
Best practices still need to be refined and published
Intentional health information blocking
Financial and infrastructure barriers
Reasons for shift to EHR
Increase in medical errors using paper forms, rising costs of health care, and need for more medical care coordination between providers
Practice Management Systems (PMSs)
Computer programs focused on fiscal management for processing insurance claims and patient statements.
Eventually incentivized through medicare and medicaid to overcome financial implementation barriers for small to average sized private practices
HITECH ACT of 2009
part of a stimulus package under the Obama administration AARA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
develop national health infrasteructure, assisting in adopting EHRs,
Institutes must demonstrate Meaningful Use of a Certified EHR to be eligible for reimbursements through the program
IOM (institute of Medicine) called for eliminating paper records by 2001
ONC, Office of the National coordinator for Health Information Technology, position created by President Bush
Promotion of EHRs
Obama administration Sponsors EHR adoption as part of economic stimulus
Medicare improvements for patients and providers act MIPPA
medicare reimbursement for providers, incentivized e-prescriptions
Automatic checking for drug and allergy interactions and eliminate errors due to poor handwriting
Health insurance portability and accountability act
Beacon Community Program
17 communities were given grants to document best practices and work towards establishing national EHR goals
Regional Extension Centers
Provide training and assistance to primary care providers adopting EHRs
ONC Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Est 2004
Serves as a resource for the entire health system
Supports hit adoption
Promotes nationwide health information exchange
Overall goal is to improve healthcare in the united states
Tests and certifies EHR products
Meaningful Use MU Program
defines minimum US government standards for EHRs
meant to improve collaboration between clinical and public healthcare
not initially popular with healthcare providers due to needing to prove meaningful use
emphasizes population health reporting, aggregate data on immunizations, and communicable disease for the sake of public rather than individual health
CEHRT certified EHR Technology
a complete EHR that meets ONC certification requirements
improves quality, safety, and efficiency of health care
reduce health disparities among/between communities
engage patients and family
improve care coordination for population and public health
maintain privacy and security of patient health information
Meaningful Use Stages
1: promote adoption of certified EHRs that allowed patients to access their own medical data
2. Encourage meaningful use of CEHRTs. More rules for compliance and reimbursement focused on coordinated care and patient engagement
3. Using CEHRTs to improve health outcomes through protected health information, e-prescriptions, computerized data entry, etc.
Clinical Quality Measurements CQMs
Criteria and tools that measure or quantify healthcare processes, outcomes, patient perceptions:
Goals include effectiveness, safety, efficiency, patient-centrality, equability, and timeliness.
HIE Health Information Exchange
electronic transmission of healthcare related data among medical facilities, organizations, and government agencies according to national standards.
MIPS Merit-Based Incentive Payment System
part of MACRA, consolidates multiple quality programs into a single program to increase quality of care including Meaningful Use
4 performance categories
Quality, cost, Improvement Activities, and Promoting Interoperability PI
Advancing Care Information
Replaced Meaningful Use, but has the same goals
Unanticipated EHR problems
increased work for clinicians (time for data entry, especially at first)
unfavorable workflow changes
ongoing demands for system changes (constantly new software)
conflicts between paper and electronic systems
Changes in communication (less face to face between doctors and nurses)
Unanticipated user errors
Over dependence on technology
Inability to customize EHRs