Unit 2 Test Terms Flashcards
the hometown of Jeremiah in the tribe of Benjamin
a gold-overlaid wooden chest with two cherubim on the lid that stored the tablets of the covenant; it was housed first in the tabernacle, then in the Most Holy Place room of the Jerusalem temple; it was the location of God’s presence within Israel
ark of the covenant
an account found in some historical and prophetic books that record the prophet’s experience of being called into prophetic ministry; the call was usually issued in the presence of God
call narrative
a woman who belonged to a man but did not have the full rights of a wife; she was frequently acquired as spoils in war, and her main function was to bear sons for the man
the day that God of Israel battles his enemies; derives from the holy war tradition and was cited by Amos, Joel, Obadiah, and Zephaniah
day of the Lord
a village north of Jerusalem that tricked Joshua and the Israelites into making a treaty with them
a village near Jericho where the Israelites first stopped after they entered the Promised Land
war authorized by God and led by him; in the Old Testament, this called for the complete slaughter of the enemy and the dedication of all spoils to God
holy war
the first city in Canaan conquered by Joshua and the Israelites
a person who held off Israel’s enemies–for example, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson
inhabitants of Philistia; the most significant external threat to the Israelites during the time of the Judges and the early monarchy
a type of covenant employed by monarchs that essentially consisted of a grant or gift to a faithful underling
royal grant covenant
city in central Israel that was the capital of the tribal confederacy during the time of Joshua and the Judges
the city in central Israel that contained a sanctuary during the time of eli and Samuel where the ark of the covenant was housed
the otherwise anonymous figure of the book of Isaiah who delivered God’s people through suffering variously identified by interpreters as Jeremiah, Zerubbabel, Israel, and Jesus of Nazareth
servant of Yahweh
a collection of four passages in Second Isaiah that refer to an anonymous figure, the Servant of YHWH, who suffers at the hands of people yet has a redemptive role
servant poems or songs
the hill on which the city of Jerusalem first stood; David’s royal palace and the temple of YHWH were both located here; later used to refer to the entire city of Jerusalem; began to symbolize the national homeland
they oppressed Israel in the time of Jephthah and were defeated by him with great slaughter; the prophets threatened them with divine judgments for troubling the Israelites
unconditional covenant to David that says there will always be a son of David on the throne and Jerusalem will never be conquered
royal theology
a conditional covenant that says if the people are loyal to the covenant, then they can keep the land
deuteronomic theology