UNIT 2 Test: Order Of Events Flashcards
2nd event
Stamp Act: March 22, 1765
1st Event 1754-1763
French & Indian War: 1754-1763
3rd event
Townshend Acts: June 15-July 2, 1767
4th event
Boston Massacre: March 5, 1770
5th event
Boston Tea Party: December 16, 1773
6th event
Intolerable Acts: March-June 1774
7th event
First Continental Congress Convenes: September 5, 1774
8th event
Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death” speech
9th event
Paul Revere’s Ride and the Battles of Lexington and Concord: April 18-19 1775
10th event
Battle of Bunker Hill: June 17, 1775
11th event
Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” published
12th event
Declaration of Independence: Voted for July 2nd 1776 and adopted on July 4th 1776
13th event
Washington crosses the Delaware: December 25-26, 1776
14th event
Battle of Saratoga ends in American Victory: October 17, 1777
15th event
The Winter at Valley Forge: December 19th, 1777 - June 19, 1778
16th event
France and the United States formed an alliance and France declared war on Britain: February 6th, 1778
17th event
Articles of Confederation signed: March 1, 1781
18th event
Battle of Yorktown: September-October 1781
19th event
Treaty of Paris/End of war: September 3, 1783