Unit 2 Section B Flashcards
What is this section about?
Areas, perspectives and debates
What to remember for ‘describe application of a principle/concept from a certain area’ questions
Define the concept or principle
Must be a practical use rather than just providing us with information eg a real world use
State what it is, how (in detail) it can be done and specifically by who
Outline a debate and how it relates to a core study from a certain area
Define what the debate is in detail
State the core study and give it a bit of context
State in detail and context how it relates to the debate
Compare two different areas
Point of comparison
Example of a core study from one of these areas
Example of a core study from the different area that is different to the above
Extra point of conclusion or elaboration eg why this is different
Should we define the areas when asked to compare them?
15 mark discuss questions are usually…
Discussing strengths or weaknesses of an area/one side of a debate
Discuss a debate in psychology
Discuss the extent to which research (in a certain area) supports one side of a debate
15 mark discuss questions structure to discuss the extent
Point = general, doesn’t reference specific study, ‘to a large/small extent’ research does support it etc
Example = mention specific core study in context
Comment = why this does/does not support it and the extent to which this means area does/does not support it
Repeat 4 times
15 mark discuss question to discuss the strengths and weaknesses OR a debate structure
Point = strength/weakness is… (general point) hint at why this idea is good/bad
Example = give a specific core study in context and why it relates to the above
Comment = Why this is a strength or weakness of the whole area NOT the specific study eg this makes the study more valid
Repeat to have 2 strengths 2 weaknesses
What can we compare the 2 areas on?
Research methods
One is more ecologically/ constructally valid?
One tends to be cross cultural?
Positions related to debates
What can we not compare the 2 debates on?
Ideas related to explanations in human behaviour?