Unit 2: Rome Flashcards
What was occurring prior to 500 BC?
greeks and italians are building their own kingdoms
What happened in 509 BC?
- Rome becomes a republic because the king was removed from the throne
- Rome also begins creating alliances with Italian cities
What are the citizens like in early Rome?
they are largely farmers and citizen soldiers
How was the government set up in Rome?
- Assembly
- Senate
- Consuls
- 2 tribunes
Who was a part of the assembly
What is a plebian
the average citizen
What did the senate consist of?
- patricians
Who are patricians?
What were consuls
- 2 people voted from the senate each year
What are the two tribunes?
those from the assembly voted to serve on the senate
What are the main concerns of the tribunes?
- to protect the plebians
- veto laws that unfairly target plebians
What happens when Rome makes allies?
- they take over central Italy
- Rome eventually takes over Greeks to the South and Entruscans
How do people largely fight in this era?
- spears
- swords
Who was the Italian Alliance dominated by?
When was Carthage founded and by who?
- founded in 800 BC
- by the Phoenicians
Who primarily ruled Carthage
merchants and trade
What city state is Carthage similar to and why?
- corinth
- use mercenaries to fight and were ran by merchants and trade
What is south of Carthage?
Numidia calvary
How was Carthage’s Navy
Why did Carthage begin to butt up against the Italian Alliance?
because both wanted Sicily because it is needed to truly rule trade because of its central location
What occurs in 264 BC?
Sicily v. Carthage because Sicily is part of the Italian Alliance
When did the First Punic wars happen?
264-241 BC
Why did the First Punic wars happen?
control over Sicily
Who wins the First Punic wars?
Carthage wins because they recruit Sparta to aid in defeating Rome
If Carthage won the physical battles, how did Sicily become Romes territory?
Carthage has to secede because they are running low on funds
Why do neither Rome nor Carthage become dominant powers after the First Punic War?
- Carthage doesn’t have Sicily
- Rome is upset that Carthage is still powerful
When did the Second punic Wars occur?
218-202 BC
How does Hannibal trigger the Second Punic Wars?
he marches through the Alps and invades Italy from the North and defeats the Roman army
When does Hannibal invade Italy?
217 BC
Who joins Carthage against Rome in the 2nd Punic Wars?
Syracuse which is in Sicily
What does Rome do when Syracuse joins Carthage?
Rome punishes them by killing their people neighborhood by neighborhood
Why did the 2nd Punic War end in another Stalemate?
- Rome can’t beat Hannibal
- Hannibal is tired of fighting
What happens in 207 BC?
Skipio (roman) invades Spain
In 204 BC, who is in Italy?
- Skipio
- Hannibal
What happened at the Battle of Zama?
- Rome wins the battle
- Hannibal + Carthage surrender
What happens as a result of the 2nd Punic Wars?
Rome gets most of Carthage’s territory but Carthage can still trade and make money through trade
What eventually ends up happening to Hannibal?
He is found by Rome but kills himself when found
Why do politicians want to destroy Carthage?
because Carthage still has trade power
When do the 3rd Punic Wars happen?
149-146 BC
How did the 3rd Punic Wars start?
the Numidians attack Carthage, and Carthage fights back
What happens when the Numidians attack Carthage and Carthage retaliates?
Rome declares war and does not allow Carthage to surrender
What happened as a result of Rome not allowing Carthage to surrender?
anyone who is able-bodied is now fighting in the war
Who captures the citadel in Carthage?
What happened to Carthage in the 3rd Punic Wars?
It essentially became obsolete because Rome killed mostly everyone and if they weren’t killed they were sold into slavery
Who dominates the Mediterranean after the Punic Wars?
Who controls Macedonia after King Phillip?
Why did Rome attack Macedonia and begin the Macedonia Wars?
Macedonia had helped Carthage attack Rome
Who wins the Macedonian wars and what is the outcome?
Rome wins the Macedonian Wars and as a result takes over Greece
When did the Seleucid War occur?
133-63 BC
How did the Seleucid War start?
Rome attacked many of their kingdoms
What happens due to the Seleucid War?
the seleucids get knocked out of existence
When did the social war occur?
91-88 BC
Why did the social war occur?
Rome was getting all of the power while the Italians were not although they were helping Rome fight
What happens as a result of the social war?
every eligible male with property in Italy is now a Roman citizen
What has wealth and conquest given Patricians?
slaves to work on Latifundia
What are Latifundias?
slave plantations
What happens to the Plebians?
they go into debt and have their land stolen by patricians
What happens as a result of the widening gap between the rich and poor?
- plebians want the opportunity to have wealth like the patritians
What was the popular opinion when it came to plebeians and patricians?
wealth gap good
What was an unpopular opinion when it came to plebeians and patricians?
patricians are limited in what they can own so that the plebeians can now get land
What major change happened in 100 BC?
the army no longer consisted of only citizens but to a professional army that anyone can join
Why was the military shift from citizens to professionals bad?
people were no longer fighting because they were loyal to Rome but because they wanted the money
When did the 1st Triumvirate occur?
60-40 BC
Who was in the First Triumvirate?
- Julius Caesar
- Pompey
- Crassis
Who is Pompey?
excellent war general
very wealthy senator
Where did Caesar invade to outshine Pompey?
How does Crassus respond to Caesar invading Gaul?
he invades Persia to outshine both Caesar and Pompey but gets killed
Who “wins” the 1st Triumvirate?
Caesar because he marches onto Crassus
Who is the Pharaoh of Egypt during the first triumvirate?
What does Ptolemy do to Crassus?
he kills Pompey and sends his head to Caesar
What is Caeser’s reaction to the beheading of Crassus?
- He is upset with Ptolemy and goes after him
- Ptolemaic is the last Hellenistic kingdom
What is the significance of Cleopatra?
Cleopatra proposes an alliance with Caeser and becomes queen of Egypt after defeating Ptolemy. She plans to become co-ruler of Rome by seducing Caeser
What would be the impact of Cleopatra co-ruling Rome?
it would unify Greece and Rome because Cleopatra is Greek and they trust her
Who becomes dictator for life?
Who spearheaded the idea that Rome should not have a dictator for life?
What did Cicero’s ideas lead to?
Caesar’s assassination by senators
When was the second Triumvirate?
44-30 BC
Who was involved in the Second Triumvirate?
- Octavian
- Mark Anthony
- Lepidus
Who is Octavian?
Caesar’s nephew
Who is Mark Anthony?
a general that fought under Caesar
Who is Lepidus?
a wealthy senator
Who was sent to find Caesar’s assassin?
Mark Anthony
What happens when Mark Anthony prepares an army?
Octavian also prepares an army
What does Lepidus do?
he retires
Why does Lepidus retire?
he struggles to raise an army
Who does Mark Anthony want approval from?
What occurred in 33-32 BC?
a civil war erupts between Octavian and Mark Anthony in which Octavian defeats him
Who from the Second Triumvirate ends up committing suicide to avoid capture?
- Mark Anthony
- Cleopatra
What big change happens after Cleopatra’s suicide?
there are no more hellenistic kingdoms
What offices does Octavian create?
- Priceps
- Imperator
highest ranking citizen
What was Octavian renamed?
Who became the first emperor of Rome?
When did the Roman empire have the first emperor?
30 BC
When did Rome divide into two parts
285 AD
What does emperor Claudius do?
he sends an army to Britannia to prove glory and fame
What is east Rome like?
- high population
- wealthy
- had Hellenism
What is west Rome like?
- small towns
- raw materials
- no hellenism because it did not reach the west
What are two paths to citizenship in Rome
- join the army
- citizenship through government (wealthy only)
Cursus Honorum
pathway to citizenship through army + government
What is the culture in the east?
- trilingual
- tricultural
What is the culture in the west?
- bilingual
- bicultural
What were the religious beliefs of the Hebrews?
- monotheistic
- covenant: yawhey will reward those who obey his word and worship him
Why did the Hebrews rebel against the empire?
they felt the roman empire was pushing polytheism too much
What did Rome do as a result of the revolts?
they relocated the Hebrews so there were only small communities
Who do the Hebrews consider the Messiah
- descendant of king david
Do the Hebrews adopt Hellenism?
They adopt Hellenism and some even become Roman citizens
Jesus of Nazareth
- peaceful Messiah
- love thy neighbor + love God
- salvation is reached by following God rather than by rules that you follow
Why was Jesus crucified?
his message differed from the one the other religions were saying
What does Christ mean?
anointed king
What does Christian mean?
follower of the anointed one
What were priests responsible for?
- preaching
- baptism
- mass
What did deacons do?
helps the priest perform their duties
As Christianity expands, who is added to the hierarchy
What is another name for the churches supervisors?
- bishops
What are the 4 most respected bishops called?
Where are the 5 most powerful patriarchs located?
- Jerusalem
- Rome
- Alexandria
- Antioch
- Constantinople
Which religious type is scripture more important? : monotheistic or polytheistic
What is the Tanak?
Old Testament
What does the Tanak contain?
- Torah: laws and identities of Hebrews
- if you are not a Hebrew Christian, the Torah does not apply to you
lessons the previous prophets have learned from God
how to maintain a relationship with God
How was the New Testament created?
a bishop met with others and decided which works to include in the official Bible
What 3 things are included in the Bible?
- Acts
- Epistles
- Revelation
non-hebrews don’t have to follow the Torah
letter to community explain Christianity and how to be a Christian
the prophecy of the end of time
What hellenistic elements is included in the Bible?
- New Testament is written in greek
- Heaven is an ideal world that humans strive to get to(idealism)
- People have free will, and they choose to follow God or not (Humanism)
What percent of people were Christian by 300 AD?
30% of Romans
Edict of Tolerance
Christians can practice their faith without persecution
Who enacted the Edict of Tolerance?
the correct way to do Christianity
doing Christianity wrong
What is the important of the terms Orthodoxy and Heretic?
They allow the state to step in when it comes to religion, no separation of church and state
Who declares Christianity the official religion of Rome and when?
- Theodosius
- 380 AD
Who become enemies of the state after Theodosius’s declaration
heretics and pagans
What is the relationship between the two terms: Roman, Christian
these terms became almost synonymous after Theodosius declared Christianity the official religion
What caused the empire to become unstable around the 200’s?
the generals began to try to kill the emperors to gain power and this was easy because since the army was no longer citizen based, soldiers were loyal to their generals instead of the kingdom of Rome
What does Diocletian do and when?
In 283 AD he divides Rome into two parts and restructures the government:
- 2 Augusti
- 2 Caesers
2 Augusti
- emperor
- emperor’s successor
2 Caesars
- vice emperor
- vice emperor’s successor
Why did Diocletian implement 4 rulers?
- much more control was allowed because all 4 men are placed in different parts of Rome
- stops revolts throughout the empire
Where is the Christian capital Constantinople located?
Where are the Huns located?
grasslands of mongolia to the edge of eastern europe (steppe nomads)
How did the Huns prefer to fight?
they rode horses and fought with bow and arrows
Which two groups get conquered by the Huns?
- slavs
- german
How do the Germans react to being attacked by the Huns?
they attempt to take refugee in Rome but the west is unable to handle bringing in 200,000 refugees because their current population is only 1 million max
How does West Rome solve the population issue with the Germans?
they let in some refugees as allies and there is a tribe set up by the border they are assigned to defend
What are the four groups of Germans?
- Visigoths
- Ostrogoths
- Franks
- Anglo Saxons
Where did the Visigoths and Ostrogoths defend?
the poorer part of the East
Where did the Franks defend?
Why do the Visigoths revolt against Rome?
the land they defend is not arable therefore they are starving
How does the Roman emperor react to the Visigoth’s revolt?
he attempts to defeat them but is killed in battle
What do the Visigoths do it 410 AD?
they realize the western emperor is weaker so they occupy the west
What problem does Honorius have?
there are refugees being led over the frozen river by bangals
How does Honorius solve the Bangals problem?
he sends the visigoths to destroy the bangals. when they do, they get to occupy spain and their king becomes roman governor
Where do the Franks take over?
Gaul (modern day france)
Where are the Angle and Saxons hired as mercenaries?
How does the Roman emperor get rid of the ostrogoths?
in 476 emperor sends odoacer to Italy to become governor so all barbarians are now in the west
Were the Germans hesitant to adopt Roman culture?
no they happily accepted it
What were the requirements to become a Roman leader?
- rank officially given by the emperor
- christian
mixture of people, law, and customs
Who was Isidore?
- bishop
- visigoths
Where did the Visigoths occupy and how long?
- spain
- 414-711
What does Isidore do?
- writes an encyclopedia of Roman knowledge
- critical because this did not exist in the west prior
Who is Justinius?
he wants to conquer Rome and takes over the ostrogoths
What does Theoderic do?
- attempts to unify Romans and ostrogoths
What does Boethius do?
- works in Theoderics administration and is a Roman senator
- writes works on philosophy, logic, music theory
- executed
- unified Gaul under the Franks
- converts to christianity because Romans will see his rule as illegitimate if not
- first Merovingians
What did the Merovingians do with pagan temples?
- pagan temples were taken down and repurposed into needed buildings
Who was recruited to defend the coastline of Province?
Who occupies Britain?
- Anglo-Saxons
- Christian kelts in the mountains
- small roman kingdoms
Who are sent to the Anglo-Saxons in 600 AD?
missionaries to convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity
What occurs in 660 with Theodore?
he is sent to England to form the church of England and brings a LIBRARY
What is important about Theodore bringing a library to the west?
it includes christian and hellenistic works.
What happens to the Eastern Roman empire in the 6th century?
they are essentially a greek empire because they revert to greek government and law
Who becomes the Byzantium empire?
hellenistic east
Who decides to reconquer the west?
What does Justinian do?
- takes over north africa
- takes italy from the ostrogoths
- puts a foothole in visigoth spain
Why can’t Justinian get to the foothole in spain?
How does the bubonic plague affect the east?
deaths disruptive to the economy and the military so expansion is basically halted
What happens when Rome tries to rebuild after the bubonic plague?
Byzantine empire goes to war with Persia and wins
What happens with Byzantine and Persia?
Persia gives them territory
Arab empire
messenger and receives messages from God
Who is the prophet in Islam?
What are the followers of islam called?
What do the Arabs do to remain unified?
they go raid persia but persia is still recovering from their loss from the byzantine empire so they simply perish
Ummayid Dynasty (661-750)
will continue to expand to Afghanistan and into northern Africa
What interaction do the Arabs and Visigoths have?
Arabs send an army to defeat the visigoths and they destroy them essentially
Abbasids (750-1258)
mixture of Arab, Persian, and Hellenistic culture
What happens in the late 8th century?
Byzantine empire is reduced to Greece, Italy, and Turkey
What hybrid was the Carolingian empire?
- Roman
- Christian
- German
- Pagan
Who is the first king of the Merovingian dynasty?
Why does the merovingian dynasty decline?
it begins to be fractured because land is divided among the king’s son when he dies
Who becomes extremely powerful in the merovingian dynasty and why?
- nobles
- they gained power because sons of kings needed their help in securing the best land from their brothers
What were nobles called?
Mayor of the Palace
Charles Martel (714-741)
- defeats the Arabs because they begin to raid Frank territory
Pepin the short (741-768)
- wants to eventually become king of the Franks so he sets off to be crowned by a patriarch in Rome
- ^ alliance with the Pope: be king in exchange for protection from the Lombards
What did Charles the Great (r. 768-814) do?
- reconstitutes the western roman empire
- defeats the lombards
- attempts to attack the arabs because they arent christian and fails
What is the byzantine emperor’s reaction to a Frank being named Roman king?
he is upset
What is the significance of the elephant gift given to Charlemagne?
Caliph knew that Charlemagne could not give a gift of equal status so the caliph was considered more powerful
Where did the Northumbrian Renaissance happen?
Anglo-Saxon Kingdom
Why did the Northumbrian Renaissance start?
Theodore brought a library and established the church of England
writes new information; history of the anglosaxons
How did the Carolingian Renaissance start?
Charlemagne brought over scholars from Northumbria to France to teach his empire
educating people in the church and the rulers of the carolingian empire
- wrote a biography of charlemagne
- his writings followed ROMAN writing structure
How was Romanesque architecture created?
Charlemagne brought people from Italy to build in Rome
Treaty of Verdun 843
Charlemagne’s grandsons come to an agreement on who gets what land
What brings us to the Treaty of Verdun 843?
Charlemagne’s son has 3 sons who fight over which land they occupy
What does the Frank Empire split into after the Treaty of Verdun?
- West Franks
- East Franks
- Middle Franks