Unit 2 Review Flashcards
Who was Muhammad
The chosen messenger of the word of Allah
what does al-Sira mean?
It is the Biography of the Messenger of God. It is a secondary source about the life and teachings of Muhammad. It may not be very accurate
What did Muhammad do?
-An Arab that claimed special divine revelation
-monotheistic message with strong apocalyptic elements
-Led Arabs in many battles
Birthplace of Muhammad, born 570 AD (Year of the Elephant)
Explain al-Ka’ba
Means the cube. it is a pre-Islamic shrine in Mecca, supposedly built by Abraham and son Ishmael. It is the most sacred site in Islam.
Where does Muhammad receive first revelation?
On Mt. Hira around 610 CE when he was 40yrs old
Who is Khadija?
Muhammad’s first wife, married when she was 40 and he was 35. First convert to Islam, but her cousin (Waraqa) was a Christian. All of his surviving daughters were from this marriage.
radical one-ness of God, there is no other.
the act of associating a created being with God that is associated with Mushrikun (associators or polytheists) which is the gravest sin in Islam.
Who was ‘Ali?
A cousin to Muhammad who married Muhammad’s daughter, Fatima, and became his son-in-law. The first male to convert to Islam. Important to Shi’ism.
The Hijrah meaning and importance
The journey of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina to escape the persecution of Muslims. 622 CE and marks 1 year of Islamic Calendar.
Medina meaning and importance
“City of the Prophet” where Muhammad established the Muslim community after fleeing Mecca. Where Muhammad was laid to rest.
Muhammad’s Battles in Medina
Battle of Badr
Battle of Uhud
Battle of the Trench (Khandaq)
The Conquest of Mecca
Muslims took over the city and Quraysh surrendered. The Ka’ba is cleansed of idols
Who was ‘A’isha?
Muhammad’s third and favorite wife.
She is the “Mother of the Believers”
Muhammad was 50, she was 9
Transmitted reports of Muhammad’s life
Dome of the Rock significance
For Judao-Chrsitians it marks where Abraham brought his son Issac to be sacrificed. For Muslims it is where Muhammad and angel Gabriel ascended into heaven
The people of the tradition and the community
Muhammad did not declare who should lead Islamic faith
The party of Ali
Muhammad’s descendants should lead Islamic faith