Unit 1 Review Flashcards
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church there is no salvation
What is comparative Theology?
A way to think in a theological mindset when you are already rooted in one faith tradition but want to venture into another faith tradition for new theological insight.
What is Theology of Religions
Theological mindset rooted in one faith tradition that attempts to account theologically for the meaning and value of other religious traditions (teachings/practices) in accordance with one’s own religion.
Explain the purpose of the Nostra Aetate
Means “in our time”
addresses the church’s relationship to other religions
promotes mutual understanding and respect between the Catholics and other religions
universal call to holiness
Non Jew
Latin word meaning “rural, rustic, country-folk”
Logos Spermatikos
Seed of the word
Idea of Justin Martyr, a Palestinian
Liberation Theology
theological reflection that responds to suffering, injustice, and poverty
the correct practice
the correct belief
branch within Christian theology that focuses on the study of the Holy Spirit
Study of the early Christian writers that were designated as church fathers, and the study of their writings (end of NT to early Middle Ages). Studies the time in which Christianity was formed
Vatican II
21st Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church. Modernization of the Church after 20 centuries. Founded by Pope John XXIII
Promote unity among various Christian Churches