Unit 2: Poultry Production Lesson I-III Flashcards
Don’t have true phallus (copulatory organ; V-shaped breast).
Third most popular poultry species.
Have true phallus, V-shaped breast.
Have flat breast.
Secretes milk.
Egg weight and incubation period of Gallus gallus
58g, 21 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Anas platyrhynchos (egg type)
60g, 28 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Anas platyrhynchos (meat type)
70g, 28 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Cairina moschata
80-83g, 35-37 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Meleagris gallopavo
85, 28 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Coturnix coturnix
12g, 16-18 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Columba livia
17g, 18 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Cygnopsis cygnoides
200g, 30-31 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Olar columbianos
285g, 35 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Struthio australis
1400g, 42 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Pavo cristatus
95g, 28 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Phashianus colchicus
32g, 23-24 days
Egg weight and incubation period of Numida meleagris
40g, 28 days
Scientific name of Red Jungle Fowl
Gallus gallus
Scientific name of Grey Jungle Fowl
Gallus sonnerati
Scientific name of Ceylonese Jungle Fowl
Gallus lafayetti
Scientific name of Javan Jungle Fowl
Gallus varius
How much does the of wild jungle fowl weigh?
0.9 kg
How many eggs do modern breed hens lay annually?
320 eggs
How much do modern breed hens weigh?
1.5-2.0 kgs
2 types of selection
Natural and Artificial
Brought changes in the genetic make-up of certain individuals due to factors within and the environment of a subject.
Genetic mutation
Caused by differences in climate and in nutrition. Also known as the survival of the fittest.
Natural selection
Involves man’s interference in achieving certain goals and personal ideas.
Artificial selection
A group of chicken possessing certain confrontation or shape of body that is distinguished from other chickens.
A group of chicken within a breed which possesses the same plummage color and comb type.
A group of chicken within a variety of a breed which are under constant specific traits by a specified breeder for periods of about 5-8 years.
Small size, very active and nervous in temperament, lay large white eggs, non-sitters. Give examples.
Egg class - Anconas, Minorcas, and Leghorn
Large size, slow in movement, quiet and gentle in disposition, lay brown shelled eggs, poor egg layers. Give examples.
Meat class - Brahmas, Cochin, Langshans, Cornish, White rocks
Medium sized, the young are fast growers, good layers, not as nervous as the egg class, more active than the meat class. Give examples.
General Purpose Class - New Hampshire, Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock, Lancaster, Nagoya, Cantonese.
Beautiful plumage or form, rare unusual appearance, raise chiefly as ornamentals or pets. Give examples.
Fancy Class - Bantam, Frizzle, Long tailed.
Kind of chicken developed by aficionados in this game. Give examples.
Fighting Class - Ruble, Claret, Oasis.
Breeds and varieties that were developed in American continent. Give examples.
American Class - Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Lancaster, New Hampshire
Breeds developed in Asia. Give examples.
Asiatic Class - Brahmas, Cochin, Nagoya, Langshan, Cantonese
Related to utility grouping most Mediterranean origin are of the egg type breed producing large white shelled eggs. Give examples.
Mediterranean Class - Leghorn, Minorcas, Anconas
Breeds developed in England and its colonial territories.
English Class - Dorkings, Australorps, Cornish, Orpington
Discovering the best combination of genes of parent stock that will be the source of commercial chicks for the poultry producer.
Breeding farm
Primarily for egg production
Egg farm
First phase- raising pullets, second phase- keeping layers for egg production
Phases of Operation
Specialized field in the Philippines, growing of meat-type chicken essentially for meat production.
Broiler Farm
Most recent field in chicken farming in the Philippines growing essentially native/indigenous breeds of chicken for dual purpose. This type of chicken raising suits well with organic farming.
Native Chicken Farm
Male sexual organ that produces sperm.
Carries the seminal fluid and sperm from testicles to cloaca.
Vas deferens
Produces the ovum.
Receives yolk from ovary, where sperm is stored, and fertilization takes place.
Secretes the thick white of the egg (3 hours)
2 shell membranes are placed around the yolk and thick white (1.25 hours)
Thin white and outer shell are added to the egg (20 hours)
Completed egg is stored for a short time till laid (total : 25-27 hours)