functions and features of labour
functions and features of conservative party
functions and features of libdems
functions and features of smaller parties
current party funding systems
party membership
trade unions
local fundraising
public funding
debates for current party funding systems
decreseases democracy
reduces independency
public funding is already strained
too much public funding= parties cater to government not the people
wasted on paries who dont win seats
debates against the current party funcing systems
public has duty to donate to running of parties
less influence of corrupt wealthy donors
reduce inequality between the parties
increase political participation
origin and development of the labour party
1900-1945- old labour belief of collectivism, didnt win a majority. Had marxists and socialists in the party. established following further suffrage for the working class.
1945-1979: clement wins landslide victory, set up the NHS and 20% of the economy was nationalised, lost to churchill in 1951 who upheld the socialist policy. wilson kept high taxation, and 60s had a lot of reforms like abortion homo and death penalty but also debasement of the coin
1979-83 micheal foot , pushes party to right to mirror margeret thatcher= gaisn only 27.6% of vote as many memebers joined teh SDP
1983-1994 neil mckinnock - purged labour of radical elements and made it more centerist.The 1992 GE polls suggested Labour should win, but marginally lost so Kinnock resigned, who was replaced with John Smith who died 2 years lat
tony blair- didnt change thatcher policy and removed clause in labour party manifesto which had them connected to trade unions. more centerist. Had a lot of constitutional remforms i.e supreme court and HoL act 1999. steps down because of iraq war controversey
2010-15: edmiliband
- more left wing but still quite centerist
- suprising loss in 2015,
jeremy corbyn:
got 40% of vote share in 2017, highly leftist. 262 seats, but in 2019 did not do as well with only about 30%. , slogan of for the many not the few. had the whip removed from him in 2023 because of suspicions of antisemitism and harrasment under his government by watch dog investigations and EHCR comittee.
keir starmer- big win in 2024, more centerist, policy such as introducing great british energy and cutting NHS wait times.
origin and development of the conservative party
origins of the conservatives
english civil war- monarchists, ant anarchy belief in tradition
Resists the urge for radical change
Values property, pragmatism, authoritarianism, tradition, stability
one nation
disreali argues old conservatives not good and need new one to unite britian
highly successful in 20th century, disreali as MP introduces the PHA and other social reforms
thatcherite/ the new right
combo of neoliberalism (reduce welfare state, little govt involvement and limit trade union influence) and neoconservatism (authority, sense of community through trad conservativism anti rapid change, anti alt lifestyles from the nuclear familly)
origin and development of the lib dems
Originally started in 1850s as liberalist party- ideas of free trade, lax govt ect.
- because of William beverage and others , start to believe need support for poorest in society an welfare for a fairer society. Form old people pension.
- joined the SDP in 1988 to form the LD party, dont have as nycg electoral success-
-2005- get 62 seats
-2010- get 57 seats, form coalition with cameron because he needed support, 5 seats in cabinet and Nick Clegg deput. PM.
Increased tuition fees from 3000 to 9000
In 2015 get only 8 seats because of this and other things.
how labour origin shaped its ideas and policies on econ, law/order, welfare, foreign affairs.
-gradual renationalisation of railways 2024
Redistributive taxation
-2017 manifesto, increase corporate tax by 26% by 2020- in 2024 manifesto no increase in tax
Support an extensive welfare state
-protect state pension triple lock
close links with trade unions
- 27% of Labour’s income in 2014. 2024- trade union funding all time low, approx £2.5 million
how conservative party origin shaped its ideas and policies on econ, law/order, welfare, foreign affairs.
conservatievs started by supporting monarchy and tradition- their belief in tradition leads to anti woke/ LGBTQ policy and ideas. They are traditionally alligned with more wealthy people of society and so have greater lax ideas on taxation and government involvment pushing for a free marker(thatcher) foriegn affairs,?????????????
how libdem origin shaped its ideas and policies on econ, law/order, welfare, foreign affairs.
high on welfare- 1800s very welfare pushing. Economically left
why is it important to have other parties in the UK
greater representation of the people/ diversity of opinion= allows for better policy making
- SNP , DUP ,Seinn feinn Plaid Cymru
accountability- opposition party and every other party in parli.
scrutiny- green party
development of multi party system
** Liberal Democrats **
- SDP-Liberal Alliance - most centrist - may have broader appeal
- Opposition to Iraq war boosted results in 2005
- In 2010 - enter coalition with Conservatives (first government coalition that had been
formed in peacetime i.e. not during WW1&2 since 1850s)
- 2024 - 72 MPs
Partisan dealignment
- Partisan dealignment = loyalty to a particular party declines
- In the UK - class has become a less distinct voting line
- New divides have become politically active - immigration/EU
- 2017 - first post-Brexit election led to minority government
**SNP/ devolved UK: **
- 2015 - 56 seats
- 50% of the vote in Scotland in 2015
- Northern Ireland has a large amount of parties in their govt, people before profit- 1. Ulster unionist party -9
multi party systems impact on govt
Power is shared more equally among parties in the devolved legislatures
- Different electoral system used - Scotland and Wales AMS; Northern Ireland STV
- Research has found a distinct effect of the electoral system on the results in devolved nations - more likely to be a multiparty system
govt more unstable
- NI govt keeps on breaking down
Greater representation:
- ppl for more represented= Higher voter turnout
factors effecting party success
relationship with the media:
tony blair, Ed mili bacon sami, get brexit done and bojo, TM won 3 general elections cus she was always well represented in the media kinnock had good media presence, but his lack of govt competancy made him lose.
time in power: tony blair and iraq, conservatives 2024- people didnt like their policy.
MT won 2 consecutive landslide because enough conservatievs felt she had transformed the brit economy.
time in opposition: keir starmer atacks bojo and liz truss. However neil kinnock ad Micheal foot both dont have enough presence to successfully attach margeret thatcher. 2007-2010, Cameron uses PMQs to dicomfort brown and undermine his govt
funcing and organisation
choice of candidate/ campaign method
policy manifesto
relevent referendums
BREXIT!!!!!2016 51.89% voted in favour of leaving the EU (Leave), and 48.11% voted in favour of remaining a member of the EU (Remain).
why political parties have succeeded
relationship with the media:
time in power:
time in opposition:
funcing and organisation
choice of candidate/ campaign method
policy manifesto
relevent referendums
why political parties have failed
relationship with the media:
time in power:
time in opposition:
funcing and organisation
choice of candidate/ campaign method
policy manifesto
relevent referendums
one nation conservatives
- Disraeli (Conservative backbencher) - argued traditional conservatism lacked the dynamic to inspire men - need to unite the country in reverence for traditions & institutions that make Britain great
- belief in stability through community and govt focus on national interest
- belief in social reform, disreali as PM would introduce the PHA of 1875
new right conservatives
- following the demands of higher pay by trade unionist, less adament on banding all of society together, thatcher suggests more neo liberalism and neo conservativism
- NEO LIB:the economy regulates itself best with as little gov intervention as possible so the gov should create conditions favourable to the free market
- Keeping taxation to a minimum to provide individual with more financial control
- Reduce inflation & interest rates to encourage investment
- Discourage a ‘dependency culture’ by reducing the welfare state
- Limit the influence of trade unions as they disrupt the free market with excessive pay claims
- Discouraging permissive & alternative lifestyles that threaten the traditional family unit which promotes social harmony
- Giving gov extensive powers to fight crime & disorder
- Protecting national interest with a strong defence policy
- Emphasising the nation state as the ultimate source of citizen security (sceptical of regional organisations e.g. the EU which challenge gov authority
- NEO LIB:the economy regulates itself best with as little gov intervention as possible so the gov should create conditions favourable to the free market