Unit 2 P&Ts Flashcards
Radical members of Christianity that believed in adult baptism vs. infant baptism. Wanted a simple church separated from the state. Attractive to peasants, weavers, miners, and artisans that were prosecuted for being radicals
Charles V
Emperor of the HRE during the reformation that tried to end the reformation. Had to deal with France and the Papacy and couldn’t devote enough time to Germany to stop the reformation
Doctrine stating that bread and wine turned into the body and blood of Christ. Major divider between different types of protestant, and between protestantism and catholicism
Elizabeth I
Queen of England that tried to keep compromise and unity in England. Created temporal compromise between puritans and Angelicans and defeated the Spanish armada
Act of Uniformity 1549
Restored the church service of the book of common prayer with some revisions to make it more acceptable for catholics, mostly protestant but tolerable for catholics
Ignatius of Loyola
Was extremely devoted to the catholic church and wanted to convert people back to Catholicism (Jesuits)
Established disciplined schools and converted many non-christians, especially in Asia
95 Theses
list of grievances about indulgences. Started the reformation and kick-started the split of the church when they didn’t reform practices
Act of Supremacy 1534
England broke off from the RCC and monarch now completely controlled the English Church
Anglican Church
Branch of Protestantism that was controlled by English monarchs
Book of Common Prayer
provided rapid change in doctrine and liturgy and divided England
John Calvin
Created denomination of Protestantism (calvinism) and believed in predestination
King Henry VIII
Initiated English Reformation and created the Anglican Church
Martin Luther
Started the Protestant Reformation and split the Church
Council of Trent
affirmed Catholic teachings in opposition to protestant beliefs
Plays a major role in differentiating the different religions
sent Luther over the edge and pushed him to write 95 theses and start the reformation
-Selling of Salvation
Peace of Augsburg
Allowed german ruler to determine religion of country and allowed protestantism to spread
English Calvinists
- attempted to ban drinking in taverns, dramatic performances, and dances
- radical
Thomas Cramer
English archbishop of Canterbury that advised the King to break off of the Catholic Church and Create Anglican church (Said Henrys 1st marriage was null and void)
Created a separate religion and was unable to achieve protestant unity
Peasant Revolt
Made Lither dependent on state authorities and not popular with the lower class in Germany
Diet of Worms
Luter didn’t recant his beliefs and was made an outlaw and radical
Personal piety was increased by sermons and preaching in the vernacular
Corrupted the RCC and encouraged protestants to revolt
-Buy Church offices
Johan Tetzel
was selling indulgences and sent Luther over the edge
Peace of Westphalia
ended hostilities within the HRE and kept that ruler of the land determined the official religion of that land
Thomas Muntzer
Was part of the individualist group called Spiritualists who only listed to the spirit of God
-dief in the peasants war
Miguel Cervantes
wrote Don Quixote
-compares realism to old fashioned religious ideals and shows that both are necessary for a happy life
Corrupt papal practice that led to more practices
-owning more than one church office
Major defining point of Calvinism that is exclusive to Calvinism
major difference between all protestant religions and RCC, also one sacrament defined differences in denominations (Eucharist)