Unit 2: Nursing Care of the Client Experiencing a High risk or With Complications during Labor and Delivery Flashcards
What are the 5 P factors that affect Labor and Delivery?
Powers, Passenger, Passageway. Psyche and Maternal Position
It refers to the woman and family’s perception of the event during labor.
Apart from the pelvic structure, what other factors may affect the mother’s passageway mentioned by Ma’am Villanueva.
Rickets - Vitamin D Deficiency and Adolescent Pelvis.
It refers to the long, difficult, or abnormal labor.
Dystocia might be characterized by alterations in the characteristics of contractions. What are the specific phenomena that may relate to dystocia?
Lack of Progress of Cervical Dilation, Fetal Descent and Expulsion
Enumerate the 6 cardinal movements during the 2nd Stage of Labor.
Internal Rotation
External Rotation
What are the causes of Dystocia?
Dysfunctional Labor
Alterations in pelvic structure
Malpresentation, anomalies, excessive size, number of fetus
Maternal position
Psychological Response
What are the factors that may risk developing dystocia?
Body Weight (Overweight and short stature)
Uterine Abnormalities (Congenital Malformation)
Malpresentation and Malposition of the Fetus
Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)
Overstimulation with oxytocin
Maternal Factors
Inappropriate timing of Anesthetics
What interventions can be done with patients having dystocia?
Assessment of Maternal Well-being (Vital Signs)
Assessment of Fetal Well-being
Assist in External Cephalic Version or Podalic Version
Trial of Labor
Cervical Ripening
Induction or Augmentation of Oxytocin
Operative Procedures (Vacuum or forceps assisted birth)
What does VBACS stands for?
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section
What is used to score and evaluate cervical readiness of cervical dilation and effacement to conclude if patient is ready for labor?
Bishop Score
What are the factors involved in Bishop Scoring?
Cervical Dilation
What is the other name for Dysfunction Labor?
This refers to sluggishness of contraction, or that the force of labor is less than usual.
Dysfunctional Labor
What are the 2 Classifications of Dysfunctional Labor?
Primary Dysfunction
Secondary Dysfunction
This type of Dysfunction Labor begins at the onset of Labor
Primary Dysfunction
This type of Dysfunction labor begins at the later part of labor
Secondary Dysfunction
What are the underlying causes of Dysfunction?
Pelvic Bone Contraction/Cephalopelvic Disproportion
Occiput Posterior Malposition
Failure of the Uterine Muscle to contract
Full Bowel or Urinary Bladder
Maternal Examination
Inappropriate use of Analgesia
What is the ideal positioning of the baby for a normal delivery?
LOA (Left Occiput Anterior) and ROA (Right Occiput Anterior)
What are the three types of ineffective uterine force?
Hypotonic Uterine Contraction
Hypertonic Uterine Contraction
Uncoordinated Uterine Contraction
Number of Contractions is usually low and infrequent (not more than 2 or 3 occurring in a 10 minute period)
Hypotonic Uterine Contraction
During Hypotonic Uterine Contraction the rise in uterine pressure is no more than _____ mmHg
10 mmHg
This type of ineffective uterine contraction is considered erratic
Uncoordinated Uterine Contraction
What are the risk factors for hypotonic uterine contraction?
- Maternal Obesity unaccompanied by diabetes
- Bowel and Bladder distention which prevents descent or firm engagement
- Uterus overstretched by multiple gestation, macrosomia, hydramnios, or relax abdominal muscles from grand multiparity
- Pharmacological Agents used for pain relief