Unit 2 Notes And Chaucer Notes Flashcards
Chaucer’s pilgrims meet
At the Tabard Inn
The Knight is going on a pilgrimage
To give thanks for his victories in battle
The Prioress’s manners and speech can be defined as
Falsely dainty and refined
The Monk’s preferred activities are
Riding and dining
The Merchant is secretive about
Both a and b
The Oxenford Clerk spends most of his time and money
On books and learning
The Franklin is compared to Epicurus because
Both a and b
The number of Guildsman who travel together is
The Sailor is an expert in
The Physician profits from his relationship with apothecaries
The apothecaries give him kickback for unnecessary medicines he prescribes
The Parson is characterized as
Devoted and kind
The Ploughman is characterized as
Honest and hard-working
The Miller cheat his customers by
Using his thumb to add weight to the scale
The description of the Summoner includes
The severe blotches and pimples on his face
The Pardoner cheats the populace by
Convincing them that ordinary artifacts are in fact holy relics
The host of the Tabard Inn, Harry Bailey, suggests that
The pilgrims tell stories along the way to entertain each other
Geoffrey Chaucer was born in
By virtue of his witty and incisive literary accomplishments, Chaucer became known as
The Father of English Literature
Who is the host of the Tabard Inn ?
Harry Bailey
Chaucer characterized his pilgrims how ?
Vividly, with frank descriptions and often satirical
Chaucer’s rhyme technique for “The Canterbury Tales” was rhymed couples in
Iambic pentameter
How do you know the Yeoman is trained in forestry ?
Tan, he keeps his arrow well, he’s good with wood craft
Chaucer says regarding the prioress “Intoning through her nose, becomingly”. What is his sarcastic statement referring to ?
She has a naselly sound when she sings
Why dos the merchant hope the sea is “held” ?
His trade will prosper
What according to Chaucer, is the result of the physician’s use of natural science and horoscope ?
His remedies prescribed, to keep his patients dying
Who is the physician in cahoots with ?
Name one of the kind deeds that personify the Parson’s character
Visit the sick
Who is the Ploughman similar to in that he is kind, honest and hardworking ?
The Parson
Who has the original idea of having the pilgrims recount four tales each on the way to and from Canterbury ?
The host, Harry Bailey
Is written by own poets for literary effect
Literary ballad
A work that treats a trivial subject in heroic terms
Mock epic
Two consecutive lines of poetry, often wrong then in iambic pentameter, with end words that rhyme
The emotion pervading a work
A narrative poem that can be set to music and sung. Often features alternating lines of iambic tetrameter and iambic trimester with a regular meter and rhyme scheme
Typical long narrative poem
A stanza consisting of four lines or a four-line poem
A narrative technique where by a main story is contained within another story that acts as it setting(group of stories unified by central situations)
Frame story
Connected series of incidents. Connecting principle is not chronological but casual
The prevailing attitude the author adopts toward the reader, a character, or a subject
Anonymously composed and passed down orally through the generations before it is committed to print
Folk ballad
Intended to teach or instruct
Old English literature reacted primarily agonist what ?
The external threat to society
Middle English literature sought to remedy what ?
The internal threat to society
What did the writers of the Middle English period declare ?
A return to the ideals of the past is the primarily remedy for the ills of society
The ascension of Henry VII to the throne is associated with what ?
The end of the English language
During the fourteenth century the English language took on both what ?
French and Latin additions
This statement reflects the growth of the English language during this time
Scholasticism blended what ?
Philosophy, theology, and attempted to use reason to support to faith
Classical humanism in conjunction with what ?
The invention of movable type printing spurred Biblical scholarship and translations and thereby hastened the spread of the gospel throughout 16th century Europe
These humanists who were devoted to the subjects traditionally known as the what ?
Humanities were not like modern humanists
The French writers most influenced who ? Who wrote for sophisticated evidences
English medieval poets
Elements emphasized in the medieval romance:
An adventurous knight's quest Romantic love Acts of chivalry Supernatural elements The ideals of civilized society
The most characteristic secular medieval literature is social satire with what ?
Allegorical overtones
Wycliffe was associated with what ?
Nationalism, scholasticis, and Lollardism
What did the Chancellor at Oxford university and the ecclesiastical council consider Wycliff’s beliefs ?
To be heretical and he was brought to trial before an ecclesiastical synod (a local or special ecclesiastical council)
Who were Wycliff’s religious followers ?
The Lollard’s
What are supposed drafts on the heavenly treasure of ment accumulated by saints ?
What were Chaucer aims ?
Literary as well as moral
His variety of experience gave him insight into what ?
Human nature and social institutions
What class was Chaucer born into ?
The middle class
Role in the ranks of what ?
He married into what ?
How did Chaucer successfully used satire ?
Both to entertain and to show moral indignation
What was the original plan of The Canterbury Tales ?
120 stories
Chaucer’s use of pilgrimage was appropriate because what ?
It allowed him to structurally unite a variety of tales in a single composition and it provided a venicle for social commentary by bringing together people from all walks of society and with universal character traits
Where does the author give his plan for the work ?
The general prologue
The beast fable is a moral take in which the what ?
The animals act the part of human beings
The reference to March on page 85 alludes to what ?
Biblical story of man’s fall
Where was Chaucer born ?
The legend of Arthur sterns from a serious of what during the fifth century at the hands of a Celtic chieftain named Ambrosias ?
Anglo-Saxen set backs
As the legend of King Arthur spread in the 13th and 14th centuries, it acquired some establishments:
The French turned Arthur from chieftain into King
The Welsh added the supernatural elements to the tale
When the legend returned to England, it become fiercely patriotic
The Tudor dynasty claimed descent from Arthur
The narrator mentions Beaumain’s interest in what ?
Observing jousts
The narrator mentions the kingship of who ?
Beaumain’s and Sir Gawain
Lancelot sates his opinion that Beaumain’s is what ?
“A man of great worship”
Why did Gareth finally reveal his name ?
Lancelot has to be sure he is of noble lineage before he can bestow knighthood on him
Why does King Arthur agree to let Beaumain’s try to rescue the damsel ?
Arthur promised to grant him three wishes and this was one of them
Typical characteristics of a ballad
Impersonal concentrated, dramatic, ironic
Repetition, detachment, conciseness
These feature generate atmosphere and tone
What is the reason that numerous ballads exist in so many diffident versions ?
They were passed down orally hundreds of years
Incremental repetition is reptilian with what ?
The Robin Hood cycle of Ballads especially communicates with what ?
The common mans viewpoint
Few ballads view their subject with what ?
Humor, it is not a typical characteristic
“Get Up and Bar the Door” this ballad is not concerned with what ?