Cry, The Beloved Country Book 1 Flashcards
What is being described in paragraphs two and three in Chapter 1 ?
The land is being described
True or False: Paragraphs two and three in Chapter 1 deal with one of the central themes of the novel; the deep contrast between the “haves” and the “have nots”
Which of the statements does not describe Reverend Kumalo ?
He is the narrator of the story
Who is Reverend Kumalo’s brother ?
John is his brother
Who is Gertrude ?
She is the Reverend’s sister
To what was Reverend Kumalo referring when he said “….. once such a thing is opened, it cannot be shut again ?”
He was referring to a letter he had just received. The reader would be irreversibly affected
One may also symbolically infer that once a person is made aware of a problem, he cannot turn away; the problem will not go away by itself, action must be taken. What is the literary term for this kind of statement ?
This is called symbolism
Why did Stephan Kumalo go to Johannesburg ?
He went to help his sister who was not well
True or False: “The lights fall on the grass and stones of a country that sleeps.” This quote from the book means that the natives and whites are becoming aware that the problems of social injustice cannot be ignored anymore
What does “Umfundisi” mean
It means reverend or pastor
“The journey had begun and now the fear was back again….” Which of the following was not one of Kumalo’s fears ?
He had fears of getting lost and being able to find his way home
What happened to Kumalo when he first arrived in Johannesburg ?
A young man pretended to help him but instead stole his money
Who is Msimangu ?
He is reverend who helps Kumalo
Who is Mrs Lithebe ?
She rents a room to Kumalo
Which of these describes Gertrude’s sickness ?
She is morally corrupt
True or False: Kumalo is very sympathetic to his sister’s illness
What is Kumalo’s brother doing in Johannesburg ?
He is a shop-keeper turned politician. He speaks in public for the natives’ cause
“The tragedy is not that things are broken. The tragedy is that they are not mended again. What does Msimangu mean ?
It is bad enough that there is such injustices in South Africa, although one can see how it came about. The wrong comes in that the injustices have not been eliminated since they have been recognized
“It is _________ that rules this land.” What rules the land ?
Fear rules the land
Which of these does not happen when Kumalo first meets his sister in Johannesburg ?
They embrace warmly, happy to see each other
What did Kumalo do for Gertrude and the child to symbolize starting a new life ?
He bought them new clothes
True or False: Kumalo’s first meeting with his brother was successful. He confronted his brother, who gave him straightforward answers to his questions
What is Msimangu’s one hope for his country ?
He hopes that the blacks and whites will work together for the good of their country
Why did Dubula ask Kumalo and Msimangu to walk instead of taking a bus ?
The natives who used the bus were protesting a fare increase and were refusing ride the bus
The government is more afraid of Dubula than of Tomlinson or John Kumalo. What do they say Dubula has ?
He has the heart
What did Mrs. Mkize tell them about Absalom ?
He had been stealing goods and was in bad company
What is the point of Chapter 9 in relationship to the novel’s themes ?
Chapter 9 is used to emphasize, elaborate on, and personalize the terrible conditions under which that natives of South Africa were living
When Kumalo finally reached Pimville, where Absalom was supposed to be living, what did he find ?
He found a young native girl with who Absalom was suppose to be living but who he had apparently abandoned
A certain news headline and article grabbed the attention of the priests at the Mission House. What was the article about ?
It was about the murder of a young white man who was an advocate for the native cause
Who are James and Arthur Jarvis ?
Arthur Jarvis is a young white man who was an advocate for the native cause, and James Jarvis was his father
“Cry, the beloved country, these things are not yet at an end.” Which of the following is not being referred to in this quote from the story ?
“…the decline of family values…”
Some people think more police protection is necessary
All of the people agree that the natives need to be given a useful place in society
The natives think the whites should pay higher taxes in order to help the poorer natives
The Africans-speaking churches want the restrictions on native labor and enterprise removed
What news of Absalom does Mrs Ndlela give Msimangu ?
The police are looking for him
To what decision did Kumalo come in Ezenzeleni ?
He would work to rebuild Ndotsheni
Where does Kumalo finally meet Absalom ?
They meet at the jail
Which statement describes their meeting ?
The meeting is cool at best
How does John decide to handle his son’s defense ?
He will lie and say his son wasn’t there, that Absalom is seeking revenge for something else
True or False: Father Vincent says, “Sorrow impoverishes always, while fear may enrich.”
True or False: Kumalo was very understanding and forgiving to the girl. He didn’t ask her any questions
True or False: Kumalo and the girl agreed that she would marry Absalom and then go to live with Kumalo and his wife as their daughter-in-law
True or False: Mrs Lithebe talked to the girl about the advantages of living as a single mother in a large city over living in the country
True or False: Mr. Carmichael is the attorney who agreed to take Absalom’s case pre deo